IMO it was a backtrack for crucible when they toned down special ammo. Crucible is more fun when you have all your options available to you. This was a terrible way to "nerf" snipers when in reality they should've just toned down AA (at least I think I remember that being the reason for that change).
Also never really been a fan of the "nerf shotguns" movement ... Just buff primaries so you can actually deal with them before they reach you (if they are just sprinting around like idiots which is what most people do)... As of right now guns just shoot blanks at em.... :/
Anyway crucible is in its best shape and most fun when people have more incentive to move around the map. That includes weapon balancing and I'd much rather have most people moving around the map with a shotty rather than scoping corners with a sniper.

R don't nerf shottys buff primaries.
whatev tho I'm kinda done with crucible I've tried to get back into it but in the end it's just nowhere near as fun for me as it used to be... I'm all in on PvE for RoI and I have high hopes for destiny 2 PvP.