Most of this debate she's been angling for the general electorate, i.e., independents. She's looking past the primaries.why the heck did the hill waffle on the pot question, it's just a no brainer to say "decriminalize it" at the very least
Most of this debate she's been angling for the general electorate, i.e., independents. She's looking past the primaries.why the heck did the hill waffle on the pot question, it's just a no brainer to say "decriminalize it" at the very least
Shut the hell up with the "Bernie copied Hillary" and vice versa crap. They agree on the issues and every agreement has been something that is completely obvious.
Weed is already far ahead of gay marriage in 2008 in public support.
Playing the long game with it at this point feels pointless.
"It's my first day, Mr. McDuck."
Shut the hell up with the "Bernie copied Hillary" and vice versa crap. They agree on the issues and every agreement has been something that is completely obvious.
No doubt she is for legalizing I think. Id imagine just trying to not say too much until the time is rightwhy the heck did the hill waffle on the pot question, it's just a no brainer to say "decriminalize it" at the very least
Clinton just lost the pot reform crowd to Bernie.
It's only taboo for establishment politicians.Oh, eat shit Hillary.
The fact this topic is so taboo in America in 2015 is just infuriating.
I just hope Bernie doesn't become Dem version of GOP Ron Paul...
Weed is already far ahead of gay marriage in 2008 in public support.
Playing the long game with it at this point feels pointless.
A full time job? Of course not, that's ridiculous and no-one should have that expectation. But 10-15 hours a week, especially if you are a recent high-school graduate and perhaps haven't had a job up until that point? I still hold that if 10-15 hours a week actually screws with your curriculars you are doing something wrong from a scheduling perspective. I worked 20-25 hours a week sophomore year on and still managed to get an engineering degree with a good GPAI kind of think it's exactly the opposite way around--it should hurt her, but it won't (too minor of a point to blow up and it's not like truly comprehensive post-secondary education reform is a real possibility anyway). College diplomas today have effectively become the normal expectation for many careers, being today what high school diplomas used to be like 50 years ago. That being the case, college education should be something that everyone has access to without worrying about funding it, so that should be taken care of by having it be funded through taxes.
And thus, just like with high school, there shouldn't be an expectation of having to work during college in order to pay for it so that students can truly focus on giving their all to their education and not have to worry about dividing their attention between their jobs and their education. It's certainly possible to even work a full-time job while going to university full-time: many people do just that and that's admirable. But that shouldn't actually be required in any sense. If people do want to solely focus on their education, and give their all to their university classes, not worrying about dividing their efforts they should be able to do just that without any type of penalty. It's certainly possible to do both, but it shouldn't be required in any sense, and just like we don't require kids in high school to get jobs to fund their secondary education in any sense, we really should do the same for university education as it just makes sense to me that with that reduced stress by being able to fully focus on their education, it will produce better students, just like it does in secondary. Students should perhaps be commended if they to balance work and university at the same time, but it should by no means be an expectation or requirement, so I'm more with Sanders though.
Of course, it's a wash anyway because Sanders reforms probably don't have any chance of getting past Congress even if he wins, but regardless personally I didn't like Clinton's comment because it just sends the wrong message. Yes, it's fine and doable to both work and go to college at the same time, but people should be commended for pursuing post-secondary education to begin with and we should be making that as easy for them as possible, with as few hurdles. Requiring students to work might make the program have a better chance of passing Congress, but has no real benefits for the students themselves and instead is just another hurdle to overcome which ideally wouldn't be there so that students can devote as much of their attention to their classwork and studying as possible with as few other distractions, especially in the case of say medical and law students who have such severe workloads as it is that such a requirement is kinda nuts (again, some somehow do it even then, but that should by no means be an expectation ideally). But like I said, it's a wash since it's not something that has a chance of happening anyway, so it's not really something that ultimately matters either way I guess.
DONE."It's my first day, Mr. McDuck."
So over the course of this debate, I went from apathy towards Bernie Sanders to outright supporting him.
Hillary is wrong on pot
She should get high. Its damn easy to triangulate when you're all stoned.
So shes not yet for it, but she doesnt people to go to jail for it
not for the general election, it's like gay marriage and Obama in 2008. She doesn't care what sounds best in the primary she is focused on winning the general.why the heck did the hill waffle on the pot question, it's just a no brainer to say "decriminalize it" at the very least
They're giving so little time to not Hillary/Sanders I cant even remember who the fifth guy is.
It's only taboo for establishment politicians.
A full time job? Of course not, that's ridiculous and no-one should have that expectation. But 10-15 hours a week, especially if you are a recent high-school graduate and perhaps haven't had a job up until that point? I still hold that if 10-15 hours a week actually screws with your curriculars you are doing something wrong from a scheduling perspective. I worked 20-25 hours a week sophomore year on and still managed to get an engineering degree with a good GPA
Regarding weed Hillary just picked the safe answer. No to recreational. Yes to medical and no to putting people in jail for low level and non-violence offenses. Can't really attack her on that I think and is likely where most people fall.
Nah. Fuck em.It is kind of fucked up that the other guys didn't even get asked about marijuana. Like, I get that they're gonna get less time than Bern and Hil, but they should at least get a few seconds on each question.
HIllary is done, potheads will come out and VOTE
It is kind of fucked up that the other guys didn't even get asked about marijuana. Like, I get that they're gonna get less time than Bern and Hil, but they should at least get a few seconds on each question.
I don't think it's a terrible idea for a Democratic politician to wait for a certain mass of states before coming out for recreational marijuana while also decriminalize or reclassifying marijuana on the federal level.
So over the course of this debate, I went from apathy towards Bernie Sanders to outright supporting him.
BOOMBernie needs to interrupt there and say "If you aren't willing to legalize MJ than how do you stop sending those people to jail?"
CNN is reporting that their streaming numbers for this debate have been higher than the numbers for their GOP debate. NICE.
The didn't really state the latter half though. She said wait for the states without clarifying it is still 100% illegal federally.
Love the passion, but sorry Bernie, but the House is out of reach. Just too gerrymandered for this next election.
It's amazing the difference in how civil this debate has been compared to the republican debate.
It's absolutely staggering.
It is kind of fucked up that the other guys didn't even get asked about marijuana. Like, I get that they're gonna get less time than Bern and Hil, but they should at least get a few seconds on each question.
It was more of a maybe to recreational. But she did say we have states from which to learn, implying she's not gonna stop state efforts
ya'll people getting too caught up on the royalan shitposting
Regarding weed Hillary just picked the safe answer. No to recreational. Yes to medical and no to putting people in jail for low level and non-violence offenses. Can't really attack her on that I think and is likely where most people fall. You still gotta work to get that recreational use with people I think.
why the heck did the hill waffle on the pot question, it's just a no brainer to say "decriminalize it" at the very least
finally lmao
Bernie won this debate! Fuck..thank you Bernie! If I wasn't broke tonight, I would blaze one in your honor!