dave is ok
aztek is ok
Will my 50% Valve coupon work on this since it's Source?
I'm guessing no 
I dont understand the $10 price tag... a half hour content would be something akin to buying a single television episode... not doubting the quality of the levels or anything, but when I can get 10-30hr games for the same price Im hard pressed to find the value in this even purely as an artistic statement
EDIT: noticed this is 2hrs...a bit longer than I thought, either way point still applies
I dont understand the $10 price tag... a half hour content would be something akin to buying a single television episode... not doubting the quality of the levels or anything, but when I can get 10-30hr games for the same price Im hard pressed to find the value in this even purely as an artistic statement
EDIT: noticed this is 2hrs...a bit longer than I thought, either way point still applies
Will my 50% Valve coupon work on this since it's Source?
I'm guessing no
Also worth noting
Unless the publisher is listed as Valve, no.
It is not.
I dont understand the $10 price tag... a half hour content would be something akin to buying a single television episode... not doubting the quality of the levels or anything, but when I can get 10-30hr games for the same price Im hard pressed to find the value in this even purely as an artistic statement
EDIT: noticed this is 2hrs...a bit longer than I thought, either way point still applies
I dont suppose this supports Steam Achievements? still buying it but would be nice if they were included
They were offered but turned down due to the fact it doesn't fit the game.
Does this game show up with a price on your Steam? Mine just says it unlocks in 1 day, and there's no indication of price and no option to buy...
Oh. Shows how many new games I buy off Steam then. Does that only happen with Valve titles?
Steam doesn't support preorders. It'll be available mid dayish tomorrow
huh? Steam does support preorders on most games.
Accordingly to Steam, "This game will unlock in approximately 1 day and 0 hours".
this just pushed me from "maybe" to "bought".Just to note, the art was done by Robert Briscoe, who was one of the environment artists on Mirror's Edge.
I realize my max price for any given game now is $15 (only HL2 games and Portal games are bought day1) so paying $10 for my is a lot for a short game....will wait for the steam sale on this one
i'd rather pay $10 for 2 hours that i control and can enjoy in the comfort of my home than $10+ for 2 hours in a cramped theater with chattering assholes.
I'll probably wait until the Weekend Deal is up before I grab this. Who knows, perhaps I'll need the $10 for Wolf '09!
I don't understand how people can make a buying decision on Dear Esther based on game review scores. That's like saying "I'm not going to buy this painting because Snobby Art Critic Magazine only gave it an 80%."
This is not meant to be a game, it's an interactive story.
But it's not. Dear Esther is a disjointed experience of walking around and listening. The two never meet in any meaningful way. It's pretty much the game for people who classify Bioshock as low art instead of a mess.
But it's not. Dear Esther is a disjointed experience of walking around and listening. The two never meet in any meaningful way. It's pretty much the game for people who classify Bioshock as low art instead of a mess.
I don't understand how people can make a buying decision on Dear Esther based on game review scores. That's like saying "I'm not going to buy this painting because Snobby Art Critic Magazine only gave it an 80%."
This is not meant to be a game, it's an interactive story. If you are looking for Call of Duty, you're going to be disappointed. I'm picking it up day one because I love this type of story (H.P. Lovecraft is my homey) and I want to give the developer money in support of what they've done.
Have you played this new version of Dear Esther? It's not disjointed in the least.
The Darkness II is 4 hours long and it's $50/60, soo....
Oh okay. Thanks for the info.
I was curt because your issue seems to be purely formal, not about the disparity between the "game" and its narrative, a complaint that can be made about BioShock because it tries to do so much more mechanically. Dear Esther is an interactive, audiovisual narrative. That's it.
Yeah, this is a pretty good definition.
My response was more about the lack of information about what's changed between the original and the remake.
is this crucial to a good story? i haven't played the original mod but i plan to play the remake so without additional context that i don't want to know yet, your point doesn't make a great deal of sense. plenty of great stories are told wherein two principal characters never actually meet.But it's not. Dear Esther is a disjointed experience of walking around and listening. The two never meet in any meaningful way. It's pretty much the game for people who classify Bioshock as low art instead of a mess.
is this crucial to a good story? i haven't played the original mod but i plan to play the remake so without additional context that i don't want to know yet, your point doesn't make a great deal of sense. plenty of great stories are told wherein two principal characters never actually meet.
also, please refrain from divulging any further points about the story/plot. i doubt the experience is ruined much from your comment, but now i'm going in knowing at least that much and it will color my expectations.