The maintenance is still ongoing? Wow.
Probably gonna give us some more free orbs though.
And people complaining about summons, ugh I feel like I have the worst luck. I've done over 150 summons and only got 3 R's never got an SR either.
The maintenance is still ongoing? Wow.
Probably gonna give us some more free orbs though.
And people complaining about summons, ugh I feel like I have the worst luck. I've done over 150 summons and only got 3 R's never got an SR either.
The maintenance is still ongoing? Wow.
I expect a.. very sincere apology.
A very sincere apology to the tune of at lest 90 destiny orbs. Haha!
maybe we can all get SRs with the new orbs?, the last lot got me that Knack SR
^^ Dat support skill ~P
Or if you dont want to hurry, save those orbs later:
You might get Kat!
We all know she'd be nerfed![]()
Back up now. Toma I accepted your trade request so it's ready when you are my friend
They changed the daily log in screen it shows a larger variety of stuff you can acquire for dailys...I just hope it did not reset my consecutive days logged in as I want that damn trophy.
Or if you dont want to hurry, save those orbs later:
You might get Kat!
We all know she'd be nerfed![]()
They changed the daily log in screen it shows a larger variety of stuff you can acquire for dailys...I just hope it did not reset my consecutive days logged in as I want that damn trophy.
There is some dino-like spirits in america like this guyHave anyone from America gotten a dinosaur? From the map when you start up the the game it looks like they should be in there
Freaking amazing! Congratz man nice catchWOOOOOO, the guy with the awesome R spirit finally accepted! He cancelled my first few suggestions but settled on a fire R spirit that changes all allies to Fire.
In turn I'll now get this guy:
That support skill :-o
Sooooooooo awesome.
I got a couple of UC spirits (Shisa, metal and King Fu Master, fire)from Asia up for trade if anyone needs them.
My in-game ID is the same as my PSN ID: hi-fi_famicom
i want some asia spirits! add me please! PSN ID: acePtr
Just continue playing, the Asia players offer tons of spirits in their trades.![]()
Just continue playing, the Asia players offer tons of spirits in their trades.![]()
You can also get them by destiny summoning with an Asian player (you don't even need to be friends). I got one today.
i'll be patient. so my fortune is bad luck, does that have any bearing on how well my summon end up with? keep on summoning on suspend it until fortune changes?
People have different experiences, but I personally think it doesnt matter.
Im looking for Morrigan so I can increase her level cap. Can trade a water Joker, or Ame no Uzume (Asia advanced summon). Have some other rare summons in my tradebox. PSN: aendras
Can't you just get a Dark Joker for that? Seems like a waste of a Morrigan, considering you don't get any of the bonus XP or stat bonuses if you use her for the Limit Break.
I'd really like a Morrigan, but I'm not sure there's any chance for her to drop in the Americas.
There exist Dark Jokers? I know you can obtain elemental Jokers through beating raid bosses, how do I obtain a Dark Joker?
Question on raid fights...
I can die in a raid and my spirits will still keep their HP at the end of the fight?
All I have to do is keep fighting and dying until the raid boss goes down?
There exist Dark Jokers? I know you can obtain elemental Jokers through beating raid bosses, how do I obtain a Dark Joker?
Until you mentioned this, I didnt notice it, but you are right. There are no Dark or light Jokers in the raid rewards.
I don't have my Vita with a hotspot right now, but you may be able to get one via the raid bosses. Take a look at your progress and raid rewards.
I know that I have Dark Princes. I imagine there are Dark Jokers as well.
There actually arent. Only dark prince and queen, no jokers.
What do the Queens do again?
More EXP than princes.
This also means that you need 4 of a spirit to level it to his max potential.
That's terribly boring.
I'm not ruling out the existence of Dark Jokers, only that they aren't available as rewards right now. We might see them in another event.
That's another thing i really hate of DoS, if it was written somewhere that a Joker is only for the cap i wouldn't have wasted it, it's totally without documentation, what are the exactly meanings of those icons on monsters? What does "consecrate a spirit" mean? Only the leader support skill works or even the allies'? And so on, there are tons of things that i just suppose how they work.Sorry to hear you are having problems bro i haven't encountered any of those issues, as for the Joker spirit i think it is only for increase your spirit cap and not for leveling up so that might why it didn't boost your XP when merged it with unmaxed-out SR spirit.
The summoning stuff is pure luck some days i never get any R or SR and some i get like 2 or 3 just keep playing it will eventually get better for you.
That's another thing i really hate of DoS, if it was written somewhere that a Joker is only for the cap i wouldn't have wasted it, it's totally without documentation, what are the exactly meanings of those icons on monsters? What does "consecrate a spirit" mean? Only the leader support skill works or even the allies'? And so on, there are tons of things that i just suppose how they work.
Is that true that the joker spirits only raise the max level? I used a prince and joker of water on a R water spirit that I got yesterday and it went up 10 levels right away. When I just used a prince on a new spirit it seemed to only go up 5 levels.
You can also get them by destiny summoning with an Asian player (you don't even need to be friends). I got one today.
I really liked this game in beta and was looking forward to the final release.
WHY is this game so freakishly sluggish? Everything is _SO SLOW_. Seriously, it's not even funny. Everything takes so much more time than it would ever need to take. Logging in, accepting gifts/rewards, summoning, entering battles. Everything.
I'm not touching this anymore until it's patched for a more streamlined and responsive experience. The core mechanic is good and all but it's no fun waiting to play a game.
When you start the hunt make sure the needle is pointing toward the direction of your luck (yellow shade) you only need to travel to change your location and hunt spirits in that place since you can't keep hunting spirits in the same place endlessly.How exactly does the lucky direction during hunts work? Am I supposed to travel in that direction? Face that direction? When do I start spinning my vita / moving around?
That's another thing i really hate of DoS, if it was written somewhere that a Joker is only for the cap i wouldn't have wasted it, it's totally without documentation, what are the exactly meanings of those icons on monsters? What does "consecrate a spirit" mean? Only the leader support skill works or even the allies'? And so on, there are tons of things that i just suppose how they work.
The only thing that really annoys me time wise is the amount of time it takes to check trades of all my friends. Why not have a menu to show ALL trades that are available to you in a single list?