I'm down. PSN = Ji66a_Man
Need 3 more for fresh CE raid on ps4. Let me know.
Goodnight gaf.
See you in the morning, see you too Xur.
I have a habit of starting up Destiny and going straight to see what Xur's got before I get on GAF. I wanna savor the anticipation lol.
Its almost always disappointment, at least cause I have more exotics than I don't I guess.
aw we need 800 posts in like 3.5 hours, where is Nami!
Got beat, lol
Then give me a weapon wheel, having to hit options and getting shot the whole time is frustrating
WHOA, send me invite when you're ready. Gonna do bounties.
OMG...2nd gorgon chest gave me Hard Light. 2 exotics in a row. Sadly I deleted my 2nd warlock 30mins ago to start a hunter.
Can I be 3rd man in?
Man, anyone wanna Glimmer farm in VoG? I need the normal CP if anyone got it,
Is Universal Remote any good? Seems weird that it takes a primary spot. Just got it from doing nightfall on X1.
Im in
So far we have..
6.? (did I miss anyone?)
i'll join if there's roomGetting group together now. If anyone wants the 6th slot on the Crota run, send me a message.
Ok i'm good to go. Gonna hit the tower real quick and then I'll send you an invite.
That hindsight of not running your weekly checklist.
Still, that's an awesome haul.
Pretty much ready whenever let me switch gears around.Getting group together now. If anyone wants the 6th slot on the Crota run, send me a message.
i'll join if there's room
IndeedWhats your psn handle? Same as gaf?
Ok I didnt realize the 2 were already in a party.
still have 2 more spots open for a fresh crota run.
Pretty much ready whenever let me switch gears around.
I'm game. androo2300
Any other takers for crota? we just need one more.
Didn't get itI sent you a chat invite, but if we're joining on Lik and you're friends with him then it might be easier to just join him.
My 7th run and I finally got raid chest.Helmet was "nice" bonus from same run.
Arctic Proxy
Nah sent you invite, someone came to help just to finish NF, come so you can finish NF with us
That is a beautiful shader. Where'd you get it?
Need to move some gear around first
I've been thinking for awhile that you can swipe the touchpad to bring up a quick menu at the bottom or something like that. Would be so much better.
Still need one? PSN MoridhinNeed 2 more for VoG Hard.
Starting from Gorgons.
PSN Unknown837
Haha, I've been doing the same thing.
So GHorn tomorrow? Right, guys?
I'm done. Died in such an embarrassing spot.
My 7th run and I finally got raid chest.Helmet was "nice" bonus from same run.
Arctic Proxy
Same here haha. That last sliver of health is always deceiving without burn. Thought 2 last rockers would do it.
Doing weekly right now and probably nightfall right after if anyone wants to join.