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Destiny |OT| Home of Frabjous Guardians

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Kud Dukan

I feel like we've stepped back in time a bit here. I remember most Destiny threads before the Alpha started were pretty negative, and a lot of the previews were not the most glowing articles ever. Then then Alpha and Beta hit, people really enjoyed it, and the threads became super positive.

Feels like we're in the pre-Alpha phase again. I'm curious to see how the next few days go. Wish it was unlocking at midnight EST.



Before I spend $100 on it, is the Sony Gold wireless headset worth it? Pretty much buying specifically for this game as I currently just use the speakers on the TV (commence ridicule).

I say yes, I love the thing. Use it on PS3/PS4/PC and probably XB1 if I ever buy the adapter for it.


And is this an option or is this forced on you?

I do not enjoy walking around as a lvl 30 and having to deal with low lvl enemies who take just as many shots to go down as when you are level 1.

And I really really mean that. That is honestly the lamest thing ever. You'll never feel truly powerful if your enemies are 'leveling' with you.

They take less shots than when you were their level but they take enough shots not be be "look at me I might not even have to be here you kill me that fast" enemies.

Kinda like Guild Wars 2 if you ever played that.

It also means that people who go to farm lower level areas and such still have to at least spend a bit more time there. And as someone else said,they can throw new content into the lower level areas and people can still have a bit of a romp with it.
And is this an option or is this forced on you?

I do not enjoy walking around as a lvl 30 and having to deal with low lvl enemies who take just as many shots to go down as when you are level 1.

And I really really mean that. That is honestly the lamest thing ever. You'll never feel truly powerful if your enemies are 'leveling' with you.

It's not that enemies are leveling with you, it's the way they set up the weapon stats. Attack (which is the stat that increases with weapon level) is what determines the % of weapon damage (set by Impact) is done to an enemy. If it's above a certain threshold of the enemy's Defense stat, it does full damage. Less, it does a certain % of damage, until it ends up doing nothing at all. It's kind of elegant, but like you said, it doesn't lend itself well to a sense of progression.


Think I'm going to buy a buddy of mine a copy on the PS3 since he won't buy it but wants to play it badly. I'll just tell him I got the code for free or something, otherwise even tho he won't buy it himself, he'll try to pay me back for it if he knows I paid.

Having IRL friends, sometimes I just don't know.


I feel like we've stepped back in time a bit here. I remember most Destiny threads before the Alpha started were pretty negative, and a lot of the previews were not the most glowing articles ever. Then then Alpha and Beta hit, people really enjoyed it, and the threads became super positive.

Feels like we're in the pre-Alpha phase again. I'm curious to see how the next few days go. Wish it was unlocking at midnight EST.


I went from laughing at the game months ago to buying a white PS4 edition tomorrow.


I mean it showcases what make this game great.

Its firefight 2014

with loot and character progression.

having your buddies scream to not die as you take out the last elite and save the entire team is what its all about.

Definitely! My thoughts exactly. This game is going to be a lot of fun. It will be the next-gen game that creates a lot of memories and moments.
Sounds like around 12 hours for the story, give or take. Add in hours of free roam, strike missions, raids and the PVP and you are looking at a nice package.

Not to mention daily quests and nightfall missions... exotic vendors that show up at certain times. PVP modes that require strange coins to enter.. and whatever else Bungie wants to throw our way.

Lan Dong Mik

And why would I want them?
Did they happen to add additional features when creating your guardian? Like facial hair, more cosmetic options, etc? Or is it the same stuff as they had in beta?


Before I spend $100 on it, is the Sony Gold wireless headset worth it? Pretty much buying specifically for this game as I currently just use the speakers on the TV (commence ridicule).

I wouldn't pay more than $40 for stereo headset, but that's just me.


I was expecting a BIG game. A game with a LOT of SP content. Because you know, they have been developing this game since Halo Reach. And it doesn't show.

25 hour story + raids + pvp is hardly a bare game. Seems like a lot of people had this idea this game was going to be like borderlands 2 x 10 or on an MMO scale like The Old Republic where it has 200 hour story lines. We don't even know how big it is yet, there could be way more shit to do just like Diablo 3. You can blast through the story in no time but still spend dozens hours in that game.


Not to mention they were building an entirely new engine for this game.

But, hey, five years of work doesn't show!

Perhaps I'm overreacting but I see nothing that could not be done on last gen consoles. Actually this is a last gen game in all forms.

I thought this game was going to be a real next gen game. Should have handed off development of the last gen versions to a different Activision studio or something.

I'll just leave this thread and let y'all get hyped. Maybe I'll turn around my opinion after playing the full game.

I did love the beta, y'all gotta understand. But a lot of these "choices" that Bungie has made is making me go umm wtf???

Like the fact that lvl 1 enemies take as much shots at lvl 30 as at lvl 1. Wtf yo?


Amazon shipped my Ghost Edition today. I wont be able to get it til tomorrow... this is going to be a looooong day. I'm going to love the grinding.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Well, hunters have been nerfed too. There is only one class that got boosts. Choose wisely, guardian ;)

Bungie forced to give unneeded buffs to Titans since they looked at player counts and went "aw shit no one's playing these dull mofos".
Handcannons got buffed. That's probably the most useful thing to come out of the update in my opinion- not that there weren't plenty of useful changes.

So are digital (PSN/XBL) orders still locked? Just wondering since the servers are apparently live now according to Bungie. I've gotta wait for a delivery either way though.


Neo Member
I have yet to have my amazon order shipped which is weird to me.

Have amazon prime so I shouldn't be worried...right?
25 hour story + raids + pvp is hardly a bare game. Seems like a lot of people had this idea this game was going to be like borderlands 2 x 10 or on an MMO scale like The Old Republic where it has 200 hour story lines. We don't even know how big it is yet, there could be way more shit to do just like Diablo 3. You can blast through the story in no time but still spend dozens hours in that game.

Where are people getting the 25 hour story figure from? There are people who are already more than half way done with the story missions.


Lol if you think that's what I'm bummed out about you need to read through my posts again.

Even if that was the case, thats like the smallest annoyance I have with this game.

It was an example of your overly negative viewpoint. And it is overly negative. You are seeking out and hyping up anything you can that diminishes the game.

I was expecting a BIG game. A game with a LOT of SP content. Because you know, they have been developing this game since Halo Reach. And it doesn't show.

Except this has never EVER been sold as a large scale single player game. So these are your own faulty expectations and you are disappointed because this game is not precisely what you wanted them to make. Which is fine, but it's never been the game you wanted.


Anyone know of any retailers who still have the Ghost edition in stock? I may just try Best Buy tomorrow morning to see if they have extras.


I have yet to have my amazon order shipped which is weird to me.

Have amazon prime so I shouldn't be worried...right?

That is kinda weird, yeah. Did you select release date delivery/two day shipping?

What's the shipping status right now?
Kinda sucks that I have to wait until 2am my time to play the game digitally when I could have picked it up from a store at midnight and started playing...Wish the game unlocked by time zone and not just the latest time zone in NA


The Cryptarch's Bane
my hype has gone from being on the top of the himaleya's to down into a cave.
it should never have risked either of those altitudes

I both bought a new console and entered a new console generation for this game, yet I have pretty measured expectations for it especially for the scope of what it can offer right away. First and foremost I care about moment-to-moment gameplay quality and everything else takes a backseat to that. I'll play it, probably pretty actively, and taper off until I don't feel like doing so anymore. Then months later when I feel like revisiting it I will be able to get DLC cheaply and extend the experience without the risk of burning out.

Feels a lot like you are heavily weighting the likelihood that your experience with the game will be an unpleasant one.
Sounds fair enough, some were commenting he expected 16v16 and 32v32 firefights, but beta gave no indication and pvp was strictly 6v6...so I'm not sure how he could have come to that conclusion.

(Granted, this is my 2nd and 3rd hand info based on what is being posted in this thread.)
I don't know if he paid any attention to the beta or what. He does mention that he expected those but also doesn't dismiss the more "intimate" group combat as a bad thing at all.

I think it's good practice to take a review as an individual's experience colored by their own expectations and even misconceptions, and remember that they almost by definition won't have the same cross-section of information about a title that you do. If they bring up something that they expected and are disappointed by, and you already knew it wouldn't be there and thus aren't disappointed, then... well there you go, don't be disappointed. It's not a reason to write off someone's opinion, and it's important to remember that tons (probably hundreds of thousands) of people will be playing this game without much technical information on hand.

Again, this is just all really ironic because I got the impression from Joe's impressions that he's going to give the game a very positive review.

Camp Lo

I'd take an review that comes out in the next two days with a HUGE grain of salt, whether it's positive or negative.


Here's their TL;DR google translation

The balance remains positive for Destiny, but disappointing because many reservations. The separate, invisible walls, a lack of variety screen absence, a few textures (such as water) that can be improved and a MMORPG "massively" limited. Destiny is a decent game where his foot will be taken. But can we say that we face a true next-gen game? Maybe not ... Another scare following the review, the influx of DLC that will surely be there to fill the holes in all the imperfections of title (few classes, bestiary little changed enough weapons little variety, redundant architecture game). Do not forget to specify that the scenario is quite unremarkable and would be in a sci-fi station.
Its early, but I think they hit the wrong things. Warlocks were always at a disadvantage with their ults compared to the other classes (not speaking on the subclasses because obviously I've never used them). But you could jump right past a Warlock or kill one in mid-air. Looking at the map and generally having an idea of where people were most likely to group at pretty much gave you a GPS as to where to find a Warlock waiting to break his ult out.

Their startup time and animations are just free. Meanwhile, a Titan can derp out a multikill from cutting a corner too fast and mashing buttons and a Hunter can change an entire landscape with 3 quick shots (from laughably long range).

They didn't need a nerf at all imo. Hell, Warlocks need help lol

Depends on the map and the areas of the map. Warlocks could wreck just as much as Titans in tight spaces by doing the same activate it as you turn a corner trick that you've described Titans using. Titans may need to have invulnerability frames looked at (seems like they have some but it's not certain) but other than that they're all fairly balanced and they have strengths and weaknesses in different situations.
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