That's not co-existing that's just random weapon rolls. There is no value add to me with random rolls. I shard almost everything that comes my way so I don't miss the days of having to inspect everything first. Thinking back I now realize that all of my most satisfying 'chases' in Destiny 1 had fixed weapon rolls. Fatebringer, Vision of Confluence, Black Hammer/Spindle, Icebreaker were all fixed. I chased a godroll Hopscotch that was nerfed with quickness and that chase sucked.Random rolls and fixed rolls can both live peacefully together in the realm of Destiny.
Have all the vendors have "base" (fixed perks) weapons (as we do now). All players can purchase these with Destination tokens or Legendary Shards.
Have all vendors have those same weapons but with rotating weekly perks (just as we had in Year 3 of Destiny). All players can purchase these with Legendary Shards.
Have random rolls out in the wild in all activities by means of Legendary engrams.
There, everyone wins, no one is left behind. Duplicates or non-wanted gear/weapons becomes useful as Legendary Shards (finally gives this currency meaning).
People want random rolls but guaranteed loot in IB? Isnt that a contradiction?
I didn't realize our equipment locks on prestige. I brought some real shitty equipment for My badCool, one sec
People want random rolls but guaranteed loot in IB? Isn't that a contradiction?
That's not co-existing that's just random weapon rolls. There is no value add to me with random rolls. I shard almost everything that comes my way so I don't miss the days of having to inspect everything first. Thinking back I now realize that all of my most satisfying 'chases' in Destiny 1 had fixed weapon rolls. Fatebringer, Vision of Confluence, Black Hammer/Spindle, Icebreaker were all fixed. I chased a godroll Hopscotch that was nerfed with quickness and that chase sucked.
I could go with a crafting system.
I didn't realize our equipment locks on prestige. I brought some real shitty equipment for My bad
Sorry. Had to run for a bit too
We're done for tonight
We let the hunter run through while the rest stays behind to kill some more adds.
We end up at the boss with 8 min
That's where we stumble.
Yes, most drops are garbage. Adding rolls to them simply means I have to sort the garbage which is even less fun.Edit: There is a simple question to be asked here, why are you sharding almost everything that comes your way and do you find that fun? I'm suspecting because most of the gear/weapons are either duplicates or useless otherwise you're just not interested in it for whatever reason (looks, etc).
The part where you are waiting for the launchers to align can really pad your time. With roaming supers or chaining rocket launchers you can crush entire spawns easily.Just did nf 3 times with 4min 30sec left each time. Any tips and tricks to break the 5 min barrier?
Yes, most drops are garbage. Adding rolls to them simply means I have to sort the garbage which is even less fun.
That reminds me.Random perks would work beautifully, if Bungie would separate PvE and PvP balance. And we know they aren't ever going to do that.
Knew exactly where you were going with that when you said Paragon.I was thinking about Dupes and how Luke said how do you make say the 10th Better Devils be the same as say the first, with fixed rolls
Paragon has this mechanic where Dupes of cards can be leveled up for different borders but also slight bumps in % only PvE oriented
People want random rolls but guaranteed loot in IB? Isnt that a contradiction?
Pretty much my exact thoughts. Same kinda deal with those who missed the grind - just play IB, there's your grind.
Need one more for raid, got 5 ready to go. My PSN is Mazzbags.
Noobs welcome
Cmon man, you know that's not the same thing. People want to complete a set of gear in IB because it looks cool. People want random rolls on guns to give them a spice of life. How many guns in the loot pool are average or below average, and could be brought up to prominence if they had different perks?
I personally won't even play IB as much as I normally would because I know I'm not guaranteed that baller Hunter Helm if I put in enough effort. So why even try?
Cool. We're giving another member a couple more minutes, if we don't hear from him I'll shoot you an invitePsn Raidenshugelaser
305 hunter
My teammates spawning at A: 'Not so fast!'How is Emperor's respite in Iron banner even a thing? If you spawn at c you're 100% guaranteed to lose.
My teammates spawning at A: 'Not so fast!'
People want random rolls but guaranteed loot in IB? Isnt that a contradiction?
Need 1 player to help us do the Gauntlet in the raid if anyone's interested?
We're all first timers and almost beat it last night but are a man down today.
PSN is chalkitdown
Not sure if Im more annoyed with the matchmaking, how fucking shitty solo players can be (in terms of quitting) or how fucking bad Im playing this evening.
Anyone want anything while I'm back here?
Poor Titan kept trying to jump over the counter.
Not sure if Im more annoyed with the matchmaking, how fucking shitty solo players can be (in terms of quitting) or how fucking bad Im playing this evening.
Surprise you stingy robot bastard!
Anyone want anything while I'm back here?
Poor Titan kept trying to jump over the counter.
Gunsmith 132 with no Mananan or Antiope.
I can only imagine how much more fun chasing those two would be with random rolls.
I deleted a few lower level antiope. Didnt realize they were the new hotness.
Can't make any promises, but maybe after 10PM running any more NF's today?
How is Emperor's respite in Iron banner even a thing? If you spawn at c you're 100% guaranteed to lose.
Gunsmith 132 with no Mananan or Antiope.
I can only imagine how much more fun chasing those two would be with random rolls.
I'm on 207 combined Gunsmith Rank and can't recall ever having seen one apart from maybe one or two before I even crossed 265 on my first character. But at least once I eventually get it I know it'll be the version I want (because it is the only version) and won't have to invest another 100+ hours to get a second *potentially* better drop.Spent 720 parts and got Antiope on the LAST package.
you running any more NF's today?