I'd like a spot if possible, my PSN is in my profile.
Thanks for setting up all of these raids, by the way.
We have a second group running if u want in
I'm looking to run the raid for the first time tonight. I am free starting at 6pm EDT (a little under two hours from now). 274 Hunter, PS4.
Any groups forming up that I can join?
Will you be availible for a few hours starting at 10pm est?
Ok, we have 2 sherpas and few guy to run it. I'll send you info in a coupke hours
Got the gauntlets, only the helmet is missing. The set looks good but shaders don't go well with it
I do my psn is same as usernameAnybody need the nightfall?
Anybody need the nightfall?
I am playing way to much Legion Gulch. Like the game knows i hate it.![]()
the maps in this game are so bad. there's this one with the cabal jump lift things where zone A and C are on one side and B is on the other side (as in you have to go through the lift thing to catapult you to that side of the map), so bad. so so bad. i hate it so much.
I have a 299 warlock. Doing iron banner but if anybody needs an extra for nightfall, add me on psn - killersense
We have a second group running if u want in
I think you already sent me an message on PSN, does that mean I'm good to go?
Yup, ypur in the psn chat with wiesga and Pandora, right?
2 groups running, so I'm losing my mind a lil.
I could play a couple cards.I feel like shooting stuff. Wagon, trials whatever.
I believe I have hit the nothing left to do wall. I Have all the exotics at 305 all the raid armor at 305 as well. I cant believe Im saying this I miss the grind from D1. I hope they make some good changes for the endgame with the first DLC. I like it just dont have the reason to play as much like I did in D1. When I hit this point in the first game I just played crucible, but in this game its not as fun for me. Anyways just my thoughts.
Just did nf 3 times with 4min 30sec left each time. Any tips and tricks to break the 5 min barrier?
Yup, ypur in the psn chat with wiesga and Pandora, right?
2 groups running, so I'm losing my mind a lil.
Have a Nightstalker.
We had 2... Still doing something inefficient I guess.
Yah i wouldn't roll 2, how are you doing on the screw part?
Better devils is mine! Complete with a 305 mod as well and a badass dead orbit shader.
Ive had a great week for RNG loot.
I agree wholeheartedly! When Id rather grade homework rather than play crucible something is wrong.
Screw part? The drill activation part?
if you guys need help, i can give it a go.Screw part? The drill activation part?
I have some bad news about next week... Tokens!
I cannot find leg armor for Hunter class that has recovery.
I keep finding leg armor that has mobility and resistance and the option to double one or the other, but never put it towards recovery, so the highest my Hunter recovery ever gets is 3.
Is there a way to get the recovery up higher, or is Hunter forever boned?
Edit: I just checked Iron Banner gear sets, and Iron Truage Boots leg armor has the same stat toggles of all the other hunter boots. Whats the point of getting them other than a cosmetic difference? There is no real stat difference... This is what really annoys me about this game 😡
Hunter recovery arms and boots are bugged. You should be able to get 2 more recovery for a maximum total of 8, but can't right now.
Nah after that where you have to get through the drill site. You guys making it past that in sub 30 secs?
I think you may have missed me on your invites as I haven't received anything and am not in the PSN chat.
I'm free for a newbie raid run at 10pm EST thanks Cornbread.
291 Warlock, PSN el_rezzo
I'll spend some time reading guides and seeing what weapons/mods are needed going in.
LF Fresh raid or IB
LF Fresh raid or IB
I'm free for a newbie raid run at 10pm EST thanks Cornbread.
291 Warlock, PSN el_rezzo
I'll spend some time reading guides and seeing what weapons/mods are needed going in.
In the UK with a broken body clock wondering if anyone's about for a run at the raid. Not had a chance to try it yet. I'm a 284 Warlock, PSN: dartfordgooner.