Hm. So it seems like the Youtube upload function is just straight-up broken? Doesn't work at all, and doing some searching around, I haven't been able to find anyone who's been able to get it to work.
Not that they seem to have put a lot of work into it; the title of the videos when you try to upload them is auto-set to "Kagero: Darkside Princess". Hey, TK? That's not the US title. :lol
EDIT: Never mind, found a fix! Seems like when Youtube changed how G+ integration works, they broke uploading from PS3.
1. Sign into your youtube channel
2. Click on the gear icon on the top right
3. Go to Youtube Settings
4. You should be on overview and click on Advanced
5. You will see your actual Youtube ID which will look something like "
[email protected] (Write down your actual YT ID somewhere)
6. Also, you will see Password in the overview as well. Change your password. (Write this down too)
7. Go to your replays on Deception IV and upload a vid to youtube
8. When it prompts you to enter Youtube ID and password, Enter your actual Youtube ID that ends in "" and enter your new password
Can confirm this works. Just uploaded this: