2 more needed for KF raid. PSN: watson5367. Add me.
2 more needed for KF raid. PSN: watson5367. Add me.
2 more needed for KF raid. PSN: watson5367. Add me.
So do the Scion Flayers drop Exotic engrams from 3oC?
So do the Scion Flayers drop Exotic engrams from 3oC?
Noooooooooooooooooooooooooo my looooot
Flayers are not Ultra, so no.
Todays Three of coins strike loot.
3 Hereafter....
1 Alpha lupi Titan.
spent 20 coins.
How the fuck do you get that many exotics?
I used 15 and got ONE engram, ONE :-(
Can do, on my list too.
Psn I'd: Shadowmancer88
wow thats crazy.
They are ultras, but they just don't drop exotic engrams. People were theorizing that it has more to do with them having shields than anything. Omnigul doesn't consume 3oC either.
As far as I know, no. They aren't ultras for some reason.
Flayers are not Ultra, so no.
How the fuck do you get that many exotics?
I used 15 and got ONE engram, ONE :-(
Did a FL purge. My destiny FL wouldn't load bc too long. Sorry if I accidentally deleted some people. TrIed not too.
Out of curiosity. Compared to CE & VoG, how difficult is KF?
The furthest I got into KF was Golgoroth.
So a fully leveled 310 exotic won't bring another one from 305 to 310. What.
So a fully leveled 310 exotic won't bring another one from 305 to 310. What.
But I gotta say, I used them on the daily today. Consumed ~3 or 4 in short succesion cause this mission is ultras galore.
I need to do this.
For some reason I don't think Sony designed their friends list system with 1200 people in mind.
Crazy I know.
Difficulty level IMO
3. King's Fall
2. Crota's End
1. Vault of Glass
People still cheese the last two Raids so I think that says a lot about how hard they are. Only "difficult" fight in King's Fall is Oryx, and it's only difficult because it takes so long.
Time for more strikes, i needs my loot.
Those of you farming 3oC and strike loot, are you doing regular or heroic strike playlist?
Hi Unstable.
Now that TTK is out, whats your new fav Primary? sniper? for PVP?
I've been doing heroic the most but tbh it doesn't seem worth it...
Engram drops seem the same vs the lvl 36 playlist.
People who do PvE 3x and also Flawless Trials 3x are gonna hit 310 first probably.
Cool, strike specific loot drops from the regular versions as well, right?
Looks like thats what ill be hopping into to.
Crota's End harder than King's Fall? A raid that can be solo'd.....
Also, people only ever cheesed HM. We haven't got KF HM yet. Jumping the gun a bit.
Kinda alright Juju is pretty good, the Eirene RR4 is my main sniper.
Crota's End was solo'd on the second week lolAt this point, we've seen it all. If they want to stop health and super regen or change enemy spawns then fine. Mechanically, I don't think King's Fall is difficult once you hit the DPS gate.
Crota's End was more difficult when it came out than King's Fall has been.