StrykerIslandVoG hard mode group for later (6:30 PST?):
1.) Ezekial45
2.) Dazzler
3.) Amibguous Cad
StrykerIslandVoG hard mode group for later (6:30 PST?):
1.) Ezekial45
2.) Dazzler
3.) Amibguous Cad
Doing the weekly again if anyone wants to join. PSN is greyblade.
Yes... I will send the invites.We doing this?
Okay I'm around now. Team Flawless.
Hey, this is just the entrance to the Arena. Don't even get me started on the arena itself.![]()
Okay I'm around now. Team Flawless.
What's the Nightfall tomorrow? No Burn Priest?
Probably Summoning Pits.
I'm imagining this long, huge ass hallway with scaffolds on either side of the hallway. You and your team enter the hallway and it's all quiet. After walking about 4-5 meters, you are being shot at but there's no enemy in sight. You figure out that there are stealth snipers perched on the scaffolds. After killing a certain number of them (every time you kill one, another takes its place) and moving up a bit, the lights dim and you immediately hear the Vandals' battle cry. You and the team keep walking towards the exit which is closed off by lasers so no running towards the exit. You and your team are immediately assaulted by a battalion of stealth vandals that will have Lightswitch on hard. You're now being attacked by stealth melee and sniper vandals. Your main objective is to reach the panel next to the door and having Ghost disable the laser cause bastard needs to be useful for once in a raid. You can stand by the exit but stealth vandals will spawn on from all sides. Once the last laser is disable, a mini boss battle will take place. From the hallway's exit, a Wolf Walker, shielded shanks, and non-stealth vandals will pop out, forcing you to retreat back. From the hallway's entrance, another Wolf Walker, shielded shanks, and non-stealth vandals will pop out. Once you destroy one, an Archon Priest will come out from the hallway's exit. In normal, he is accompany by non-stealth vandals and dregs. In hard mode, the legion of stealth vandals will not despawn for the fight. In order to beat this part, both Wolf Walkers must be destroyed before killing the Archon Priest as they provide him with a near impenetrable shield.Hail Hydra!
I call this part Death Row.
Your welcome, Bungie.![]()
Hook me up if anyone is killing Crota on hard mode.
PSN: KyoKunaki
VoG hard mode group for later (6:30 PST?):
1.) Ezekial45
2.) Dazzler
3.) Amibguous Cad (Tohoya
4.) Squidhands
5.) CremSTEVE (strykerisland)
Much thanks to Milkham, iRAWR and Firewalker (the Hawkmoon thief) and Mescalito for helping me and my buddy get caught up on our Crota/Atheon kills. You da real MvPs :").
Seriously, none of you needed them, but you helped out. That's why this community is my jam.
From the IGN First-Bloodborne footage thread:
Welcome home, Phaethon.
From the IGN First-Bloodborne footage thread:
Welcome home, Phaethon.
So I just read an interesting post on reddit and thought I would ask about it here...
Apparently someone has this strategy for Crota hard mode, where the sword bearer just stays in the ogre room and hides in between swords...what the hell, can't believe I never thought of this. I always get smashed by boomers after running back to the crystal room, this just seems so much safer.
Any fellas sword runners use this strat as well? I run a blade dancer, curious what you guys do.
Omnigul Void Burn. Get ready.
Phaethon is trying to trick me into entering the bloodborne threads. That's what I get off helping you!!From the IGN First-Bloodborne footage thread:
Welcome home, Phaethon.
I want to get my buddy the VOC before the reset so I want to try an Atheon kill if anyone is interested. I have a gatekeeper checkpoint on normal but anyone with a Atheon cp on normal or hard would be very much appreciated.
1. Ryck007
2. Friend
Most likely. Still early I guess. Barely anybody is on.
So you want to hear it then?Keep it to yourself then.
It's a 3 parter.I like it but the arena increasingly feels like it's going to be a two part raid.
1) Path to arena
2) Arena itself
So I just read an interesting post on reddit and thought I would ask about it here...
Apparently someone has this strategy for Crota hard mode, where the sword runner just stays in the ogre room and hides in between swords...what the hell, can't believe I never thought of this. I always get smashed by boomers after running back to the crystal room, this just seems so much safer.
Any fellow sword runners use this strat as well? I run a blade dancer, curious what you guys do.
I'm up for it. Just got my new Titan to 28 so I need to run it as well. Might be a bit of a pain but I have all my maxed out weapons.Anyone doing a nightfall run right now or soon that needs another person?
I need to run it one more time with one of my characters
PSN: mostwantedzero
I just came here to mention this. I loled so hard and then I got afraid that I was stuck in the community thread and couldn't leave.
As soon as possible he's only gonna be on an hour or so.I can join. When are you planning to run? PSN is Kill_Deaf_Radio
As soon as possible he's only gonna be on an hour or so.
We need at least 5 for Atheon I reckon.
So you want to hear it then?
It's a 3 parter.
1) The area outside the arena where you fight legions of Fallen while opening the gate to the Arena.
2) Death Row
3) The Arena itself
Basically like Crota's End (cave, bridge, Crota's boss room) and splitting the final room into two phases.
I'm up for the job. Psn Lnkn52As soon as possible he's only gonna be on an hour or so.
We need at least 5 for Atheon I reckon.
So I just read an interesting post on reddit and thought I would ask about it here...
Apparently someone has this strategy for Crota hard mode, where the sword runner just stays in the ogre room and hides in between swords...what the hell, can't believe I never thought of this. I always get smashed by boomers after running back to the crystal room, this just seems so much safer.
Any fellow sword runners use this strat as well? I run a blade dancer, curious what you guys do.
Am I needed? I'm doing some work related stuff, but I guess I could stop for the day. Worked way too much already.
If this pic is anything to go by, The Arena Hard Mode will just be an artificial difficulty bump like Crota's End Hard mode.
From the IGN First-Bloodborne footage thread:
Welcome home, Phaethon.
I just came here to mention this. I loled so hard and then I got afraid that I was stuck in the community thread and couldn't leave.
hahaha amazing
Phaethon is trying to trick me into entering the bloodborne threads. That's what I get off helping you!!jk
From the IGN First-Bloodborne footage thread:
Welcome home, Phaethon.
keep getting "toad" error.
"Failed to download configuration files from Bungie servers, please try again"100 times
Please no ;;
What the fucking fuck?!
"Failed to download configuration files from Bunge servers"
I tried everything. I closed the app, I full shut off my PS4, I restated my router, and nothing.
I'm gonna have to reinstall the damn game aren't I?
Edit: lol sounds like a lot of us are getting toads