Is anyone else having problems trying to preorder Rise of Iron on PS4? I've tried five times now, and everytime, the website says something that could be translated to "The purchase could have failed, please check your purchasing history". And in my purchasing history, I get an item added that reads "omission" with the amount "0,00$" next to it. I also cannot preorder the DLC from my PS4. Everytime I try, it says that my password is incorrect, but it's not. I can use it on my browser to connect to
Has this happened to anyone else?
“Ghost Bullets” is a community-coined term that is being used to describe the frustration of missing the intended target due to weapon stats. The bullets aren’t disappearing, they just aren’t hitting the bullseye. Internally, we would call this specific aspect of a weapon “Accuracy,” which is one of the values embedded in the Range Stat of every Destiny weapon.
When looking at Destiny weapon archetypes, we wanted players to be able to assume a weapon’s traits through visuals and an intuitive understanding of how weapons work. Players can make the assumption that barrel length, and stability (stock) will affect the accuracy of a weapon class. These types of distinctive behaviors make for fun and interesting choices within the action simulation.
In short, Hand Cannons, with a relatively short barrel and no stock, are not intended to be long range precision weapons like a Scout Rifle or a Sniper Rifle. Instead they are big, heavy, pistols that pack a large punch. If you can control the kick, and close on your targets during combat, you will likely (as our friend Variks says) “Kill them dead.”
Equip Claws of Ahamkara, Radiant Skin & double fusion 'nades for perks and wait for a cluster of dudes and pop radiance. This way you will have 2 charged melees and 2 'nades which are the only kills that count for this if I'm not mistaken.I think I'm actually going to break my controller over this sunslinger multikill bullshit, it's not crediting me for ANY of them, and tonight is the last night I have with Mayhem Clash before it goes away before RoI, and I still need to do all 3 of these quests on my Titan
I got all 3 subclasses on my Hunter and the other two on my Warlock with zero fucking problem, like 3-5 matches top in Mayhem Clash. I don't know why Sunslinger is so fucked for some reason. And I've completely blown off doing the NF or CoE all week to get this done too :/
fuck oryx and anyone that love him
I had to do it through the in-game prompt to preorder it. Site doesn't work. BungieHelp twitter says it's a known issue
That was meJust finished my moments of trimpuh, finally do pushed a hard mode raid. Before that played some CoE with a Gaffer not sure his Gaf name but his GT was Holden Cawffle.
Think I'm done for the night played about eight hours with few breaks and I'm beat.
Need one for oryx challenge mode. We have a hard mode checkpoint.
Psn: thenegativedude
"The bullets aren't disappearing, they just aren't hitting the bullseye."
Need one for oryx challenge mode. We have a hard mode checkpoint.
Psn: thenegativedude
Room for 3 on PSN for Oryx CM (from Oryx CP) on Normal. We are starting at 930 EST.
Message souItron (the L is an upper case i) on PSN.
Gimme 5 minutes to log on and I'll join. Psn same as gaf name.
Edit: beaten to the punch.
Gimme 5 minutes to log on and I'll join. Psn same as gaf name.
Edit: beaten to the punch.
Go for it! I wouldn't want to keep a group waiting.
Jiump in the party chat when you get on. We have 6,but I'll bail so you can get your MoT.
I don't have another character, sorry.You wouldn't be able to save the checkpoint on another character would you? Won't be getting on until at least 10pm est and if I miss all the gaf groups it'll be real helpful if I have to deal with LFG
"The bullets aren't disappearing, they just aren't hitting the bullseye."
So, the player isn't the bullseye? Should I aim 3 feet above their head to hit them? What a lame excuse.
Like, seriously, if I'm aiming at someone, it should hit them. I don't care if it does 5 damage, it should still hit.
Are you guys sure? I could easily just hop in with Soultron's group in 20 minutes if they are still open.
I don't have another character, sorry.
Maybe someone else can join on me, take the CP for you and run it with you later?
Also, if we don't fill up by 10 you can definitely run it with us.
Equip Claws of Ahamkara, Radiant Skin & double fusion 'nades for perks and wait for a cluster of dudes and pop radiance. This way you will have 2 charged melees and 2 'nades which are the only kills that count for this if I'm not mistaken.
I don't have another character, sorry.
Maybe someone else can join on me, take the CP for you and run it with you later?
Also, if we don't fill up by 10 you can definitely run it with us.
Room for 3 on PSN for Oryx CM (from Oryx CP) on Normal. We are starting at 930 EST.
Message souItron (the L is an upper case i) on PSN.
Yup, I'd rather run it on normal anyway haha.
Just shot you a message on PSN, got room for 1?
How much do you regret that PSN username now? haha
OK, finally took pictures of my titan figure
*sad pictures*
And never got an response from the Bungie Store using the webform and an actual email.
what the fuck, the same shit happened to me except I ordered mine from Sideshow Collectibles. What courier was used to deliver yours?
So what's the quickest way to earn exotic engrams with three of coins? Been running playlists, but it takes too long
So what's the quickest way to earn exotic engrams with three of coins? Been running playlists, but it takes too long
Dreadnought. Bridge. Ultra Knight.
You can run there in a few minutes from spawn. There's a faster wway than the video shows. Straight ahead from spawn, the big Cabal Hanger (with the red light inside). Room at the back will take you to the door faster than the way he runs.
I farmed the hell out of him yesterday. 25 3oC, 4 Exotics, two Sublime Legendary.
This is a very good spot.
Patrol on the dreadnaught. Kill the ultra that gives you the silent scream emblem and if it does not drop you can back out to try again. The ultra always respawns after returning to orbit. The mission kings of decay on earth spawns an ultra often right at the start that is easy to kill.
Any reason why they deleted all IB bounties on characters? Had 9 on my Hunter ready to go. Damn.
Same on my Titan, such bullshit regardless of how they plan to change it. A heads up on what's going to happen helps.Any reason why they deleted all IB bounties on characters? Had 9 on my Hunter ready to go. Damn.
Are you guys sure? I could easily just hop in with Soultron's group in 20 minutes if they are still open.
If you get in, great, if not, take my spot. I already have the triumph.
Same on my Titan, such bullshit regardless of how they plan to change it. A heads up on what's going to happen helps.