Holy hell, I've never seen the Destiny subreddit more salty. A lot of it over this line:
DeeJ: My challenge to every Guardian is to look to the human element in Destiny 2 to fuel your appetite for ultimate re-playability.
He's absolutely right. I could quit playing right now, I've got the platinum, have 3x characters at ~305, have a bunch of the exotics. But why would I? I'm having so much fun.
Last night I did the NF with 2 members of my raid crew and we had a blast coordinating taking down Knights and Ogres, blasting anomalies. I love the new Nightfalls. Luke talked about the goal of strategizing and they nailed it. Every week we run the raid and we get better. And we're learning all the roles. Last night I spent time in Gardens with Hawkian giving him some tips for navigating around the dogs for his newbie runs. We weren't even raiding, but we were having fun.
Destiny has always been worst when you're not rewarded for playing. How fun is it to run 3x Nightfalls every week and not get Hawkmoon? How fun is it to be stuck at 5 medallions and be unable to win? How much fun is it to get Gjallarhorn a week before the nerf? How much MORE fun would it be to have Gjally for a full year? Nobody would care about Gjally if it was just rare, people cared because you could blow up the whole goddamn world with it. Remember grinding away at SRL to get a 320 helmet? Blergh. Remember Crimson Suicides to get a 320 ghost? Fuck that.
And here's the thing.
Light level has ALWAYS BEEN A SHAM! How different did the game play when you were a fresh 20 at power 208 vs now when you're 305? No different at all. How big a deal was Light
really in D1's Iron Banner when everyone was 90-100% of Max Light? No different at all. It's just a number. Don't worry about it.
Destiny has always been best when you have people. I've had the same raid crew for nearly 2 years and it's been fantastic. I realize how blessed I am there (and that not everyone has that). These guys were just randoms that I met here in the OT looking for a raid one December. Same with my Trials team. I found Igor and Ape when they weren't the all-stars they are now and just spent time playing with them. Focused on improving my game and having fun. And I've found more people along the way just being part of DGAF.
Are there things that I'd fix about Destiny 2? Absolutely, but it's in a very good place right now, and I'm really enjoying my time spent with it and my friends.