Any confirmation that Super Good Advice fires near endlessly at Crota's Oversoul?
Does it have the range to damage the oversoul?
Any confirmation that Super Good Advice fires near endlessly at Crota's Oversoul?
Titan it is.
Should I play with my 31 titan too?
I asked at end of last thread and didnt get any answer.. Anyone get this ship yet?
I asked at end of last thread and didnt get any answer.. Anyone get this ship yet?
I asked at end of last thread and didnt get any answer.. Anyone get this ship yet?
Having weapons of light will get make things easier... Two should be enough in case ones super is not fully charged...
If you prefer to play as a titan I can switch to my warlock but whatever your more comfortable with I guess...
Any reason to keep the gauntlets that are rewarded after the DB quests?
Meh I think it will be fine without WoL as long as we have upgraded weapons, DPS should be fine for normal mode. Do the class that you're most comfortable with for the jumps. I manage to kill Atheon HM in 2 portal runs with WoL and the first portal run, we down his health to ~20%. I want to assume 3 portal runs at the very max.
Looking for one more for Flawless VoG.
Can start as soon as full.
I wish Hunters had armor with similar perks to Ruin Wings. As it stands, we have nothing fantastic.
I saw someone in ROC get it.
If you want to do it now.... you could use r/fireteams
extra golden gun shot is the only good hunter perk IMO
Too bad the helmet looks like ass.
VOG HARD AT THE GATEKEEPER I HAVE A FEW HOURS TO WARP IT UP EXPERIENCED RAIDERS mostly but I'm fine with a one first timer PSN: KrugerrandMan
Can you make a newbie raid on Thursday evenings? might tell you whether or not you're in to stick with the game.
From the last OT:
Just had this drop in the ROC playlist. I don't care that it's a Rare, I'm keeping this!!
When you realize what you've started and back out?This is the best part of the Will of Crota strike
When you realize what you've started and back out?
Was there ever an explanation of the deal with the raid supposedly going to be level 28 normal, level 30 hard? Was that fan speculation? If not, why did it get altered? Kind if curious.
When you realize what you've started and back out?
extra golden gun shot is the only good hunter perk IMO
When you realize what you've started and back out?
I have a maxed,new attack value SGA to test this with. It and ruin wings are how I make RoC strikes fun.
Does anyone have a VoG Hard Gorgon checkpoint? Need to run through and get the chest with my characters, then help some other friends do the same.
Wow, I just realized there are 15 loot rolls for Exotics every week between my 3 characters
3 Nightfalls
3 Gorgons Chests
3 Crota Kills
3 Crotas End 1st Chests
3 Atheon Kills
Most weeks yields nothing, last week gave me 1 of 15 with Gjallerhorn from the Crotas End chest.
Shit! RNG is crazy
Oh shit. I didn't realize there were that many.
extra golden gun shot is the only good hunter perk IMO
Wow, I just realized there are 15 loot rolls for Exotics every week between my 3 characters
3 Nightfalls
3 Gorgons Chests
3 Crota Kills
3 Crotas End 1st Chests
6 Atheon Kills
Shit! RNG is crazy
Fixed because I've gotten 2 Exotics at once twice in a row on VoG Hard.
Fixed because I've gotten 2 Exotics at once twice in a row on VoG Hard.