Robber with the back to back exotics, no!!! Hawkmoon wtf.
Robber with the back to back exotics, no!!! Hawkmoon wtf.
Np, happy to help.
Robber with the Truth! This is seriously your lucky day dude. Wtf.
...never helping you again...what did you do to RNGesus to get his blessing?!?!HOLY FUCK
I'm down, if we can get some experienced people together. PSN: Hzoltan969
Our only comfort is that he got the 300 version.
Don't worry everybody, I made sure to t-bag the chest this time and throw off his mojo.
Thanks Drizzay. Got a free shard out of it haha.
Anybody wanna quick bang out Gatekeepers and Atheon? I want a shot at a Hawkmook too![]()
Cool so far it's just you and me, I'm half decent with the sword. I managed to level up the raid boots with the agility perk yesterday so that should make things even smoother.
Alright, 4 more for the Crota checkpoint guys, just quote this post and again, I'll start inviting once we have 6
I can do it. I think at least one character still needs GK loot drop, might get a Time Piece. I won't. But I might.
Me... But my only guardian left is a Titan 30 if thats ok.
I'm friends with zoltan already.
Gaf, questions please:
1) Will Xur rotate all exotic weapons and armour at some stage?
On Saturday I bought a 302 Plan C to start upgrading but in terms of armour I'm really attached to my old Light Beyond Nemesis Warlock helm (feathers!) so would like to keep that, but obviously I'll need to get the upgraded one so I can push it to +36 light as oppose to its currently maxed out +33.
So is it likely to appear in Xur's stock one week? I almost bought the Claws of Amkhara on Saturday to use as my exotic piece instead but thought I'd hold out on Light Beyond instead.....I may be waiting a while.
2) Is the vanguard commendation a one time thing? I've been grinding rep to rank up to level 5 to get the commendation and buy a new chestpiece. Once I've done that, will I have to grind from rank 5-6 to get another commendation before I can buy new boots?
Also, worth re-iterating, if anyone wants a semi experienced player for VoG at any stage or a total Crota's End newbie then feel free to add me/message me on PSN. If I'm on playing Destiny then I'm usually available to Raid. PSN = BarryFishFinger
Are you guys doing VoG on normal and hard?
Warlocks stay losing.
inb4 graverobber gets the last word later today
That's cool, great, so 3 of us, only 3 more for the Crota checkpoint! I'll wait a few more minutes, if no one wants the checkpoint I'll put up a post on LFG.
That's cool, great, so 3 of us, only 3 more for the Crota checkpoint! I'll wait a few more minutes, if no one wants the checkpoint I'll put up a post on LFG.
Fuck. I just realized I left my mic at my girlfriends home. lol
I know what to do tho. I'll be using gjallarhorn.
Will a couple people join my clan? I'm tired of being in GAF Trophies Achieve and I've had a request to Afrodeeziak to join the RaidGAF clan since Nov. I just need like two people to get it to show in game. Thanks in advance!
PSN Clan: iIi Wolf Pack iIi
*Got one to join, need one more, thanks!
I should really play the fucking Lotto, buy some raffle tickets, some scratch offs and try to hit jackpot off a casino slot machine
Fuck Me!
You can use any mobile headset.
Warlocks stay losing.
It's still 300 times better than NO Hawkmoon.That Hawkmoon ain't no 331 doe
That Hawkmoon ain't no 331 doe
OT title needs to change ASAP
Destiny |OT13| How the GraveRobber Stole everyone's Exotics!
You are making me wish I brought my vita to work so I can go hit the gorgon chest with my two alts!