Anyone interested in doing the raid as soon as we get a full team?
by tonight?
Anyone interested in doing the raid as soon as we get a full team?
Sigh, the Heroic Story playlist doesn't count for the Rise of Iron book's heroic story mission node. Void burn was the only thing making these tolerable.
Keep doing The Walls Come Down, with a group can be done in 5 mins each.
It's the only mode in my book not finished (have 7/10). So boring.
Am instead just playing Crucible which has about the same drop rate of good Eyaslunas as the story missions.
Got my first Eyasluna last month with Sureshot, Outlaw, Explosive Rounds and Luck in the Chamber . Love it so much.
No raid matchmaking is really confounding to me. I'm working my way through the DLC content now and I'd really like to try Vault of Glass and Crota's End but getting together a 6 man group, especially taking into account timezones etc. is going to be so difficult.
No raid matchmaking is really confounding to me. I'm working my way through the DLC content now and I'd really like to try Vault of Glass and Crota's End but getting together a 6 man group, especially taking into account timezones etc. is going to be so difficult.
100 days left until D2
Ugh I seriously want to keep playing and trying to enjoy this game, but every PVP game is either in progress (and you're way down), against a full fire team (cause that's fucking fun), or literally 95% of Destiny only uses the why on earth even have other guns in the game since they suck and can't beat the Pali
Now that I have jumped back in I noticed I have a lot of older items / materials in my inventory. I am unsure what is needed and not. I know it doesn't matter since we start fresh in Destiny 2, lol.
Did my first raid with the help of some great guys I found through The 100. It was just the vanilla version of Vault of Glass and as such was quite easy, but I loved all the different mechanics at play. The loot wasn't great but I ended up getting a cool shader (Chatterwhite) so I reckon it was worth it!
Ugh I seriously want to keep playing and trying to enjoy this game, but every PVP game is either in progress (and you're way down), against a full fire team (cause that's fucking fun), or literally 95% of Destiny only uses the why on earth even have other guns in the game since they suck and can't beat the Pali!What is The 100? I may need help getting a full raid party when my friend and I are at level.!
You can post games or join games, it's great. Although it requires you to kind of schedule ahead of time.
Hit 40 today on my Titan got my first exotic off an engram and it's a Lucky Raspberry for a Hunter
Already at 260 light but it seems I got a long way to go.
Infuse it into your chest piece assuming it's higher than the one you have. Either that or break it down for shards. Or start a Hunter.
As for long way to go the candy in this game flows so much now you should hit 400 in no time. Then you'll be like me constantly be maxed out in inventory and what's on you because you can't delete shit.
Eh the hunt for the last pieces of 400 is still pretty annoying. My hunter gloves were stuck at 392 for like a month, took me a good 7-8 faction packages to finally get a 400 one.
You could've always done the abomination or brothers strike with a skeleton key for arms.
No more D1 updates is fine with me, but the beta better last two to three weeks at least. Or longer![]()
Infuse it into your chest piece assuming it's higher than the one you have. Either that or break it down for shards. Or start a Hunter.
As for long way to go the candy in this game flows so much now you should hit 400 in no time. Then you'll be like me constantly be maxed out in inventory and what's on you because you can't delete shit.
So wait, E3 will only have 1 playable character?
Not sure how you arrived at that conclusion. They're announcing things at E3.
Not sure how you arrived at that conclusion. They're announcing things at E3.
I mean, that's exactly what they say in the update. "You'll see what you saw at the initial reveal plus Arcstrider."
I would hope they have a new trailer at least to show though.
I was avoiding Crucible because I hate multiplayer shooters with equipment advantages, but holy crap it can be addictive. Shot through from early level 30s to level 40 playing it and doing bounties and I'm sitting at in the top 3 on my team for most matches. Love that everyone gets rewards no matter winner or loser as well.
Things like? read below for how i came to the conclusion.
exactly. it sounds like theyre happy with giving the same Destiny 2 reveal gameplay but now with Arcstrider. their verbiage doesnt make me feel like suddenly we'll see what Lost Sectors look like or if we'll see any other strike.
Beta dates, for one.
And of course there'll be new trailers. You think they're just going to brush off E3?
Eh the hunt for the last pieces of 400 is still pretty annoying. My hunter gloves were stuck at 392 for like a month, took me a good 7-8 faction packages to finally get a 400 one.
I was avoiding Crucible because I hate multiplayer shooters with equipment advantages, but holy crap it can be addictive. Shot through from early level 30s to level 40 playing it and doing bounties and I'm sitting at in the top 3 on my team for most matches. Love that everyone gets rewards no matter winner or loser as well.
100 days left until D2
Things like? read below for how i came to the conclusion.
exactly. it sounds like theyre happy with giving the same Destiny 2 reveal gameplay but now with Arcstrider. their verbiage doesnt make me feel like suddenly we'll see what Lost Sectors look like or if we'll see any other strike. They may not even show the full menu yet. :/
We have a saying in my clan for Crucible rewards, "third or worse" if you want to see the good stuff.!
You can post games or join games, it's great. Although it requires you to kind of schedule ahead of time.