Byron Bluth
Is there no 331 scout rifle with full auto?
Is there no 331 scout rifle with full auto?
As far as we know, no.Is there no 331 scout rifle with full auto?
Looks like I'm the first follower.
Is there no 331 scout rifle with full auto?
Gonna try this again: Fresh VoG Hard anyone?
What I would give to upgrade my VoC to 331 ..
As far as we know, no.
You have to be lucky with RNG to get one dropped.
I'll play. Just let me know when so I can swap out gear.
PSN zombiemortar
Is there no 331 scout rifle with full auto?
As far as we know, no.
You have to be lucky with RNG to get one dropped.
Gonna try this again: Fresh VoG Hard anyone? PS4
I'll play. Just let me know when so I can swap out gear.
PSN zombiemortar
I had that Twitter account since 2009. Most of my tweets are from 2010-13. I barely tweeted during 2014. The only reason I still use twitter is for gaming news, sport teams updates, and PSN Share.2nd here,
How do you post 1K times in OT13 and tweet as much as you did?
Is Dragon's Breath a good investment?
Ugh. I really want VoC and Fatebringer to be 331. They are my favourite weapons and once hard mode CE comes out they may or may not be useful.
Has anyone has any luck getting a scout rifle with full auto as a perk rolled?
I think the type should be below the logo. Too busy currently. Also it will need an outline unless you go with a heavier font on yellow. It's naturally a brighter color. You could also maybe add a gradient and texture to the background. Make it more like the exotic bounty icon. Unless you're going with a simple modern feel. In which case an outline won't help nor will a serif font.
Do Gooder V?I had a 331 auto rifle dropped with lightweight and some other goodies. Good for beginning part of CE and the second ghest.
Yeah I don't think there is an option to even get a dropped one with full auto as far as I can see.
I checked the possible upgrade options in DestinyDB and saw no full auto options for scout rifles.
That is one thing I'm hoping for. So used to the full auto. VOC spoiled me...
If you don't have GHorn, Truth, CE Rocket launcher, or Hezen Vengeance, sure.
Gonna try this again: Fresh VoG Hard anyone? PS4
Gonna try this again: Fresh VoG Hard anyone? PS4
Ugh. I really want VoC and Fatebringer to be 331. They are my favourite weapons and once hard mode CE comes out they may or may not be useful.
I rarely used VoC's Full Auto since it tended not to work for me. I got so used to hitting the trigger so not having Full Auto in my 331 scout rifle doesn't bother me.
next patch to add Rux agent of the 69s, she's in the tower every second Friday of every even month from 7.00 AM to 7.02 AM GMT. you can drop your old raid weapon, 12 exotic shards, 25001 glimmer, 48 radiant energy and get your brand new 331 VoG weapon.
I upgraded Another NITC and it feels just like VoC.
Satrienne Rapier is the next one I want.
I don't like the Badger one.
I can take a stab at it.I don't think it looks as good like that. Plus I can't get the texture to look good. I'm a novice at the photoshop game.
Would do it for VoC and FB
Yep. It really does. It replaced VoC as my main primary weapon. Would be better if it had a Solar/Void/Arc damage to it.I upgraded Another NITC and it feels just like VoC.
I upgraded Another NITC and it feels just like VoC.
Satrienne Rapier is the next one I want.
I don't like the Badger one.
Doesn't one of those have firefly through the vendor? I need something to spend my vanguard/crucible commendations on.
I can take a stab at it.
That's 4. Need two more.
Edit: 5
Anyone wanna play with a low level noob? I'm level 5 right now.
PSN: RDreamer
Made it to Omnighul in the Nightfall then blew myself up. Damnit.
Made it to Omnighul in the Nightfall then blew myself up. Damnit.
Just want to give a huge thank you to Soss for carrying me and my buddy to our first ever successful weekly strike.
Now for another question, GAF - I have a Titan with 14 strange coins at the moment and a level 6 Warlock and Hunter. I don't care for the Titan and will be replacing it (only when my other classes surpass it in level/gear, of course) down the road.
Would it make more sense to spend my strange coins on one of the exotic pieces to give my Warlock/Hunter a boost since I will be scrapping the Titan eventually, or should I scrounge up 3 more coins and get the rocket launcher? Or another option? Letting Xur walk seems like a misstep since I have no decent gear whatsoever, let alone any exotic armor or weapons. But I don't really know what I am doing, yet. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.