
What's this about?
This topic is about the fantasy stealth game Styx: Master of Shadows. A game so stealthy, no one actually noticed it. So, I guess that opening an official topic for the game is a good idea.
It is a third person fantasy adventure entirely based on stealth mechanics. The protagonist, the titular Styx - is a small green goblin, the kind you usually fend off in dozens in other fantasy games. Just, this one is a skilled assassin which can also use several magic tricks to accomplish his deadly missions.
The game is developed by Cyanide Studios, published by Focus Interactive and works as a prequel for Of Orcs and Men. It will be available next 7 october on PC, PlayStation 4 and Xbox One. Right now it is possible to pre-order it on Steam and get a 20% discount.
Just like in Dishonored you could either straight kill your target or arrange "accidents" in order to eliminate them without leaving a trace. According to the developers the game contains some kind of adaptive IA which makes the characters quite smart and not prone to be killed using always the same methods. Levels seems pretty wide and will allow for different approaches, providing also an interesting vertical extension (again, a-la Dishonored).
Styx can user both physical skills - such as climbing, a bit of parkour and melee combat proficiency - and magic abilities. In detail, he is also able to use the Amber Vision - some kind of night vision very useful while moving in the dark - and to literally puke out a clone of himself which could be remotely controlled in order to set special traps.
The game also contains several RPG elements: Styx skills will increase during the game, with six skill-trees to develop (explained in this blog post) and a seventh secret one to be unlocked.
Every mission contains 4 emblems to be gained by meeting certain conditions, such as finding all the collectibles, being unnoticed and so on.
The game is quite gore-y, filled with violent deaths, blood and guts. Easily impressed players are advised.
The official webpage of the games contains this description:
"Guide Styx through the winding Tower of Akenash, home to a Treeworld, source of the Amber – a powerful golden sap filled with magical properties - prowling through the shadows with aide of a host of special abilities refined throughout Styx’s 200 years of history. Within the many hallways and levels of the Tower of Akenash, Styx must avoid the humans who’ve the ability to easily overpower him. With Amber running through his veins, what Styx lacks in might he more than makes up for with stealth, as the golden elixir – often heavily guarded – raises his perception, sharpens his senses, and even offers the ability to turn him invisible for short periods of time."
The Stealthy Data Sheet
Title: Styx: Master of Shadows
Developer: Cyanide Studios
Publisher: Focus Interactive
Platforms: PC, PlayStation 4, Xbox One
Is this on Steam?: Oh, yeah!
Release Date: October 7 2014
Genre: Fantasy stealth game
Goblin Content: 100% more than other stealth games (with the exception of Shadow of Mordor)
Players: 1
Puke: Yes, a lot
Rating: 18+
So, it is violent?: Yep
Engine: Unreal Engine 3
Online Play: Nope

Press Quotes:
"Styx has everything that you would expect of a stealth game, but is also trying to deliver in areas that feel fresh and that would push the genre forwards. Guard AI in particular has always been a weak spot, but by giving you the tool to avoid or deal with an AI that isn’t totally predictable, tries to work in pairs and wants to investigate certain signs of mischief, it opens up new and interesting gameplay possibilities." (The SixthAxis)
"What happens when a small, stealthy goblin vomits out a clone of himself, which runs under a giant crate, attracting the attention of guards, while the original goblin cuts the hanging cable to crush the guards--and clone--beneath? You get one of the coolest interactions that I saw in my half-hour demo of Styx: Master of Shadows." (Gamespot)
"Cyanide Games consists of former Ubisoft employees, so it's easy to see how Styx: Master of Shadows clearly has roots in the stealth genre exemplified by Ubisoft series like Assassin's Creed and Splinter Cell. In our preview, we saw a lot of interesting things that gave the game its own personality. The fantasy setting and use of magic really help make Styx feel like it has a distinct identity. The stealth mechanics look polished, and having access to a friendly clone opens up a lot of possibilities that Sam Fisher never had. Look for a PC release of Styx in Q4 2014." (Worth Playing)
Useful Links:
Official Website
Focus Interactive Youtube Channel
Preview on The SixthAxis
"How Thief and Dishonored inspired Styx: Master of Shadows" (Gamespot)
Worth Playing Preview
Wikipedia Page
Developer's Blog
Game Trailer
E3 2014 Gameplay
25 Minutes of offscreen gameplay footage
Clone Gameplay Trailer
Assassin Green Trailer
Die Harder Trailer
Hardcore Gamer: 4.5/5
Strategy Informer: 5.5/10
Gamespot: 5/10
Hooked Gamers: 8.5/10
Gamesbeat: 7.5/10
Review aggregators:
Gamerankings (PC Version): 69/100
Metacritic (PC Version): 70/100
NeoGaf Review Thread: click here!