I just infused mine to 368. Same rolls as yours. It wrecks.
Alrighty then, I'll infuse her up.
I just infused mine to 368. Same rolls as yours. It wrecks.
Can someone explain to me the difference between the regular Gjallarhorn vs the Iron version? Is one better than the other? Why would someone infuse the regular to the Iron ver.
The Khvostov.
Archons Forge. Aka Bond/mark/cloak City. How I loathe thee. I pop the key. I don't get shit. My friends pop theirs. I don't get shit. I'm watching the feed give my crew everything. Snipers, fusion rifles, gear galore. Throw me a bone Bungie.
Strike Playlist has been good getting me from 350-360. Where do the drops start capping off? 365?
Is there a list of strike rewards? I used one at prime and got his bond. I want a badass weapon.
You can reroll the stats on the ROI armor from the achievement book, you can claim additional packages from the book, but they pop out at LL 3 instead.
clanmate got a set of hunter arms from one of the offerings. Dream Eater something or other. Looked dope.
Where do you reroll the stats on the Days of Iron armor...? I don't see this option in the book anywhere.
I'll be in there tomorrow hoping and praying. If you see me, shoot me an invite!
You don't really reroll them so much as pull new ones from the boxes until you get what you want.
They always seem to come out with Hand Cannon reloader though (all 3 pairs).
Splicer Key to open door / die and respawn outside door / Terminal Rebooting
What the hell is this crap
So I'm only Light Level 328... How worth it is it to buy the 350 stuff from the vendors?
So for efficient leveling:
1) Buy a 350 Ghost from Vanguard or Crucible for 75 Marks
2) Exchange a legendary class item engram for a 350 Iron Lord class item from Shiro
3) Play Story and finish quest to get 350 Iron Lord Artifact (no sprint lock, lololol)
4) Decrypt stored engrams to get as high as you can, probably topping out at 350ish.
(Decrypting in the lowest slot you have before trying a new slot.)
5) Run strikes for high light blues to get higher than the 350 soft cap. You can also try Crucible & Archon's Forge I suppose.
Is that accurate?
It seems that before 350 engrams are great for light level boosts. Afterward, engrams are mostly for getting a new roll on a piece of gear, i.e. you'll have to find your light level increases from activities.
I love the fact they added more modifiers to weekly heroic playlist.
What I did not love was on The Wretched Eye strike, those shanks dropping down fucking wreck your shit on Arc Burn.
+ They can and will fire no matter where you are straight off spawn since they come from the skies.
do these if that piece isn't 350
You can purchase the upgrade to get everything digitally. You will have to delete Destiny and download everything all over again (unless someone knows how to only delete vanilla destiny). You can purchase the non upgrade version but you'll need the disc in your system.Haven't played in a while, I have the physical PS4 Legendary Edition of Taken King (Which I think was just Destiny base game + codes for all the DLC). Looking to get back in with Rise of Iron, the Collection Upgrade specifically mentions the PS3 version. 2 Questions, will this work fine with my PS4 version or is this only for upgrading from last to current gen? Secondly will this give me the digital version so I no longer need to use the disc from my TTK version? The non upgrade version of the collection is also unavailable for purchase (I'm assuming this is because I have TTK?).
I can't find those stupid red things for the Gally quest.
RoI just seems like a GIANT grind fest more so than the other two expansions. Feel I wasted my money
I can't find those stupid red things for the Gally quest.
RoI just seems like a GIANT grind fest more so than the other two expansions. Feel I wasted my money
Yep both are in the kiosk.So once I get my Gally does it unlock the Y3 version in the kiosk? So I can have an iron and stock one?
So once I get my Gally does it unlock the Y3 version in the kiosk? So I can have an iron and stock one?
Yep both are in the kiosk.
Gjallarhorn is unlocked when you do a Quest.
Once that Quest is done ... you can pick it up and shoot alot of shit with it. Once picked up, its yours![]()
I got Khvostov and directly dc'ed lol, well at least I got it, is it worth to finish the quest?
Need to find ways to raise my light lvl, at 326 atm, gonna do strikes and other stuff once I finish the story (playing it slowly).
I see thanks, well at least it should be easier with a better gun, will probably do it after the story to get better gear.Yeah it definetly is worth it to finish.
There's a nice emotional touch at the end from Bungie.
How do you get skeleton keys?