Johan Liebert
Got Space Bus
from a ROC strike.
Happiest moment of my life.
or well close enough
Happiest moment of my life.
1298/4000 on Eris reputation. That's the only thing between me and level 32 :/
I expect to hit level 4 in 7 days, doing the reset bounties which I failed to do today. lol
Yeah, a lot of seems to be cut out, but I thought you were referring to something else. Either way, at least they have raids which appeals to the core audience.
I think Gjallahorn gets asked for in CE so much because it makes for great timing on the 2nd down phase of Crota. But now that I think about it, I suppose its not like a requirement ... its more that rockets in general are the requirement. First down of a Crota should be steady primary damage while the sword gets in place ... when he gets back up for the 2nd down per sword it should be rockets. Gjallarhorn just makes it easy because a single person can down Crota because you can launch 2x Gjallarhorns back to back, but really as long as multiple people are shooting rockets at the same time, regardless if they are truth, gjallar, or vanguard bought etc, you just need that high burst dps.When Bungie nerfed the Vex they said they didn't want the game to be based around acquiring certain weapons to succeed or for them to become a requirement to do certain content. Gjallahorn has obviously become just that. Whenever you're doing something difficult like Crota's End for the first time everyone was asking "Well how many Gjallahorns do you have in your group?" That's not the way it should be and Bungie's idea of not wanting the game to be based around certain weapons makes perfect since. They have not practiced those words however. Just like many other things that they've said.
More and more of my friends are migrating away from Destiny and it's sad. Bungie has built a really fun game and a cool universe, but completely botched so many things. They clearly are not big enough to handle a game of this size and have made so many short sighted decisions. While Bungie and Activision have made bucket loads of cash from Destiny, and most of us will probably be there for Destiny 2, it's sad to see just how short they've come up of fulfilling the vision we all had.
Hey, looking to start hm VoG in 20ish minutes, short 2 people, hop on if interested.
in total, i've received 7 vex and 4 fatebringers
I'm jelly, I'm only 3/4 of the way to level 3, I should hit level 3 by Christmas eve lol.
I think Gjallahorn gets asked for in CE so much because it makes for great timing on the 2nd down phase of Crota. But now that I think about it, I suppose its not like a requirement ... its more that rockets in general are the requirement. First down of a Crota should be steady primary damage while the sword gets in place ... when he gets back up for the 2nd down per sword it should be rockets. Gjallarhorn just makes it easy because a single person can down Crota because you can launch 2x Gjallarhorns back to back, but really as long as multiple people are shooting rockets at the same time, regardless if they are truth, gjallar, or vanguard bought etc, you just need that high burst dps.
But yes I admit, a lot of people do ask, and I have seen plenty of LFG that require the horn, but at least I haven't been a part of that first hand, I would have been excluded a ton since I had just gotten ghorn a week before the expansion.
Hey guys, just a heads up if you didn't know:
You can connect your tablet or smartphone to your PS4 via the local network and use it as a keyboard while you're playing via the PS app. This makes adding folks from DestinyLFG way easier, as well as searching friends or any other function where you'd need the keyboard.
Here's the instructions for setting it up.
Having perfect balance does not equate to fun. There needs to be weapons that are a little OP to entice people to play. Who really wants to play with everything being balanced? We always seek the most powerful and unique weapons. Hopefully Bungie realizes that. Also, the Hunger of Crota is a great substitute for Ghorn.
More and more of my friends are migrating away from Destiny and it's sad. Bungie has built a really fun game and a cool universe, but completely botched so many things. They clearly are not big enough to handle a game of this size and have made so many short sighted decisions. While Bungie and Activision have made bucket loads of cash from Destiny, and most of us will probably be there for Destiny 2, it's sad to see just how short they've come up of fulfilling the vision we all had.
I've asked it before, but I'll point it out again...what kind of rocket launcher would it take to replace the Horn?
Tracking also helps a lot in case people miss with the Rockets or Crota moves... which I think restricts you to GHorn, Truth, and Hunger of Crota.
I have this TERRIBLE feeling that the Black Hammer and Fatebringer are two weapons that I will not ever get. Sends shivers down my spine.
My favorite part, looking back, was in the Vidoc where the one guy goes....Remember when they said they wanted Destiny to be as recognizable as Star Wars? lol that gets me every time.
behold the ghettohorn:
hunter of crota shot + two fusion grenades
The Gjallahorn is not a "little" OP. It's very OP. Hunger of Crota is not the first RL that has had tracking and cluster / mirvs and not be the Horn.
The Wolfpack rounds do so much damage.
I've asked it before, but I'll point it out again...what kind of rocket launcher would it take to replace the Horn?
But yeah, they're not going to nerf it anyways.
I've found the ice breaker useful since you won't run out of ammo and you can easily dust boomers to the right and to left of crota, but at least one person needs to be using a ghorn for an easy go.
It's infuriating. I feel like my exotic RLs and LMGs are pointless because I still don't have it yet. It shouldn't be the end-all, objectively best heavy weapon always :/The Gjallahorn is not a "little" OP. It's very OP. Hunger of Crota is not the first RL that has had tracking and cluster / mirvs and not be the Horn.
The Wolfpack rounds do so much damage.
I've asked it before, but I'll point it out again...what kind of rocket launcher would it take to replace the Horn?
But yeah, they're not going to nerf it anyways.
behold the ghettohorn:
a hunter of crota shot + two fusion grenades
I've never received that many exotics at all from loot drops.
Having perfect balance does not equate to fun. There needs to be weapons that are a little OP to entice people to play. Who really wants to play with everything being balanced? We always seek the most powerful and unique weapons. Hopefully Bungie realizes that. Also, the Hunger of Crota is a great substitute for Ghorn.
The Gjallahorn is not a "little" OP. It's very OP. Hunger of Crota is not the first RL that has had tracking and cluster / mirvs and not be the Horn.
The Wolfpack rounds do so much damage.
I've asked it before, but I'll point it out again...what kind of rocket launcher would it take to replace the Horn?
But yeah, they're not going to nerf it anyways.
I was referring to the fact that you had people who were in raids that were not aware of certain elements of the game, not prepared even on a minimal level. Refusing to switch weapons, only having one weapon of a certain type etc.
The Gjallahorn is not a "little" OP. It's very OP. Hunger of Crota is not the first RL that has had tracking and cluster / mirvs and not be the Horn.
The Wolfpack rounds do so much damage.
I've asked it before, but I'll point it out again...what kind of rocket launcher would it take to replace the Horn?
But yeah, they're not going to nerf it anyways.
i don't think Black Hammer is that good. it got nothing on Icebreaker.
Fatebringer on the other hand... i'll never get itwhy can't they patch that smart loot drop system to VoG so i don't keep getting fucking Found Verdict every fucking time
Remember when they said they wanted Destiny to be as recognizable as Star Wars? lol that gets me every time.
i don't think Black Hammer is that good. it got nothing on Icebreaker.
Fatebringer on the other hand... i'll never get itwhy can't they patch that smart loot drop system to VoG so i don't keep getting fucking Found Verdict every fucking time
Has anyone shot an upgraded Dragon's Breathe at Crota?
Do we know if Crota stays there to take the cheesenade's damage or does he back up ala Atheon?
i feel like the best thing bungie can do is bring up the other exotics to gjallarhorn power.
they definitely took a step in the right direction with the last exotic update which made the thorn amazing i feel like they need to do the same to many other weapons as well.
Not at all; I've cleared Crota in groups without a single Ghorn. All it takes is proper communication within the group and constant DPS.
With the final result, I can't believe anyone at Bungie actually believed that. So much hubris.
It's still limited by supply and heavy ammo. I am guessing that's Bungie's way of nerfing it.
What they need to do, they can't or are seemingly unwilling to do, and that's let old Exotics fade away and have new weapons and armor that are required for higher levels. That'd remove the need for nerfing the Gjallahorn but, eventually, we'd have to move on.
It feels like they don't have enough people on the game, though, given the few new exotics or how good they are versus the old ones + the seeming necessity of allowing us to upgrade old ones.
Read the for an easy go part again. Fully upgraded ghorn takes away half of his shield in one blast. Again it just makes it easier.
We have a full group
1. Dhruv
2. Grimlock33
3. Hzoltan69
Anyone up for some glimmer farming? I have the CP.
PSN: Ourobolus
Do you have the chest piece?
I'll join. PSN is DrDrizzay101.
Cool, that should be a full team. Now in practice, I only see both of you guys on, others seem to be late. I'll give it another 10mins then I'll invite other people over.I'll be up for this
Awesome Crota kill, guys! Shame those baboons got me in the end...
Need one more for Crota. We need a checkpoint.
Yeah, Icebreaker is a great weapon, but the Black Hammer is legendary and looks cool as fuck.
I disagree and agree about the black hammer
On Sepiks Prime - I can do about 25 shots in a row without reloading - Similar with Archon Priest, Have not tried it on Nexus yet.
Outside of bosses I have not found a good use for it.
What they need to do, they can't or are seemingly unwilling to do, and that's let old Exotics fade away and have new weapons and armor that are required for higher levels. That'd remove the need for nerfing the Gjallahorn but, eventually, we'd have to move on.
It feels like they don't have enough people on the game, though, given the few new exotics or how good they are versus the old ones + the seeming necessity of allowing us to upgrade old ones.