Hung Wei Lo
Kinezo I believe I have you on my FL and I should be on around then as well
PSN ColonelOCorn are. See you on then!
Kinezo I believe I have you on my FL and I should be on around then as well
PSN ColonelOCorn
Me too.
My squad isn't doing too hot this week either lol
1. GibbShift
2. Casmith7509
What really pisses me off is that he didn't even need to. They had us 2-0 but the second we showed any sort of resistance they resorted to it.Yeah I didn't do so well either, the one lag switcher game was lol. This week is pretty tough, just blink/shotgun for days.
You find anybody?
Has anyone gotten any new queens armors from anywhere since HoW launched?
Yeah I didn't do so well either, the one lag switcher game was lol. This week is pretty tough, just blink/shotgun for days.
Has anyone gotten any new queens armors from anywhere since HoW launched?
- Buy Universal Remote from Xur
- Play POE and get another Universal Remote
Would anyone be up for a 34 PoE or 2 in 5 minutes or so?
1. Palom12 (me)
There is new queen armor?
Need one more for 34 Poe.
1. Palom12
2. Collateralcat
A set of queens armor was datamined right after the HoW patch.
Anyone have any tips on how to acquire a decent amount of weapon parts in as little time as possible? I ascended my exotics and now I can barely reforge a weapon.
Anyone have any tips on how to acquire a decent amount of weapon parts in as little time as possible? I ascended my exotics and now I can barely reforge a weapon.
Here's Zoba's guide on reddit.
Bungie and their servers.
I thought that was the old armor she sold during the Queens wrath event last year,
was going to take a break... but nah... lol
Need one more for trials. Right now it's myself and nooblet
I got two helmets for 2 characters.
Need a team for a 3rd helmet if anyone wants me.
PSN: Jignxs
I got two helmets for 2 characters.
Need a team for a 3rd helmet if anyone wants me.
PSN: Jignxs
I think we would have seen new armor by now, Everything i've seen post is the old Light level 27 Armor.IDK the people on reddit listed it as if it was new I thought.
Anyone on XBOne looking to do trials?
Anyone on XBOne looking to do trials?
As a Warlock where most readily available helms suck, I understand you completely.Edit: I will obsess with trials until I get those helmets lol.
More like me in multiplayer
(or apparently against Void Skolas last week)
Starting a Warlock for the first time. Voidwalker or Sunsinger?
Why can I only buy one trials buff? D:
The other two don't appear..
Starting a Warlock for the first time. Voidwalker or Sunsinger?
I would start sunbro and then go to voidwalker if you're a pve type of player. Reverse that for pvp. Regardless you're entering the world of the master race, congratulations.Sunbro is more useful, but Voidwalker a lot more fun.
Why can I only buy one trials buff? D:
The other two don't appear..