Monkey Pants said:
Hi Everybody!
Just wanted to say that we appreciate the thoughtful feedback and analysis here. I can't go into line by line explanations or dialogues about everything, but we read every word and it will help make future games better.
- The DS team.
PS. So far, my main takeaways are that you want lots more infinite respawn Necromorph gang fights and asteroid shooting sequences. Right?
Oo... good. I have a lot of feedback and sugggestions. I'm already replaying on Round 6 (awesome idea to let me choose difficulty for New Game+. Really!).

Possible spoilers...
1. icon GUI in the store was awesome, but maybe a way of grouping the same items into a single icon in the banked inventory would be good so I'm not scrolling all the way down - like how windows task bar groups the same programs. Press A to select, have an adjustable counter to sell/move whatever number of the item. Also group between item types: Health Packs, Ammo, Weapons, Armour. Select each to access sub-group listing the individual items...
Yes, I actually did max out the number of items I could store away...
2. Really liked that there was not-so-obvious backtracking of environments despite copy/paste, but still seamless transitioning.

More variety would be nice of course.
3. Detonator gun was neat. Definitely something I didn't use much, but on retrospect there are plenty of areas I could have used it. Maybe it needs an upgrade to significantly increase the area it covers on deployment, not just splash damage. Turn it into a turret?
4. Sniper weapon seemed a bit pointless without having larger open areas. Still a good weapon.
5. much more responsive controls for isaac was great, particularly the faster melee cooldown time. Default control config was pretty good for me (360).
6. Would like to see a horde defense against AI instead of strictly multiplayer team vs team. Or maybe co-op? Mix things up with more randomly spawning A.I. for multiple players. I don't care if it's true co-op (story integration) ala Gears or just drop-in ala Halo.
Though I think there was a little bit of random spawning in certain areas where I was running around back and forth. It wasn't endless spawning on first encounter, but here and there over some time. Made it seem less empty and more "alive. That was just my experience in the last areas of the game.
I suppose it's part of the draw of the online component... :s Online co-op would be nice then.
7. optional mini-games were nice in DS1. Was a bit disappointed to see they were gone. The puzzles/non-action sequences were nice (e.g. fitting in pieces aboard the Ishimura, moving the solar arrays, iron man flying, using the explosive canisters to destroy clear out the path with the giant tentacles...). Not too frustrating. Would have liked to see more of the oxygen-deficient sections ala the boulder manipulating in DS1. I suppose variety and novelty was a concern for DS2.
8. Let me skip the animation sequence for outfitting Isaac into the different armours. Or at least make it faster after the first time you've put a particular one on.
9. What happened to giant boss fights? The quick-timed events were nice, not too frequent. Good riddance to the asteroid fight.

I really enjoyed the fight where you had to throw back the explosive bits at the boss. hm... though I never tried that with the one space creature in DS2 that shot stuff at you...
10. Super fast necromorphs.. dreaded in DS1. Was hoping to see them again in DS2 just for variety. They would have made a good case for using the detonator because I'm pretty much shooting necromorphs either way...
11. would have liked to see multiple chances/methods to get rid of the ubermorph permanently whilst running away from it. I didn't like being limited to just running.
12. plasma sword/saw please. Aim trigger should let me walk around slowly with it but let me swing it when appropriate.

upgrades: Longer blade, lower energy consumption on hitting.

How about a suit upgrade so Isaac causes a small shockwave with the boot hitting the ground. It'd make it a little more useful against the little creepy crawlies.
13. special upgrade for certain weapons was really nice. Love the contact beam one with stasis. Suit upgrade for bigger flashlight? Maybe have additional special bonuses, but picking one special locks out other specials. e..g even bigger ammo clip beyond regular upgrade but not another special bonus to reload speed for example. Was thinking of the added bonuses as with the hacker contact gun.
14. save civilian in time so that he/she will open unlocked door with goodies? House of the Dead style...
15. destructable lights -> maybe isaac accidentally shoots out lights in a room making it harder to see for the player. It'd be similar to the danger of shooting out those glass walls...
16. Ability to repair destroyed stores/workbenches using a powernode or minigame?
17. branching paths ala Dead Space ignition. Give another reason for New Game+ (and achievements).
18. Areas with goodies accessible if you blast it open (caved-in entrances)? Different weapons, different amount of firing necessary. Something akin to that power node that was across the canyon in some box (need TK to grab after shooting it) and you could easily miss it.
19. why can't I sell back power nodes or suits I won't use?
20. good riddance to the mini-map.
21. really enjoyed isaac hallucinating. I was sort of expecting a hallucination sequence that meant betraying humans but you didn't find out until after the fact. Or maybe to make Isaac go the wrong way...
22. going through the ducts/jeffries tubes. Nice touch for seamlessness. Felt a bit of a nod to Bioshock with the little sisters. Again, branching path possibility?
23. Isaac talking didn't bother me. Thought it was well handled.
That's it for now... will edit as I think of more things...
24. Other thing I liked was the Ishimura trip. Pretty nice seeing it all with the white covers. Heh, wouldn't mind it used in a dream sequence/nightmare that changes things up even further. Makes it more of a surprise...