I will get on. Psn thenegativedude
Oh snap, sorry, we filled up pretty much immediately :\
Didn't even get a chance to update fast enough
I will get on. Psn thenegativedude
Welcome! The Vault of Glass is made for a 6 person team, so it's no surprise that you can't solo it. A lot of people are usually around in the evenings, so it you post a time then people will usually respond if they're available and they want to raid (people usually want to raid).
PvP ignores light levels (except for Iron Banner and Trials of Osiris, which are the endgame PvP events), so your lvl. 1 Kvostov auto rifle does the same damage as a lvl. 40 light 335 Shadow Price. The only difference is perks, where legendaries and exotics have a bit of an advantage because they have more perks available, such as faster reload, more damage after a kill, more stability, etc.
No problem. I jyst realized it was normal mode and it would've likely wiped out my hard mode checkpoint.Oh snap, sorry, we filled up pretty much immediately :
Didn't even get a chance to update fast enough
My e-penis enlargement was huge. Used Coins of 3 and thanks to the dozens of Shades we killed I got 3 exotic engrams and a shitload of purples.
No problem. I jyst realized it was normal mode and it would've likely wiped out my hard mode checkpoint.
How does light level vs individual weapon level work?
For example if I have a 305 Primary but my overall light level is 315, am I doing the light level damage or the individual weapon damage when I use it?
How does light level vs individual weapon level work?
For example if I have a 305 Primary but my overall light level is 315, am I doing the light level damage or the individual weapon damage when I use it?
Oryx Challenge at 11 PM EST in hard mode. I have the checkpoint so hopefully it will be a short and sweet run.
1) SlimySnake (TheNegativeDude)
2) Dez
3) McKarkus
The light of the weapon itself is more important overall, I believe.
Yeah, it's the exact opposite, iirc. Your overall light affects the damage on all weapons. The individual light is just there to affect your overall light.I would have guessed the exact opposite.
Do Oryx CM in NM then use the rest of the week to get gear for Oryx HM. You don't need to get Oryx CM in HM if you don't want to. You can get the Calcified Fragment from NM. You do need to beat Oryx in HM for the Moments of Triumph but it's safer to break the two tasks up since you're probably under geared for HM right now. The Calcified Fragment for Oryx CM won't come back in the rotation before the end of Moments of Triumph though, so do it ASAP.I'm way late to the party to finishing my triumphs and I might be screwed now that ToM has been nerfed? I still need Oryx HM/CM (which it looks like I can do separate) and the new Prison of Elders.
If I run through the new PoE content, will I likely find more 310+ gear that will help me be less screwed in the buffed Oryx HM? I really should've finished that when I had the chance...
I would have guessed the exact opposite.
Damn, thought I had enough to finish my CoE card. Need 20k more points. Anyone want to go through a run of CoE? Light 311
PSN is geneticfoil
Do Oryx CM in NM then use the rest of the week to get gear for Oryx HM. You don't need to get Oryx CM in HM if you don't want to. You can get the Calcified Fragment from NM. You do need to beat Oryx in HM for the Moments of Triumph but it's safer to break the two tasks up since you're probably under geared for HM right now. The Calcified Fragment for Oryx CM won't come back in the rotation before the end of Moments of Triumph though, so do it ASAP.
The international language of dance.Despite those guys being jerks to me in the Court, I went back again as I needed to complete a quest, and luckily the three randoms I got that time were a lot nicer and let me join in.
It's great when you do a strike or anything of the sort on this game that involves match making and you end up playing alongside genuine, decent players. I think not communicating to them via a headset makes it a more hilarious and unique experience, especially as you can simply build up a bond by using an emote or two.
I've never done CoE before but if I can be useful at 311, I'd love to give it a go. PSN: xGrief
Gotcha thanks! I assume all the usual sources for high end gear (310+) are still around? Nightfall, regular raid drops, CoE?
Yeah, the usual spots. Stock up on 3oC if it's not too late to see Xur as well, those might net you a few quick exotics in Crucible. I'd hold onto them without decrypting because that's based on your equipped LL when you're using the Cryptarch.I've never done CoE before but if I can be useful at 311, I'd love to give it a go. PSN: xGrief
Gotcha thanks! I assume all the usual sources for high end gear (310+) are still around? Nightfall, regular raid drops, CoE?
No problem. I jyst realized it was normal mode and it would've likely wiped out my hard mode checkpoint.
How does light level vs individual weapon level work?
For example if I have a 305 Primary but my overall light level is 315, am I doing the light level damage or the individual weapon damage when I use it?
Big thanks to JJShadow and AuthenticM for taking me on the House of Wolves missions with them. My LL was too low, but we managed. And I found out that I have some very badass weapons from Year 1 (Icebreaker, Shadow Price), which don't mean shit now. lol At least my armor with reduced revive time came in handy.
So I lost my court of Oryx virginity earlier, that was certainly.. something. It was insane to say the least, and I could certainly tell that I was the weak link amongst the four. I think the three randoms I got put with were arseholes to be honest, they kept shooting at me in between each round obviously telling me to go away, and then when I finally used my first rune, they stayed at the top and watched me take on the enemies on my own
And then one of them added me as a friend and invited me to his play list, so silly me thinking they were being friendly accepted, and then they kicked me immediately out the play list and I was put back into orbit
Apart from those guys being dicks, I still had fun.
How do I get more runes?
Hey guys, a bit LTTP with Destiny, just finished the story and wanted to do the Vault of Glass raid but found it quite hard to do solo, and was wondering if anyone wanted to do it? Maybe not now, but whenever any of you guys are free. I just thought since the Destiny OT is one of the most active community threads, I'd post here.
PSN: Kralamoonard
I live in the UK for reference
Also was wondering how PvP works? Are the weapon damage standardised from the campaign or people with exotic white weapons going to be more powerful than those with blue weapons?
So I lost my court of Oryx virginity earlier, that was certainly.. something. It was insane to say the least, and I could certainly tell that I was the weak link amongst the four. I think the three randoms I got put with were arseholes to be honest, they kept shooting at me in between each round obviously telling me to go away, and then when I finally used my first rune, they stayed at the top and watched me take on the enemies on my own
And then one of them added me as a friend and invited me to his play list, so silly me thinking they were being friendly accepted, and then they kicked me immediately out the play list and I was put back into orbit
Apart from those guys being dicks, I still had fun.
How do I get more runes?
Can I join you? I'm 331 Hunter but don't have Touch of Malice. I've run Oryx CM before but only in NM.
I need Oryx HM for my Moments of Triumph card.![]()
I'll bring my Hereafter or 1000YS.eah. Sure. 331 Hunter is fine. Touch of malice shouldn't matter jyst bring a high powered sniper for the knights on hard mode. Golden gun should also take out the knights easily if you have the helmet that grants you four shots.
Second day and level 30 already.Reaching the end of my second day on Destiny, really enjoying it a lot. My Titan has reached level 30 now, and I just got my first exotic from the Prison of Elders. It's all been a blast so far, and I've only scratched the surface.
I think I'll use my Spark of Light to level up a Warlock, maybe? They seem pretty fun.
Edit: The one thing I will say is fuck the Oracles, those big yellow light thingies in that one House of Wolves mission. I couldn't understand why I kept dying at first until I realized. Then I kept dying because I couldn't kill them all in time. Took me a few more attempts than I'd care to admit.
Second day and level 30 already.
You will fit in well here
Sidearm meta has arrived
This thing shreds in the crucible. Absolute monster.
The notion of someone experiencing the Oracles for the first time, at level 30, in a story mission, is wrinkling my brain...Reaching the end of my second day on Destiny, really enjoying it a lot. My Titan has reached level 30 now, and I just got my first exotic from the Prison of Elders. It's all been a blast so far, and I've only scratched the surface.
I think I'll use my Spark of Light to level up a Warlock, maybe? They seem pretty fun.
Edit: The one thing I will say is fuck the Oracles, those big yellow light thingies in that one House of Wolves mission. I couldn't understand why I kept dying at first until I realized. Then I kept dying because I couldn't kill them all in time. Took me a few more attempts than I'd care to admit.
Delete it Ruthless, it's no good ;-)
The notion of someone experiencing the Oracles for the first time, at level 30, in a story mission, is wrinkling my brain...
Fight me 1v1
My Sidearm Vs your Fusion.
The notion of someone experiencing the Oracles for the first time, at level 30, in a story mission, is wrinkling my brain...
I dunno, is that normal?
Sure. Snipers are dad, shotguns do 7 dmg. Embrace the new meta..
Guys, regarding helmets with similar defence levels, should I equip the one with intellect (+11) or discipline (+20)?
Also 135 Boots with +28 intellect or 139 boots with +28 discipline?
So I lost my court of Oryx virginity earlier, that was certainly.. something. It was insane to say the least, and I could certainly tell that I was the weak link amongst the four. I think the three randoms I got put with were arseholes to be honest, they kept shooting at me in between each round obviously telling me to go away, and then when I finally used my first rune, they stayed at the top and watched me take on the enemies on my own
And then one of them added me as a friend and invited me to his play list, so silly me thinking they were being friendly accepted, and then they kicked me immediately out the play list and I was put back into orbit
Apart from those guys being dicks, I still had fun.
How do I get more runes?
Intellect helps charge your super faster.
Discipline recharges your grenade faster.
Strength for melee..
Always equip higher light level gear as soon as you get it, it will make your subsequent loot drop at higher light levels (up to +6 your current light)
Sidearm meta has arrived
This thing shreds in the crucible. Absolute monster.
I need to do a T2 and charge a T3 for the fragments.Anyone want to do some Court of Oryx?
I need to do a T2 and charge a T3 for the fragments.
Running on ObsceneHaze