Kartik and Mickey are you still up?
Always brother, always.
Kartik and Mickey are you still up?
I should probably practice a few times that first area is always my downfall.
Me or someone else will solo it, we don't need to go together in the first area as that's probably a bad idea.I should probably practice a few times that first area is always my downfall.
Me or someone else will solo it, we don't need to go together in the first area as that's probably a bad idea.
Me or someone else will solo it, we don't need to go together in the first area as that's probably a bad idea.
Soon as we get one more person.If you guys still have room, I'd be willing to try. I still need both the trophies.
How soon are you starting?
Soon as we get one more person.
Warlock should be good, unless you wanna run sword in which case I will bring my Warlock.Would it be better for me to bring my 32 Warlock or 32 Hunter?
If you need 1 more I can go. Let me know whether you need Titan, lock or hunter.Soon as we get one more person.
Toaster what's your PSN id?
lolwut? What about all the Xbox people who had to deal with the same thing on launch?
I mean, I doubt it'll happen, but still. It'll be funny seeing people whine about it when box users already got shafted by it. Hopefully, though, that proved that exclusivity helped no one.
Dang, missed out on a flawless run. That's the last trophy I need
I am always down for a flawless run. Still need trophy. If we can get 4 more that want to do it.
Blew myself up with the GhornForgot it had that proximity explosion thing. Sucks when that happens during a flawless run.
Should i use GHorn in Crucible? Or is any RL with Tracking and some area explosion effect just as good?
Blew myself up with the GhornForgot it had that proximity explosion thing. Sucks when that happens during a flawless run.
Should i use GHorn in Crucible? Or is any RL with Tracking and some area explosion effect just as good?
Hilarious that they fixed the splash damage for the relic bubble but now Titans are not safe inside their own bubbles when popping them. Oh you Bungie, never change. Fix one thing and break another.
Why the fuck do luck based Crucible bounties like the Enforcer one still exist? That bounty completely depends on you and your team being shit, if you play with decent players in a party good luck ever getting it.
I wondered why I was getting killed inside a Titan bubble the other day, had no idea it was because they had messed it up (there was so much lag on the VoG runs I did I just figured it was something to do with that).
Should i use GHorn in Crucible? Or is any RL with Tracking and some area explosion effect just as good?
Should i use GHorn in Crucible? Or is any RL with Tracking and some area explosion effect just as good?
What happened to the minions and blades during patrol? How do I do that Eris bounty now?
Fist of Crota story mission if you own TDB. If you don't own it then forget about it.
Is Bungie still streaming the Reef today?
What did they break now....lemme guess, friendly fire damage that hits your bubble kills you? Or does the bubble not protect you from splash anymore?
Atheon can shoot right through titan bubbles now.
Atheon can shoot right through titan bubbles now.
Only atheon? As this could mess with the bubble distraction for hm CE
Flawless raiding failed ! After being stuck in the bridge we go through but don't kill Deathsinger in time and die.
First post on GAF. Long time lurker, have followed this community for a while now.
UK PS4 player, I LFG for raids and NF, mostly with folks from the US as I generally game late UK time. Hoping to hook up with you folks and would love to attend sword school!
Hyped for HoW, despite the news about no raid. I'll be levelling my baby Titan until the 19th May to complete the family.
PSN black_stig if you'd like to add me.
Gjallerhorn the hell out of everything to clear a run to ir yut, then pop a synth run in and give her hell. Weapons of light helps. Especially if dropped where the thralls exit by a Titan wearing St14.
That's the video from the Ir Yut section for my groups flawless run.
Proximity detonation of Gjallarhorn is the reason we decided not to use it after it resulted in failures of two previous attempts, especially in a clusterfuck area like the Crystal Room. Better strategy would be to just snipe her from the sides and use non proximity rockets.
It's amazing how much people die from their own rockets and grenades.
Also I am#TeamForeverNoGhallarhorn