I really hope they patch it so players like you take hours to finish a single raid. I really hope they do.
Don't fall off that high horse you got there. 🙄
I really hope they patch it so players like you take hours to finish a single raid. I really hope they do.
I dont think it even has to be one match which is really weird. The wording is different than actual practice.It doesn't help that the daily IB challenges want people to cap 5 in one match. That shouldn't be a problem in normal play, but I can see many just trying to knock those out asap.
I dont think it even has to be one match which is really weird. The wording is different than actual practice.
I'll be looking to Prestige NF @ 1111PM EST.
Is there going to be Trials this week? Or does Trials get cancelled on IB weeks?
So, we would have three "Newbie" raids running this weekend to get more people the ability to experience them, but we need some help from the greater DGAF community. We need both Sherpa's to donate a few hours of time, as well as some newbs that want to learn the mechanics and how to communicate effectively to complete the raid!
Do we have 2 other Sherpas available in the DGAF community to lead the below newbs through the raid this Sunday?
Sunday Newb Raid:
Starts at 7:00pm bst sharp. (NA Folks: 2pm EST/11am PST)
- Ruthless_Barbarian (need PSN/verification)
- ?
- Mazzbags
- Dark1421
- Hugstable
- Rehsa (psn?)
*1 spot for another sherpa or noob.
I can guide on Sunday if another is needed.
I can probably only go for 3-4 hours max, though, if that's enough. If so, my PSN is also Balphon.
Great! Ruthless is getting up at 5am Aussie tine to help out! Gotta love that!
Me! PSN lunlunqqAbout to run Nightfall PS4, need 1. Thought I'd ask here first.
PSN: LordCastamere
One day you'll grow up and have a wife, kids and a job. Then we'll talk.
Then we can talk, lol.So if people have that, or are older than you and still don't agree with you then what?
One day youll grow up and have a wife, kids and a job. Then well talk.
Don't fall off that high horse you got there. 🙄
Then we can talk, lol.
Raids are easy when you only run with people who know and understand the mechanics. Typically, I run with people that I have to teach along the way, which is cool, but adds a lot of time to the process.
Took us 5 hours this week, most of which was spent teaching and trial and error as the new folks became comfortable with things, or replacing people that had to leave midway.
Anything that speeds that process up and saves me from wife aggro, is a good thing in my books. I work about 60 hours/week and want to spend time with my family when Im home and Destiny can make that tough because at the end of the day, its one big giant time sink.
Nightfall anyone? Need 2PSN: Zeretius
Sure. Name same as here
Yeah it's too hard to back out of an encounter. You're engaged with one guy ok cool then his buddy shows up and it feels like there's nothing you can really do but shoot them too but you'll inevitably die. I might just be bad at PVp though.Crucible needs to be re-worked. getting shot through corners is fucking infuriating - it makes getting out of encounters fucking impossible - exacerbated by the team shooting
Crucible needs to be re-worked. getting shot through corners is fucking infuriating - it makes getting out of encounters fucking impossible - exacerbated by the team shooting
I really hope they patch it so players like you take hours to finish a single raid. I really hope they do.
Getting up lol
Sleep is for the weak.
I'm about to be done with Destiny 2. All the events are PVP based because they can't be bothered to actually make interesting events or content for PVE players. Then on top of that even when I do PvP, finishing the whole season of tolen turn ins. I only manage to get one piece from the actual armor set. They take out all the interesting perks on gear, neuter skill trees and over simplify classes all the balance pvp. But leave in that gold old trash RNG so you still have something to grind for because without these simplified token events all that's left is a frail shell of a game.
Even for PVP focused players this cannot be that enjoyable.
The bad part is you know in 1, 2, or 3 months they will patch the game so the next IB has armor drop every game end scoreboard, SINCE THAT MAKES SENSE AND HOW IT HAPPENED IN D1 Y3, so trying too hard now to get armor just means you will have that armor a few weeks before someone can do it in 1/10th the time.
Um, when did Bungie add a remake of that one venus map from Destiny 1? My roommate just got into a game on a Nessus Map that is just a skin of that one. Never seen it before, did it unlock like the raid map?
Bungie introduced/released it with the Iron Banner event.
I really hope they patch it so players like you take hours to finish a single raid. I really hope they do.
I just spoiled the season 1 IB reward for myself and glad that I did before I decided to grind for it.
Mob Justice
Hero's Burdon
Mida tool
The Showrunner
Any of these subs worth anything?
Would you guys recommend Destiny 2 to someone who only played vanilla Destiny 1 and though that it was just okay?
200 I thinkHow many coins do I need to get 10 packages?
200 I think
Asking you to play the game properly and not do a stupìd glitch cause you can't spent more effort in improving the way you play or explaining somebody else how to is being in a high horse?
No, but being condescending & wishing an inconvenience to others just because they aren't playing the game the way you want them to certainly qualifies. More so to the fact that their PvE experience has no impact on yours.
To most (or some), I'm sure the idea of spending 20/30 minutes on an encounter & having the rest of their day free sounds much better than spending 4/6, even 8 hours of their day running the same encounter over & over. To people like you & I, it is something we enjoy doing so we don't mind to put in the time to learn the encounters, but that isn't the case for everyone that plays this game.
Please don't belittle others over how they're playing the game, we're better than that.
But still i am disappointed. What this game could have been. Oh man.
I've been having plenty success with The Showrunner.Mob Justice
Hero's Burdon
Mida tool
The Showrunner
Any of these subs worth anything?
Mob Justice
Hero's Burdon
Mida tool
The Showrunner
Any of these subs worth anything?
But people say year 3 (more like year 6) is going to be the bomb, keep the disc just in case.