I saved the vid. Will upload later today.
If you guys go again later, take me take me take me lol.
Seriously please take me :-/
I saved the vid. Will upload later today.
I usually read those posts as "he has nothing for me that justifies him not being in the tower 7/7".I've always honestly been baffled when I see these posts. Xur always has something for me even its something as trivial as a telemetry.
So uh... Is someone gonna go ahead and make the new OT? We have like a page left...
Spent over 9 hours trying to beat Crota with two different teams and man it's frustrating. The bugs and glitches don't help.
The process of figuring out the Crota encounter and finally downing him is awesome. Second time downing him took 3 hours, but everyone hung in there until it was done. It would have been really easy for someone to get frustrated and leave, but no one did. Kudos to my last raid team. Got WoC out of it.
Are you 31? You can still do it. Math was 31 in our crew. Just don't die hehI'm the only one four shards to CE HM![]()
Take me on another one!
Aaand my sister resets the router...
Yesterday we were going for a win on first try, but Crota walked of the platform and went up the stairs to finish the job lol.
Did you get it? The victory is worth the frustration; feels like no other.
I wasnt there! Stuck at work. But their strategy is solid. Don't even need to worry with placing bubbles and the tower as long as you have 1 or 2 players on constant boomer duty. Dont even look at the Swordrunner. Just boomers. But don't kill them. Just make sure they are looking at you and not the sword.
I wasnt there! Stuck at work. But their strategy is solid. Don't even need to worry with placing bubbles and the tower as long as you have 1 or 2 players on constant boomer duty. Dont even look at the Swordrunner. Just boomers. But don't kill them. Just make sure they are looking at you and not the sword bearer.
That's a great tip! I will remember that my next run.
Yeah you can kill 1 but not both
I hope to run it with another group using my Hunter. Going to harder for me personally since I main the Titan and I was shield and DPS person. Plus Ruin Wings is amazing for this. I only had to pop like 3 synths.
Our group.
Not sure what's going on with you Deku but please PM me if you want to talk about anything.
whats going on tonight. any teams in need of an extra guardian?
PS4 glottis8
Wow. never seen this thread come to a full stop.
people seriously doing something better on a friday?
how about a VoG raid? crota? someone?