Twilight Gap
Has anyone completed the Red Bull quest? I want to see how fast that sparrow is.
where do we get it
Has anyone completed the Red Bull quest? I want to see how fast that sparrow is.
where do we get it
where do we get it
There are sparrow shaders. They're called raid sparrows
tried doing the TLW quest this morning, thinking i needed 10 kills or something. then I saw after a kill it went up by a single percentage point. what?!?! no thanks
I went 15-7 in a Skirmish with TLW equipped and only got 3% on that quest. I even got kills with the TLW. I don't get that ish.
Teamwork rawr! Let's do it.We can get carry together![]()
Should have received it from the hall of guardians.
Called something along the lines of "Make the Vanguard Smile"
thats the redbull quest? the sparrow race thing. huh
I've spent most of my time at work today deciding what to do with my Legendary Marks. I'm thinking boots, low cost, get me some more light and can kick the can down the road on what exotic I want to buy until after Xur shows up. Already got a 280 Ghost and a pretty high cloak.
Sidearms kill faster in its intended range.
Shotguns can slide right through its range before you kill the player.
The reticle bounces all over the place maximizing for its TTK in this range.
If you can get around its inconsistency, it's still a decent gun. The problem is that it's outmatched everywhere now. It caters purely to a hipfire fantasy and even then there are guns that do that better now.
They messed up one of Destiny's best guns because of 5 other things that were wrong with the game before The Last Word. I don't see the point of TLW anymore.
I know those feels, had matches where I ended with a 1.5-1.8 kd and was barely ticking upwards. Then I took a shotty into Classic 6v6 and did work thanks to landing on Thieves Den 2x. Got most of it done in 3 good matches, picking up 25% pts each time. Going on killing streaks helps a ton.
OT |31| Return of the King
A bit on the nose, but it fits for both Bungie, and Oryx with the raid release.
OT |31| Raiding for Asshats
OT |31| Return of the King
A bit on the nose, but it fits for both Bungie, and Oryx with the raid release.
OT |31| Raiding for Asshats
OT |31| Raiding for Asshats
FWC cloak bought! Now I've got a full set of perfect rolled legendary gear ready to be infused, except for the fucking artifact, where the fuck do you get that shit?![]()
Legendary marks have been far easier to come across than I first anticipated, over the past 2 days I've gotten over 350 of them and used them to buy vendor gear and infuse it. At 274 light I'm progressing at a slower pace than many people here and their 290+ light, but hey, at least the first time I do the Raid it will be with my most min-maxed set up.
I remember the VoG and how much of a pain it was to go through it without non optimal gear, I have no intention of going through that shit again.
Is it know what the light requirement for raiding is going to be yet? 280?
FWC cloak bought! Now I've got a full set of perfect rolled legendary gear ready to be infused, except for the fucking artifact, where the fuck do you get that shit?![]()
Legendary marks have been far easier to come across than I first anticipated, over the past 2 days I've gotten over 350 of them and used them to buy vendor gear and infuse it. At 274 light I'm progressing at a slower pace than many people here and their 290+ light, but hey, at least the first time I do the Raid it will be with my most min-maxed set up.
I remember the VoG and how much of a pain it was to go through it without non optimal gear, I have no intention of going through that shit again.
FWC cloak bought! Now I've got a full set of perfect rolled legendary gear ready to be infused, except for the fucking artifact, where the fuck do you get that shit?![]()
Legendary marks have been far easier to come across than I first anticipated, over the past 2 days I've gotten over 350 of them and used them to buy vendor gear and infuse it. At 274 light I'm progressing at a slower pace than many people here and their 290+ light, but hey, at least the first time I do the Raid it will be with my most min-maxed set up.
I remember the VoG and how much of a pain it was to go through it without non optimal gear, I have no intention of going through that shit again.
Coo = court of oryxWhats this CoO some people here are mentioning?
Also 262 light yay! Is the NF possible with that lvl?
My crappy 244 artifact is holding me back. Dont know where to get a good one
Whats this CoO some people here are mentioning?
Also 262 light yay! Is the NF possible with that lvl?
Coo = court of oryx
Only 10 more to go then!Raid will be 290.
Loadouts app is updated finally! Looks good.
OT |31| Return of the King
A bit on the nose, but it fits for both Bungie, and Oryx with the raid release.
OT |31| Raiding for Asshats
Awesome Hawk! Is it 10 or 15 marks for the daily story?
Anyone?Can two awesome gaffers please help me out with the last Chaperone Quest part on PS4?![]()
15Awesome Hawk! Is it 10 or 15 marks for the daily story?
Thx!Awesome Hawk! Is it 10 or 15 marks for the daily story? Wish I knew about not decoding all the engrams at once earlier in my playing!
Destiny |OT♔31| The One about the Taken Collector's Edition
Also 1 more for heroic strike?
Count me in!
FWC cloak bought! Now I've got a full set of perfect rolled legendary gear ready to be infused, except for the fucking artifact, where the fuck do you get that shit?![]()
Legendary marks have been far easier to come across than I first anticipated, over the past 2 days I've gotten over 350 of them and used them to buy vendor gear and infuse it. At 274 light I'm progressing at a slower pace than many people here and their 290+ light, but hey, at least the first time I do the Raid it will be with my most min-maxed set up.
I remember the VoG and how much of a pain it was to go through it without non optimal gear, I have no intention of going through that shit again.
Vanguard Heroic Strike playlist: 10 marks, 3 times per week, per account. NOTE: The first Heroic Strike you complete on each character per week also awards a guaranteed Legendary Engram.