Some Guardians that haven't reached 370 are still at work.Last call for Omni farm
Is everyone over 370 already
Some Guardians that haven't reached 370 are still at work.Last call for Omni farm
Is everyone over 370 already
Cool. Getting on now.Adding you both
If you go into the raid with 366+ Light Level what LL do items drop at?
And this is supposed to be worse than getting a 300 FR when you were, say, 309 back in KF?IMO the problem right now is that earlier we thought raid was going to be the main route of progression past 365, it's no longer the case since they are no better than faction packages and you can only do once per character per week.
Kings fall was stingy withgear BUT it made sure that everything it dropped in NM was above 300 regardless of your LL. Which meant people could start the raid at 280-290 and approach 300 or above by the end of it.
With wrath of machine the LL of drops is tied to your own LL meaning you can finish the entire raid and not even go up 1LL. And that is quite bullshit tbh.
You need to spend some marks and grab the 350 LL gear from the vendors, then run at least three SIVA Heroics. No reason for you to be stuck at 343 after that.Tfw you're stuck on light level 343 on all your 3 characters for 2 days now.
Challenge of Elders, it was added in an update after TTK. It's 320 level version of PoE bosses which scores you as well.
Challenge of Elders is level 42 elders. It's not matchmade, you need a fireteam.
Challenge of the Elders
Yes because the highest level fight in the game was 310 and it was the stretch from 300-310 that was the grind. You could get lower LL stuff in KF but also significantly higher.And this is supposed to be worse than getting a 300 FR when you were, say, 309 back in KF?
At least now, drops are either going to be the same light or higher light, and that is 10x better than the bullshit that was KF.
Looking for 4 people to do the Xbox raid right now. Prefer to have your light level around 365. Message my GT Dr ChadMan
That's because they fucked with legendaries so you're better off farming Omnigul. If they just brought the +6 system back to those instead of +1 or +0, there wouldn't be a need to grind factions or Omnigul.Yes because the highest level fight in the game was 310 and it was the stretch from 300-310 that was the grind. You could get lower LL stuff in KF but also significantly higher.
The highest level content here is 380 and the stagnation starts at 365...that's a larger gap. I'm not saying it's needed to finish the raid but people were <10LL of Oryx first week itself without any grinding. This time around if you want to be <10LL of Aksis you have to grind faction rep.
It was very rare for anyone to go through the entire raid without a single gear drop in KF, you'd get atleast one and atleast for the first week that would bump up your LL up significantly because it was guaranteed to be 300+ while every player was under 300.
Room for one more Nightfall boss, PDN diggymow
Eh, we are talking about the same company that had the loot cave and allowed us to screw with our internet so we could kill Crota.I love this game, but the way Bungie is handling it is ridiculous. They put up a progression wall so that people don't exhaust all the content in a week (which I totally understand and can live with), but at the same time leave in a truckload of exploitable bugs, so all their efforts amount to nothing.
I've been saving mine in the hopes of getting a god roll on a Grasp of Malok (Omnigul strike)Any particular strikes that have gear in the skeleton chest that I should be going after or are you guys just using them on any strike?
Sending invite now.Guessing 359 is a no go?
Daaaamn that shader looks nice.We did it!
I've been saving mine in the hopes of getting a god roll on a Grasp of Malok (Omnigul strike)
Played with Hawkian for the first time and embarrassed myself in the crucible. I'm normally not that bad, I swear.
You are really hardcore if one Nightfall boss is not enough.![]()
Daaaamn that shader looks nice.
Is that from the raid?
Of course it does lolOld Guard. Year 1 triumphs. Shader for the Raid requires you to have all WotM Raid armor in your characters inventory.
It might have, but I'll put you in as an alt.
New page
Nico, you might want to farm Omnigul to get that LL higher.
We'll all go in blind at 3pm EST.
Doing WotM probably.Where arevall the 350-360 players? Hard strike playlist is filled 330s dying instantly.
Doing WotM probably.
When the recommended light is 370? Okay...
Is the raid possible at 355?
I'm hoping it's possible cause it's feeling impossible to hit 360 right now. All these blues just keep dropping 340 equips:/Still waiting to hear from Hawkian to see how his 355+ raid went last night. Maybe they are still running it?
I'm hoping it's possible cause it's feeling impossible to hit 360 right now. All these blues just keep dropping 340 equips:/
Still waiting to hear from Hawkian to see how his 355+ raid went last night. Maybe they are still running it?
Still waiting to hear from Hawkian to see how his 355+ raid went last night. Maybe they are still running it?
run sepiks perfected strike (320 light version) over and over and over, the boss will drop blues which will be upgrades. can also use 3 of coins. I did this for almost 2 days and I am 363 now
Thanks guys, will do!You need to spend some marks and grab the 350 LL gear from the vendors, then run at least three SIVA Heroics. No reason for you to be stuck at 343 after that.
Is the raid possible at 355?
Biggest piece of advice I can give to people stuck on the final Raid boss:
Hunter tethers are crucial. When we only had 1, we could barely have enough DPS to do 20% damage per cycle (which is the bare minimum you need to clear him.) With 2, we had enough to do 25% damage per cycle. We killed him without going into enrage. We also saved one tether for the final part where he teleports back to his spawn. Without that, I don't think we could have killed him. We were 367, 370, 370, 375, 375.
We got to the 2nd to last encounter and called it. It was late for some people and would be hard to just find more people.
But our team comp was better than just bare minimum so. We had one 370, and only two people under 360
Our team of half 355ish, half 365ish was able the clear the first boss. We didn't spend any real time on the second but some red bar enemies started showing up for the lower light members.
Definitely worth at least starting at lower light.
And you can only get those through the 350 strike playlist right? Can't select the strikes straight up.Blue engrams are capped to decrypt at 340. Best way to get up to 365 is to far Omnigul/Sepiks/Other strike bosses. Strike bosses drop blues up to 365.
It might have, but I'll put you in as an alt.
New page
Nico, you might want to farm Omnigul to get that LL higher.
We'll all go in blind at 3pm EST.