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Denmark taking children from parents in "muslim ghettos" for 25 hours a week for education in Danish/Christian values

Well, I'm not sure how I feel about this plan. It seems rather extreme. I certainly don't like the tone of the Danish prime minister, but... it's clear things aren't working out well at the moment.

Just a few weeks ago the results of a Dutch research were published. Turns out Muslim immigrants are turning to their faith, and becoming more devout, and in some cases extremely so. Why is that? Because they feel like they can belong, like they can have an identity. It's because they don't connect with the native Dutch populace.

Is it because they just won't? Is it because they can't? If so, is it because of the native populace or are the immigrants themselves to blame? If you ask me, it's a combination of factors.

It can't be easy, leaving your home country, to flee poverty, or even war, leaving behind people and places you love. With all of that baggage, I suppose it could be difficult to integrate smoothly into a culture entirely different from your own. I can understand they may need some help there.

But on the other hand, how are the native populace to handle this kind of situation? In many cases these newcomers didn't, or even still don't speak the language. Their culture directly opposes some of our core values. It's not easy to find a middle ground there. This probably rings true for the entirety of western Europe.

So in the end, perhaps extreme measures like this one will work to integrate the next generation into western society somewhat better. At the very least it might be worth a shot.


They've probably realized by now there is no changing/saving the adults at this point. Might as well start with a new generation and hope they grow up respecting Danish values?

Yea I understand that.. I’m not a big fan of the politicians that have put this into work.. because they are pretty right leaning(well the ruling party is right wing, there supporting party is ultra right wing when it comes to immigration).. but i don’t see this as a bad “experiment”, because there are groups of immigrants that have closed them selves out of the Society they live in..

who’s fault is it? I’m not sure there is a clear answer for that.. also I’m not sure that this is the only thing that has been put forward to combat the imgigrant ghettos forming.. if it is then it’s probably because the parties that have pushed this through sees the older generations as a lost cause.. and that’s unfortunate..

I need to read up on what else they have put forward.. I’m afraid that, that is more damaging than this is.. which I actually find kind of ok :)

I don’t know how it is where you live.. but here the right and the wellbeing of the child always comes first.. Not saying that they would just remove children from there parents on a whim.. but specially educated social workers are helping parents to tackle there problems and only in very very few instances will find it necessary to remove the child.

It is still a little creepy that they would actually say and do this. It is almost like religious conversion where you get them when their young. But it does make sense, since it is much easier to sculpt a mind that hasn't been already "brainwashed" to their parents previous culture. I would think the governments next step would be to break up the muslim ghettos and separate them from the ease of sinking back into their old culture with people from their original countries. I'm not talking about kicking folks out on the street but possibly relocating/offering families less ghetto areas to live in and creating programs for the families to participate together to beome more Danified instead of only the kid.


Don't particularly disagree with them if it's just like an education thing. It is controversial but you gotta find a way to integrate those children into their society and culture or else they will cause problems in the future.


It's not that bad when you think about it.
The parents will be wanting to stay there and no reason the kids shouldn't have a chance to grow-up with equal footing as everyone else. The only negative is the parents side in them having to accept change but that is on them and their decision to relocate.
I just thought of this: a lesser-appreciated benefit of public schooling is that -- if the country has laws protecting children like every Western country does -- then it is an escape for the child, who can report abuses at home to the authorities and get it taken care of.

I can see the concern about "indoctrination", but now that I think about it, I'm a citizen of the USA and I would be in serious trouble if I didn't send my kids to school or at least provide equivalent schooling at home (laws vary by state, but it's illegal to just not school your kids in most areas, as far as I know). So, if a citizen gets in trouble for not sending their kids to school, why should a migrant family hoping to join the country get off the hook?
It's not that bad when you think about it.
The parents will be wanting to stay there and no reason the kids shouldn't have a chance to grow-up with equal footing as everyone else. The only negative is the parents side in them having to accept change but that is on them and their decision to relocate.
Yeah, I mean they even suggest putting on gps bracelets for some of the young males when they are out past 8 pm.


I guess I missed this part in the article "“Maybe this is what they always thought, and now it’s out in the open,” she said. “Danish politics is just about Muslims now. They want us to get more assimilated or get out. I don’t know when they will be satisfied with us.” "

Almost yelled "WHEN YOU ASSIMILATE" at the monitor when reading the bold


Danish unemployment is at around 4.8% as of February 2018.. doesn’t sound very high to me..

And the immigrant community likely represents a good majority of that 4.8% i.e. "Mjolnerparken is, by the numbers, one of Denmark’s worst ghettos: 43 percent of its residents are unemployed, 82 percent come from “non-Western backgrounds, 53 percent have scant education and 51 percent have relatively low earnings." My point being those living in the worst of conditions will be the least likely to want to adapt to broader cultural norms that have no direct food-to-mouth relationship.


Golden Boy
Western values can be taught organically by getting rid of welfare and social programs.
I believe in actively integrating them into society, however, what you say may be an option for the recently immigrated adults if they don’t follow certein programs.
I for one belive that especially muslim men need to be taught what we expect from them regarding behavior towards women.

I guess I missed this part in the article "“Maybe this is what they always thought, and now it’s out in the open,” she said. “Danish politics is just about Muslims now. They want us to get more assimilated or get out. I don’t know when they will be satisfied with us.” "

Almost yelled "WHEN YOU ASSIMILATE" at the monitor when reading the bold
I think integrate it the better term here. Nobody wants them to completely give up their culture and adopt ours, but they should respect the values and traditions of the western world they live in just as much as they expect us to respect their traditions. And respecting their traditions does not mean letting them live on like they used to live back in whatever country they came from, as some things just dont match our standards here and which is were they need to adapt.
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First of all they are daycare centers. Something almost every Danish child goes to. And yes of course they will also talk about Christmas when it happens but they will not brainwash it into the child. This article is way over the top and typical "journalism". The point is that many families in these ghettos do not integrate one bit. They mostly do not speak the language, they live in their parallel worlds and this is a HUGE problem which we need to tackle. And punish the ones who do not is a way to do this.
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Really need to see what the actual regulation is rather than a piece from a journalists take on what it supposedly is.


Finally people are waking up. It's harsh no doubt, but it's necessary.

It's dark but after moving to the south - Florida - and seeing how much the people here like to duplicate I think i might agree.

My coworker from my last job making half as much as much and living at home now 12 months later is almost due with her first born and pushing a pyramid scheme on Facebook as her source of income; I'm not saying she didn't find the love of her life, get her act together and find more income to secure a future in the 3 months span after I left.... I'm saying as a betting man I think "settled and has no real clue on running her future" is a better bet.

I don't think I support the idea but for f@#$ sake we need to stop the lower class from multiplying at such astronomical rates; Idiocracy is all too real.
I don't think I support the idea but for f@#$ sake we need to stop the lower class from multiplying at such astronomical rates; Idiocracy is all too real.

No, you need to find ways to get the lower classes to move up into the middle class. They'll stop the wild multiplying once they have a taste for the better life and realize you can have a better life with 1 or 2 kids instead of 5 or 8.

Keeping those 5 or 8 kids in poverty/same conditions means they'll each have 5 or 8 kids and so on and so forth. A rising tide lifts all boats (and you need less boats!)


Really, really hope Britain does something similar, zero tolerance for families not willing to assimilate.
The locals built the country these immigrants wanted to live in. Copying their culture of the locals is a good way to ensure that society doesnt move backwards - especially if they're already claiming welfare. You gotta respect the hand that feeds you.


I do think it's interesting that elsewhere this discussion is labeled "Denmark harsh new laws for non white non Christians".

That is certainly one way to put a spin on the discussion before people even read it.

One of the quotes from the article:

Is that only in "ghettos" where its so high?
yes it’s mostly in these areas that the unemployment is high.. and it’s a big problem in those areas.. is it not all there fault though.. but it’s not all the danish government fault either.. there are some personal responsibilities too, to like learn the language and not start your own little bubble in Society.. the migrants that thrive here moves into places that are not dominated by a foreign culture, because they have easier access and are opend up to how the society works, unlike the once in the ghettos, who just brings there own culture and thinks it’s the same here.. they have a very poor understanding on how the government, laws and infrastructure works here.. and only watch and consume media from the part of the world they came from.. it’s partly a failing of our government, because I’m sure that they did want a better life when they came here, but it’s a different world from where they came, where you need to have some education no matter what you want to work with.. and a lot of them come from rural areas in there countries where school maybe wasn’t of the highest priority..
So they get stuck in the system and slowly gives up on there dreams even though they have acces to school and everything to get them there.. it’s just to much for them to manage..


Shades of Canada's Residential Schools....

That was a good idea definitely, I don't know why the very thought of it is so stigmatized. I mean, having a place where parents can take their kids and they can learn about the Canadian way of life, culture and guarantee an education level, that's great to me.

It was just implemented very poorly.
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OK, so really this boils down to poor families getting 25 hours free childcare a week. Most people would love to receive this (seeing as I am paying nearly £900 a month to send my three year old to nursery for 4 days a week I'd bite their hand off).

The question to ask is why would anyone not want their child to attend?


Sorry hit post by mistake.

While we are far gone, you're not suggesting we give up, to give the birth place of western values to a barbaric death cult would be devastating.
Honestly, I think England is to far gone. The EU have no interest in controlling the immigration issue, and it seems like the establishment leaders(beside italy and some small countries) don't give a shit.

How is brexit doing?
Honestly, I think England is to far gone. The EU have no interest in controlling the immigration issue, and it seems like the establishment leaders(beside italy and some small countries) don't give a shit.

How is brexit doing?

England, Belgium and France are pretty much lost cases not only they ignore problem but there's also huge backlash there against anyone pointing problem exists. Germany and Sweden probably have last chance to wake up depending on CSU actions and election results.
There's also huge problem of EU institutions being totaly dominated by left wing if we can't change it in 2019 elections then European project will be dead in few dozens of years.


Absolutely disgusting. While I understand its aim, it is immoral and tyrannical for government to indoctrinate values. This is a parents' job.
incorrect. It's a government's job to secure its borders, and its citizens from threats. Allowing people to come into a country and not conform to that nation's policies and way of life is poisonous to the country itself. It's called a soft invasion.

In making sure people who come into a country understand what that country is all about, it is ensuring that the country continues on as it is.

It's a very simple concept, and very effective.
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