I'm still not even sure why they bothered to try and soften the blow by saying "Oh but your personalization from the character creator will carry over!"
Destiny 2 will likely have a much better character creator, so being saddled with my choices from 3 years ago is not exactly thrilling.
I think it was basically because they had heavily implied (if not specifically stated) when Destiny was first announced that the 10 year journey, despite obviously meaning full sequels, would allow "your" Guardian to come with you along the way.
That obviously changed as they simply had no other option but to build Destiny 2 from the ground up due to the issues with Destiny 1, so I'm not mad. But it's a nice gesture I guess. They didn't need to do that at all.
I'm still waiting to hear about emblems or if those will be done differently as well. They could be changing the shape of them, for example, which would make carrying them over a bit difficult.
And I assume the system as to how shaders work will be changing as well, meaning it would take too much effort to transfer those as well.