I need two Shards so bad (it'll give a second alt 32!). I'd join!
Join me.
I need two Shards so bad (it'll give a second alt 32!). I'd join!
Join me.
Does black hammer only drop from the Crota cp in normal or does it drop on other checkpoints?
Only Crota on hard with my Warlock. Haven't done everything else.There's 3 spots. Nami, you've already done it.
I am at Archon Priest on Weekly Heroic. Join on me if you haven't done it.
I'll run it on my Warlock.
Logging on now. Anyone up for fresh HM Crota? I'll use my hunter and can be swordbearer.
2 . dante316
Ps4 gdt5016
Only Crota on hard with my Warlock. Haven't done everything else.
I have about an hour or so right now to play. Will join you as soon as I do the weapon shuffle.Logging on now. Anyone up for fresh HM Crota? I'll use my hunter and can be swordbearer.
Ps4 gdt5016
I'm out. Got people to entertain.Last 2 spots are between you, Nilla and Lik then.
ill join u
I have about an hour or so right now to play. Will join you as soon as I do the weapon shuffle.
Logging on now. Anyone up for fresh HM Crota? I'll use my hunter and can be swordbearer.
Ps4 gdt5016
Any armor from the tower is better than VoG raid armor. Light 33, which allows you to reach lvl31, is the max from the vendors and light 36, which allows you to reach current Max level in the game lvl32, is the max from Crota's End. I would recommend getting an exotic helemt if Xur is selling the this weekend. Of course more than welcome to post any questions as well.My Legendary leg armor that I found in VoG goes up to 30 light... should I keep upgrading them? I don't want to burn all these resources if something better is going to come along soon. I'm pretty close to hitting level 28.
I bought some armor from the guy at the tower today and I found the other legendary piece in a VoG raid... working on getting them both up.
I'm up for it
Can act sub sword of you want
Edit: full
Need 1 more for a fresh Hard mode raid.
I can roll if you need a 6th
Whilst doing a Sherpa run through VoG normal!!!!
Dang I need that loot drop but I'm in class right now. Haha hopefully I'll catch DGAF doing it later
Anybody want to hop in for quick normal Crota? Edit: 3 spots open now, just join if you want it (or join back Mazre)
I'll save the normal DS CP on an alt so you can snag it later if you just want that phase.
Going forward for weekly resets, I just want to run normal DS+Crota 3x for exotic chances and then say fuck it to hard mode. Maybe do Gorgons-->Atheon 3x then try some HM CE fresh
30 ok? Psn caffemistoNeed 1 more for Normal Crota.
Need 1 more for Normal Crota.
30 ok? Psn caffemisto
I'll join.
PSN Tokunbo
Ah too late.
For the reset raids? I am down with that. I only have ~4 hours now due to classes.Anybody want to hop in for quick normal Crota? Edit2: 2 spots open now, just join if you want it (or join back Mazre)
I'll save the normal DS CP on an alt so you can snag it later if you just want that phase.
Going forward for weekly resets, I just want to run normal DS+Crota 3x for exotic chances and then say fuck it to hard mode. Maybe do Gorgons-->Atheon 3x then try some HM CE fresh
Thanks dude, that was quick.Doing Daily. Join in.
Whilst doing a Sherpa run through VoG normal!!!!
Would like to join a fresh HM Crota if anyone doing it soon.
PSN: KyoKunaki
Looking for a fresh HM crota if anyone is running one.
PSN CamoKid42
No problem.Thanks dude, that was quick.
From here on out I'm going to be conducting signups for these solely through Google Forms. If you attempt to sign up for an activity and find it already full, but would like to be put on the list as an Alt if someone cannot make it, please send me a PM here on GAF or a PSN message (ID is Hawkian).
Thursday - 2/5 - 9:00PM EST - Vault of Glass Newbie Raid - Sign Up Here
These are weekly raids available to all, but intended for newbies. Bring your highest leveled character, your best weapon, and your most patient self! All encounters will be explained (quickly, but still) as though it was a brand new group, so please be willing to listen. The only restriction on attendance is that participants shouldn't come two weeks in row, just to allow many different GAF Guardians to cycle through. There is no pressure to understand anything before having it explained, and no pointing fingers when things break down. We will laugh at ourselves when we wipe, and then do better the next attempt.
Raids alternate each week between the Vault of Glass and Crota's End.
Minimum level for Vault of Glass Normal is 26.
Minimum level for Crota's End is 30.
Sunday - 2/8 - 9:00PM EST - Sunday Sword School - Sign Up Here
Swordbearer practice and technique for taking down Crota, as well as tips and preparation for Hard Mode. Please be familiar with the basic mechanics of the encounter. Get your hands on the sword in a stress-free environment!
We'll establish an order and have a different person take up the sword each time, wiping before ogres. After everyone has had a shot, we'll maintain the rotation and go for the actual class kill.
No chalice! Come prepared with some method of healing yourself- preferably a helm with the "Infusion" perk. Other options include: Being a Titan (using your bubble heals you), Red Death/SUROS Regime, Life Steal on Voidwalker, Hungering Blade on Bladedancer.
Minimum level is 31.
Guys, guys, could this be? I may be reading too much into it, but maybe Bungie have realised the mess they made with Red Death and are going to buff it back to what it was?
Someone hold me, I wont't be able to stand up for long if they do this. Bungie pls, return my beloved back to its former glory.
I'll join you two if more are interested, PSN: DarkRaegal