how long until the raid?
3.5 hours
how long until the raid?
Nailed it.So i got Gjallarhorn earlier today and it dawned on me that this expansion is really not adding anything to the game.
Yes there are a few new spaces, gear and quests, but what has Bungie really done this time? Where is the innovation? As far as I can see, it's just more content on top of the new mechanics and QOL updates they did last year with TTK. Everything is an updated or remixed version of an existing location, mechanic or idea. Archon Forge for instance, as fun as it can be, is literally Court of Oryx in a less convenient location with even less convenient drop rates.
Quests still have me running around vast expanses chasing triangular shaped drops. The Splicer Fallen are pretty much exactly the same as the normal Fallen. People are still running around in the Crucible the exact same way they've been running around for the last two years.
I wasn't really expecting much to change given the scope of the expansion and the timeframe it was made in, but I'm sitting here with virtually no interest in the new Raid and no desire to farm Strikes and chase blues all over again.It's not like the game is dropping me interesting shit like the transition from HoW to TTK. I'm just infusing everything I already have because why use anything other than Hung Jury and an Exotic Sword? Even Gjallarhorn pales in comparison to the fantasy brought on by the Swords and yet it was used to give the expansion's marketing campaign some weight.
I felt lost in the beginning of The Taken King because there was so much new stuff and so much to do. I feel lost in Rise of Iron too, but for a different reason - because I've seen all of this shit already.
I don't understand people who are annoyed at the game for being stingy with 350+ gear...progression above 350 is mainly suppose to come from raid gear and NF.
But atleast there is a way to do it otherwise unlike how it was before where after a certain point raid and NF were the only options. Apart from that legendaries will drop higher with a good chance and you can get 3 guaranteed legendaries everyday.
Raid recommended level might say 360 but you can easily tackle anything 10LL above without much penalty...that's how it has always been. But now atleast you have a way to exceed that limit before you even play it but it doesn't mean you have to.
Just because there are people who are hitting 370 and 380 via sinking enormous amount of time does not mean you have to as well. You won't get left behind.
i already started. Need one, then.I Can join. Psn Nightzoor
i already started. Need one, then.
Looking for patient chill scrubby people to check out the raid blind tomorrow at 5:30PM Eastern. Min LL 355. No other requirements, just want to throw ourselves at it and see what sticks. Not under any pressure to finish the thing, so if you are looking for a way to check it out and can deal with many wipes, I will do my best to keep morale high
Quote this post for a spot
1. Hawk
2. Androo
So i got Gjallarhorn earlier today and it dawned on me that this expansion is really not adding anything to the game.
Yes there are a few new spaces, gear and quests, but what has Bungie really done this time? Where is the innovation? As far as I can see, it's just more content on top of the new mechanics and QOL updates they did last year with TTK. Everything is an updated or remixed version of an existing location, mechanic or idea. Archon Forge for instance, as fun as it can be, is literally Court of Oryx in a less convenient location with even less convenient drop rates.
Quests still have me running around vast expanses chasing triangular shaped drops. The Splicer Fallen are pretty much exactly the same as the normal Fallen. People are still running around in the Crucible the exact same way they've been running around for the last two years.
I wasn't really expecting much to change given the scope of the expansion and the timeframe it was made in, but I'm sitting here with virtually no interest in the new Raid and no desire to farm Strikes and chase blues all over again.It's not like the game is dropping me interesting shit like the transition from HoW to TTK. I'm just infusing everything I already have because why use anything other than Hung Jury and an Exotic Sword? Even Gjallarhorn pales in comparison to the fantasy brought on by the Swords and yet it was used to give the expansion's marketing campaign some weight.
I felt lost in the beginning of The Taken King because there was so much new stuff and so much to do. I feel lost in Rise of Iron too, but for a different reason - because I've seen all of this shit already.
Presumably the raid, right?
Is the vendor Event Horizon sniper good for PvE? Hidden Hand and Spray & Play with a 3 round mag seems iffy when I have the 1KYS w/ Triple Tap.
Not sure which one would do more DPS.
a lot of people are very concerned with the end game.
for me, it's about the journey.
My brother/girlfriend/best friend and I are having a blast.
I think Bungie fucked up my releasing the raid this week. Now everyone is rushing to 360+ and 3 days after release people are already upset at the (forced) grind.
Variks gave me 367 Hand cannon after turning in a sigil.. but once per week is not cutting it. So its only the raid and Exotic engrams that will give you light above 365?
Anyone know a good resource I can find what exotics can upgrade to what level? I have loads of old exotics and want to max out some of my favorites from year 1/2. I just infuse with a shard and monies as usual, correct?
Any old exotics i really should upgrade? Any lists of what can/cant?
I bought it and yes, it's very good in PvE as boss DPS. Only 3 rounds, but Spray and Play reloads it in a flash.
That being said, no I'm not sure it would out-DPS the Triple Tap 1KYS.
so started a new character as a warlock (and used the 40 boost), good choice?
other character is a titan.
does the warlocks jump get any higher, seems very limiting,
I really wish the raid wasn't being released so soon. I'd love to have seen a series of weekly events in place for the first couple of months leading up to the release of the raid so people could get ready for day one without the panic grind.
I know day one isns't important, but for people wishing to go in blind who won't be able to for a while longer there are going to be a lot of spoilers floating around and less people in the pool when they come to put a group together.
You can see all the exotics you own that can be upgraded at the exotic kiosk near the class vendors in the tower.
so started a new character as a warlock (and used the 40 boost), good choice?
other character is a titan.
does the warlocks jump get any higher, seems very limiting,
So I've been away for a while, just finished the Taken King campaign.
What's the quickest way to boost my light level to get started in Rise of Iron?
Warlock jump is the best jump.
To go high, press the jump button twice quickly.
So I've been away for a while, just finished the Taken King campaign.
What's the quickest way to boost my light level to get started in Rise of Iron?
Ah i'm not at home right now but will check that for sure! Thanks.
Is that the only "way"? I have an old MIDA and Jade Rabbit that i'd like to bring to the 380/s if possible. Same with TLW and Hawkmoon.
Warlock jump is the best jump.
To go high, press the jump button twice quickly.
So i got Gjallarhorn earlier today and it dawned on me that this expansion is really not adding anything to the game.
Yes there are a few new spaces, gear and quests, but what has Bungie really done this time? Where is the innovation? As far as I can see, it's just more content on top of the new mechanics and QOL updates they did last year with TTK. Everything is an updated or remixed version of an existing location, mechanic or idea. Archon Forge for instance, as fun as it can be, is literally Court of Oryx in a less convenient location with even less convenient drop rates.
Quests still have me running around vast expanses chasing triangular shaped drops. The Splicer Fallen are pretty much exactly the same as the normal Fallen. People are still running around in the Crucible the exact same way they've been running around for the last two years.
I wasn't really expecting much to change given the scope of the expansion and the timeframe it was made in, but I'm sitting here with virtually no interest in the new Raid and no desire to farm Strikes and chase blues all over again.It's not like the game is dropping me interesting shit like the transition from HoW to TTK. I'm just infusing everything I already have because why use anything other than Hung Jury and an Exotic Sword? Even Gjallarhorn pales in comparison to the fantasy brought on by the Swords and yet it was used to give the expansion's marketing campaign some weight.
I felt lost in the beginning of The Taken King because there was so much new stuff and so much to do. I feel lost in Rise of Iron too, but for a different reason - because I've seen all of this shit already.
You can't upgrade those directly. Any exotics that can be upgraded to Y2+ you will need to first buy with marks (150) from the kiosk. You can only buy the items you've unlocked via drops or Xur sales.
They'll then be available to buy any time for 1 exotic shard plus some glimmer (in case you decide to dismantle for any reason).
Or you can pray to the gods of rng for a fresh drop!
cool will give it a try. felt very limiting that i couldnt make jumps to higher platforms
loving the nova bomb. hows sunsinger (spelling?)
Anyone down for farming Omnigul for an hour or two? I'm a Warlock.
Anyone who disagrees doesn't main a warlock![]()
I have a constant quest marker at the tower right now. I have no clue what it is for.
Pretty sure I ran around and talked to everyone and no change.
Any ideas?
Ah crap that's what i get for taking so much time away from Destiny :/
So i can infuse... but only the "year 2" versions of exotics? like if i get a 350... i can take it to 380+ after i purchase by infusing?
It's a bug. It has something to do with completing the year 1 Thorn bounty.
I have it too and it's triggering my OCD for completing all quests.![]()
I think it's safe to say Titans objectively have he best jump in the game. :3
Well, at least you're not saying that Hunters are the best jumpers lol
Yes there are a few new spaces, gear and quests, but what has Bungie really done this time? Where is the innovation? As far as I can see, it's just more content on top of the new mechanics and QOL updates they did last year with TTK. Everything is an updated or remixed version of an existing location, mechanic or idea.
So i got Gjallarhorn earlier today and it dawned on me that this expansion is really not adding anything to the game.
Yes there are a few new spaces, gear and quests, but what has Bungie really done this time? Where is the innovation?
I wasn't really expecting much to change given the scope of the expansion and the timeframe it was made in, but I'm sitting here with virtually no interest in the new Raid....
I have a constant quest marker at the tower right now. I have no clue what it is for.
Pretty sure I ran around and talked to everyone and no change.
Any ideas?
I really hate this new progression system. It is so restrictive.
Good try, guys.