It just brings you back to the inn and does nosthing else from what ive noticed. It also has unlimited use and never disappears, so just sell it if you need space.
What level should I be when facing? I'm going into Black Cage for the first time to grind a bit.Sol
I'm always so timid about using equipment for ether that one day I'm gonna be like "BREAK ALL THE THINGS DOWN TO ETHER" and just go crazy with it.
I've really hit a wall in Demon Gaze. So far I've been loving it, but I've found it a bit easy even playing on hot. My team so far is Gazer/Fighter/Healer/Assassin/Wizard and are all about Lv30-31. Basically I'm stuckAm I missing something? Am I underleveled? I feel my gear is pretty decent.on Luna at the top of the clock tower, every time I get up there I get torn to shreds by the front before I can even buff everyone with holy armor. What's most annoying is going up the tower each time I want to have a go so I can just get destroyed straight away.
I originally was selling all the equips I found for buying more rooms but now that I'm past there, I'm basically ethering everything I find.
Which then leads to the problem of MAH MUNIES?! Which is what will happen when you start rolling hard into upgrades for the higher rank stuff.
My policy on loots usually work like this:
Stuffs with + goes to Ether Mill
Regular stuffs goes to Weapon Shops (sorry Lezerem, you're an ass)
There are some instances where you receive an item beyond +10 that doesn't have an extra value when being sold, but worth a ton if you extract them.
26 of eachHow many skulls/mushrooms are there? I'm at 22, and I'm guessing there aren't many left.
I played about a hour of this game so far an it's great. I'm playing on normal difficulty which is fine but I feel so far the combat is a bit simple and all I'm doing is the attack command and repeating it once I get my demon out. Hopefully it gets more strategic? I only have myself and a paladin and followed advice to get a healing staff which has proved very invaluable between fights. Does the game get deeper and harder though?
Crafting seems a bit confusing im just putting any gem I have Into the three slots. Don't really know how it works do I get a more powerful sword if I put three sword gems instead of one? What about a mixture of different types of gems? What's the best approach?
Also are there any missable trophies?
It only really gets strategic on bosses and a few off the wall hard fights(like Gold Drake which just pops up every once in a while in one dungeon). Of course I'm just playing it on the default setting, not sure how much harder it gets on higher difficulties. To me, I feel the difficulty on the default setting doesn't come so much from every fight but from you making multiple runs deeper and deeper into a map as you hop back to the inn to sell, ether extract and strengthen gear as your inventory gets full. But perhaps that's just my play style and I'm sure that made the game easier as in a way it is basically grinding where as if I tried to do each map in one go, discarding loot as my inventory got full just so I could make it to the boss in one go would have meant I'd have worse gear and less levels than I ultimately did by the time I got to the bosses.I played about a hour of this game so far an it's great. I'm playing on normal difficulty which is fine but I feel so far the combat is a bit simple and all I'm doing is the attack command and repeating it once I get my demon out. Hopefully it gets more strategic? I only have myself and a paladin and followed advice to get a healing staff which has proved very invaluable between fights. Does the game get deeper and harder though?
Well, it's not really crafting.Crafting seems a bit confusing im just putting any gem I have Into the three slots. Don't really know how it works do I get a more powerful sword if I put three sword gems instead of one? What about a mixture of different types of gems? What's the best approach?
I think the only missable trophy is the perfect renter one, the one where you haven't owed rent for however long you have to go(it is a long time), once you get that though you could then use all your money and owe rent to get the owed rent trophy, everything else can be got without a second play through.Also are there any missable trophies?
It only really gets strategic on bosses and a few off the wall hard fights(like Gold Drake which just pops up every once in a while in one dungeon). Of course I'm just playing it on the default setting, not sure how much harder it gets on higher difficulties. To me, I feel the difficulty on the default setting doesn't come so much from every fight but from you making multiple runs deeper and deeper into a map as you hop back to the inn to sell, ether extract and strengthen gear as your inventory gets full. But perhaps that's just my play style and I'm sure that made the game easier as in a way it is basically grinding where as if I tried to do each map in one go, discarding loot as my inventory got full just so I could make it to the boss in one go would have meant I'd have worse gear and less levels than I ultimately did by the time I got to the bosses.
Well, it's not really crafting.
Here's the basics:
Each item has a rank, there's e, d, c, b, a and s ranks, e being the worst and s being the best. Now each map basically has a loot table of which things can drop, like Red City, the first map you really do is going to be all rank e stuff. You're not going to get a s rank item at Red City no matter what combination of gems you use.
Now, Gold, Silver and Bronze gems are essentially an attempt to pull from one zone higher than where you're at if that makes sense, it's not always a full rank increase but using a gold gem in your formula will increasing the chance of you pulling an item that would normally occur on the next map. Unsure of the exact minute difference between the bronze, silver and gold gems(probably just chance) but this is what they do.
A Strengthen gem increases the chance of an item coming already strengthened, so if you were going to pull a Golden Piercer before with a strengthen gem you have a higher chance of pulling a instead a Golden Piercer +20.
Using an item gem itself, bow, staff, sword, light armor, etc, means that for sure you will get one of those items. Using more than one bow gem for example will not give you a stronger bow but instead two different bows. Using a nameless gem can give you pretty much anything.
Now, it should be mentioned that artifact gems are especially valuable in that there are really only so many you can get and while you can always pull a sword, bow, armor or whatnot from a nameless gem only an artifact gem will give you an artifact. Nameless gems are the only gem where the item shop has an infinite stock, all others are finite. Further, all artifacts are unique items which means that you can only get one of each artifact each play through. Because of this some people recommend holding on to them to use in conjunction with Increase 2 or Increase 1 gems.
Increase 1 and 2 gems basically do just that, increase the amount of another gem, if you put down an artifact gem and an increase 1 gem on a circle you would get two artifacts after the battle, if you had used an artifact gem and increase 2 gem you would get 3 artifacts.
So basically Bronze, Silver, Gold gems increase your chance from pulling from a higher ranked loot table but you still have to use a nameless or item gem of some sort to actually pull something, strengthen increases the chances of the item coming strengthened, and then you have your item gem of choice.
Considering that in the end A and S rank gear is so much better than other gear you probably want to save your gold gems and Increase 2 gems until much later in the game, even though you can farm them, the process is so slow that I can't imagine anyone wanting to so wasting them to pull a D rank item at Red City is kind of a waste. Artifact gems are somewhat different in that since they're all unique in the first place there are some artifacts you want to aim for the second you get to the map where it's available.
It's my opinion that you don't worry about buying certain item gems like sword, katana and the like until late game where you really need lots of a particular item to strengthen the item you know you're going to keep because, again, unlike nameless gems, they can become sold out at the item shop, I know right now I'd kill to be able to go and buy 99 katana gems but I can't because I used them like crazy early on. Nameless gems on the other hand can be bought from the item shop forever, his stock never goes below 99, and in addition they have a slightly higher chance of pulling in something you've never got before so they're the gems I recommend using like crazy. So early on I would just use nameless, nameless, nameless as my combo for each circle. If artifact farming I'd go artifact, increase gem 1 or 2, increase gem 1 or 2. Later, much later like end of the game later, you'll get a chance to put down 4 gems per circle, when you get to that point the generally recommended formula for farming s rank gear is gold, gold, nameless and then either an increase 1 or 2 gem or another nameless but that is way down the line.
There's no English resource yet with a drop list for all items but these guys over at gamefaqs have a good faq with the list of where you can first farm for each artifact. It's here:
The artifact section is assuming that you are not using gold gems to try and pull from a loot table higher than where you are.
I think the only missable trophy is the perfect renter one, the one where you haven't owed rent for however long you have to go(it is a long time), once you get that though you could then use all your money and owe rent to get the owed rent trophy, everything else can be got without a second play through.
Though there is a trophy too for missing to pay rent right? "dont pay attention to trophies here" but could have sworn that there was one like that. Which kinda screws things up if there is a perfect payment one.
down finally, making a Ranger was a good idea. Now only need to get the 2 Muramasas to platinum the game.Quasar
I got that one easy. Saved -> spent all money -> went out -> came back -> oh noooooooo no rent money. Trophy. Loaded save and continued with my day!
What triggers model resident?
You need to pay rent a set number of times in a row, dont know how many times but its between 30-50 i think.
You didn't already miss rent once and get that trophy did you? I got the model tenant, renter, whatever trophy and for reference my rent is now at 3728, and that's after getting the trophy several rent payments prior.Something's broken then, because I've never missed rent, and I just sat here and paid it another 60 times. I sold all my gear just so I'd have the money.
Maybe this is a sign telling me not to go for the platinum. Those Muramasas sound like a royal pain anyway. I think I'll beat the last bonus boss and call it a game.
You didn't already miss rent once and get that trophy did you? I got the model tenant, renter, whatever trophy and for reference my rent is now at 3728, and that's after getting the trophy several rent payments prior.
Man, the next game by these guys has wicked art, I hope this game does well enough to bring this over:
That sucks.I did, but I reloaded afterward, so it shouldn't be affecting this save.
Hey where'd/how'd you get thePlatinum get! My 2nd platinum.
Amazing game, hope more of their games get localized. I'll be there day1.
That sucks.
Hey where'd/how'd you get theBig Muramasa, I guess what gem combo and circle did you use? I can't for the life of me get it to drop.
Ugh, was sorta afraid of that lol, guess I gotta just keep trying. Thanks.Used a nameless gem, 2 gold gems and a +2 gem in. Drops the same way and in the same place as the normal one.Quasars realm
What screenshots are you referring to exactly? I have a good number of them.Surprised theres not a way to hide the conversation text in this game, its like they dont care about my need to take screenshots of the character art at all![]()
Heh, I was always ready to snap it before the text came up.Surprised theres not a way to hide the conversation text in this game, its like they dont care about my need to take screenshots of the character art at all![]()
What screenshots are you referring to exactly? I have a good number of them.
Can anyone help me out here? I feel like an idiot. I can't seem to find where in the game it describes what each of the characters stats govern. I have a general idea but I'd like to have a actual detailed list of what they all do.
I can't seem to get this to load on my phoneYou should read this.
Have you finished the game? I just did 60 rent payments in a row after getting the 10th demon (but not the key) with no trophy.I did, but I reloaded afterward, so it shouldn't be affecting this save.
Have you finished the game? I just did 60 rent payments in a row after getting the 10th demon (but not the key) with no trophy.
I'm thinking we might need to be at a certain point in the syory
Well, balls.I beat it, yeah. I tried it right before I fought Aries.