DS3 was a game filled with so missed opportunities, its not funny.
I tried to defend them when they said ammo was universal, added in micro-transactions. "It's ok" I reasoned, "They adding in crafting, it'll balance out!" - It didn't.
I tried to defend them when they turned Ellie from a resourceful, witty human being in DS2 to a model (LOOK AT THOSE BOOBS DUDE!!111!) and placed her in a relationship with Isaac, who had seen FAR too much to even think about romance at that point.
"It's fine, just a cosmetic re-design, she'll still be the crafty, down-to-earth lady she was in DS2 - She wasn't.
Those are my biggest complaints, because honestly, I played the game once, and called it a day. Didn't touch the DLC even though the thought of the Moons was intriguing. I don't remember the finer details TBH.
The Flotilla was an awesome idea and so was Tau Volantis. Unraveling the mystery on the planet could've been handled so much better though. It really should have been them being stalked, a real "The Thing" kind of vibe, but they had to dial up the action to 11. SMH