Gaming side is already like ....
I went and checked it out and this is true. Destiny doesn't suck; however, there are some legitimate concerns brought up over there. 1. No space beards (that's bullshit) 2. No emote wheel (why did I buy them? I want to mock my friends in a variety of ways quite quickly).Gaming side is already like ....
No offense to anyone of course, but in my entire life of gaming I never thought I'd see an issue such as no beards in a game where your head is covered 99.9% of the time to cause such an uproar.
Gaming side is already like ....
You don't know me😁 I'm like the Samson of beard power. My warlock needs a damn space beard to maximize his space magic.No offense to anyone of course, but in my entire life of gaming I never thought I'd see an issue such as no beards in a game where your head is covered 99.9% of the time to cause such an uproar.
I kind of led that storm during the original beta and the subsequent lead up to the game's release. I will take up my crusade again and I might write more Speaker sexual fan fiction and post it here if I need to.It didn't cause such an uproar? More like storm in the glass scenario.
For the beta, I'm starting to think we will just get a slightly updated version of the reveal / e3 build. So just homecoming story, spire strike and countdown.
At first I thought they would also include the farm and a gated off EDZ area. But thinking back, they really fucked up giving us the whole cosmodrome and moon patrol areas. I'd played half the playable area before the game launched.
With the farm, the premise as I understand it, is that early on in D2 the tower gets overrun and we are forced out. Then we go into the EDZ and stumble across the farm and use that as a rally point for the raft of the game until we win the city back. Putting the farm in the beta kind of ruins its discovery in the campaign. Having been there already in the beta makes it a non event when getting there at release.
Gated areas in EDZ sound like a big risk as well for the beta. People are going to find a way past any barriers and then the whole zone, which is said to be the biggest in the game, is spoiled.
Leaving out the farm and any patrol from the beta is a bit weird though. It's going to be strange for people new to the game to understand how the eco system works. No vendors or cryptarc.
So then if they are not there, I think we may just get a set build like in the e3 build. No engram drops, just what appears on your character. That lets them hide guns and armour until launch. As the mission is going to be homecoming, we need to already have levelled supers and abilities, like we have seen at the shows.
If this is what they are doing, them I'm staying off gaming side destiny threads for life.
Basically, I'm starting to think I should have lower expectations of the beta.
I think we are getting part of the EDZ since it would be pointless to not test the new patrol and public events. Considering how big it will be, probably will be gated. Also the beta will be on PC, so it will datamined to death, unless they went the extra mile to create a very specific build with only things that they want us to see in the beta.
Gaming side is already like ....
Acting like the majority of criticisms gaming side threads have aren't completely justified is just silly. Acting like their opinions aren't valid because they're not superfans like the posters in here is equally as silly.
I have spent time in here (have been reading this thread and all previous ones since the game was released and before I was a member, even raided a couple times with some of you) and realize that many people here share the same criticisms posters over there do, which is why it's so perplexing to me how people here react to gaming side threads as a whole. Like there's some sort of vendetta against the IP and developer regardless of what they're actually being criticized for.The threads are, for the most part, justifiable criticisms. It's the piling on and drive-by posting from folks who admit to never playing (or playing very little) that gets old.
Destiny is divisive. Always has been. Spend some time here and you'll see that the "superfans" are some of the game's biggest critics.
I wonder when D-GAFs daily post complaining about Destiny gaming side threa-
Aaaayyy, there it is!
People were burnt by Destiny 1 and Bungie didn't and still have not done anything to win them over, more news at 11. Acting like the majority of criticisms gaming side threads have aren't completely justified is just silly. Acting like their opinions aren't valid because they're not superfans like the posters in here is equally as silly.
People are talking about the ways they've been disappointed by Bungie in a thread that literally exists to talk about how Bungie is currently disappointing the community. It's understandable that a thread was created on it (especially when other Destiny communities are discussing it) so the whole "LEAVE BRITTNEY ALONE" shtick is ridiculous.
Can someone clear this up for me.
If we want to try for Adept weapons on WOTM this week at Aksis we don't need to complete the challenge right? Me and a friend just want to try for an adept Chaos Dogma and we have Knuckles activated as well plus its our first run on the week.
Also can the challenges for the emblem be done on Normal 370?
Also can the challenges for the emblem be done on Normal 370?
If I remember correctly, challenge is just another guaranteed exotic, not a requirement to attain the exotic primaries.
people who have made their disappointment into a personal demon that must be exercised.
No, only every four weeks when it is the weekly featured raid.
Re: adept weapons, you get one per challenge completed per character per featured raid. There are two challenges in WotM. Knuckles do not affect the adept weapon drops, but just give you an additional roll on that encounter's regular loot table.
I take it for a walk twice a day."Exorcised".
That thread in particular isn't sourced, contains no examples of a larger community consensus, and includes silly reasons like "No beards." Which honestly was a joke request that turned into a running gag. The fact that people are acting up in arms about Beards, showcases that some people are just looking for anything they can to, again, shit talk something they like to shit talk.
The tricky thing about threads like that are you can never tell who is legitimately disappointed and who is just taking the opportunity to shit on something they enjoy shitting on. Which is something that we've seen happen plenty of times before Destiny 2 was even announced.
That thread in particular isn't sourced, contains no examples of a larger community consensus, and includes silly reasons like "No beards." Which honestly was a joke request that turned into a running gag. The fact that people are acting up in arms about Beards, showcases that some people are just looking for anything they can to, again, shit talk something they like to shit talk.
There are plenty of people who play the game and post in the thread that have issues with the game and discuss them. The difference between those people and the ones who support threads like the one Gaming Side, is that the people who complain and critique in this thread, tend not to be people who have made their disappointment into a personal demon that must be exercised.
The darkness is actually people making threads to complain about it.
The bold is exactly the type of thing I'm talking about. Go read through that thread and tell me how many people actually made posts about the beard thing. 95%+ of the posts in the currently 7 pages of that thread don't even reference the lack of beards for the character creator and instead are talking about how disappointing it is that Bungie is treating the Darkness as if it doesn't exist, among other things.
There are plenty of people who play the game and post in thatthread along with other gaming side threads that have issues with the game and discuss them. Insinuating that the people over there at large consider their valid and understandable criticisms as "personal demon(s) that must be exercised" is just... come on. I mentioned it in a previous post but this notion that people have some sort of uncontrollable tick of hatred for Destiny as if it's exclusive to the franchise is a complete fabrication. Intelligent discussion about missteps the series has taken exists in both realms.
Beards isn't a joke request. This is serious.
If the thread was attempting serious discussion, no beards shouldn't even be included in the list. Who creates a serious discussion list and includes trivial junk in that list if the goal isn't to insert filler to make things appear worse than they are?
The reaction to Luke revealing that there's no plan for The Darkness is way blown out of porportion. It's like people lose all sense of context. Do you really think that ANY game, book, tv show, or movie that has a tremendous secret that is not intended to be revealed in the initial iteration has EXACTLY what the secret is going to be planned out from the very beginning? No. It doesn't. Writers routinely let the story take them where they need to go. The reason Bungie never had any idea what The Darkness is, is because Joe Staten didn't have any idea what The Darkness was when he wrote it. Which, again, is common with writers. Then he left or was let go (the difference doesn't matter in context of this discussion) which meant that even if he had inklings of what The Darkness would eventually be, Bungie no longer had access to that. Or it was so bad they didn't want to use it. So they're shifting focus until they can get it worked out. Which is a good thing. They've apparently gone through a few writers since Destiny 1, so that's taking a bit to work out. This is not a signifier of mishandling, misconduct, disrespect to the players, or anything like that. This is a result of the way the writing process works + turnover in an industry where turnover is actually extremely common.
Then you've got the the subsection of people who insult the playerbase with the "the game is a skinner box and all the people who think they like it are actually just hamsters responding to stimulus" bullshit along with the "if you disagree with my opinion, you're just a blind fanboy because my opinion is fact" people as well.
We have plenty of discussion and debate about the game here in this thread and in party chat and in discord. And the discourse is better because we, for the most part (as there is always exceptions), don't resort to that kind of ad hominem and character attack. THAT is why a lot of us don't like the gaming side threads. Because when a criticism thread is made Gaming side, it brings in the drive-by posts, the people who refuse to even consider counter points, the ad hominem and insults, and the people who didn't like the game for whatever reason and take every opportunity to shit on it and it's playerbase. Pretending that these things don't happen is silly. It's not like Destiny threads are the only place where this happens. It happens in tons of threads about different games, communities, and consoles.
If you agree with the points being made there, then by all means discuss it. But we're not required to respect or welcome it if it's littered with the problems that I listed above.
The word serious and Destiny gaming thread do not go together. OP may want an actual discussion but with a title like that you are inviting the lurkers and people who hate the game for no reason other than just to hate on it. Last I checked preorders are through the roof and overall impressions are positive. Rinse and repeat for all gaming Destiny related threads. Try to get to serious with some of these people and fall for their bait. Now if you want a challenge try convincing a big non Destiny twitch stream that the game is good.
Now if you want a challenge try convincing a big non Destiny twitch stream that the game is good.
I think the issue with the whole Darkness thing is that instead of filling in the blank space they're pushing it aside completely to focus on other things when the Darkness is arguably the most tantalizing aspect of the lore. It doesn't matter if they'll end up going into it (maybe) at a later date because they're choosing to create new fiction when they could easily just expand upon what's already there and interesting to fans. People are understandably upset by this, hence it being one of the main talking points in the gaming side thread.
That said, my point was that both sides tend to make sweeping generalizations about the other and it just adds gasoline to the fire. I'm not saying the people in this thread should stop having community discussions in community specific places, I'm saying it'd be nice if the "Look what Tiffany said over on Facebook earlier LOL she's so lost" posts stopped because they aren't helpful or even accurate. It's just shitty and condescending.
The foundation wasn't flawed because literally the only thing that is known about the Darkness is that it exists. They had room to go in and create anything they wanted, they chose not to, and now people are disappointed. Understandably so.If the foundation is flawed, it doesn't make sense to build more on top of it.
And yes, people do use hyperbole. However hyperbole is most often weaponized in criticism. I don't see it as the responsibility of the people in this thread who have well measured discussion to wade into general threads littered with ad hominem and drive by posts to engage with those relatively few that don't engage in that. Why when that invites the worst replies and attacks? Those few can come in here and engage in an environment free of that kind of stuff if they like.
Most aren't looking for discussion though. They're looking for validation. And it's easier to have validation for criticism in any Gaming side thread due to the fact that it's really easy for the drive by posts to drown out and dogpile any disagreement.
Like the saying goes you fight fire with fire.
Halo gets way more love than Destiny on twitch. Ditto for elder scrolls. I can't think of any game or franchise that gets more hate.
What conflict. You are taking this way too seriously. It's Friday, it's pay day. Who cares?
Any Xbox players want to get a group together to play the beta next month.
I'm not but thanks for belittling something I felt was worth bringing up. It's a really frustrating trend that I see in threads like this so I thought I'd start a dialogue. I've said my bit.
So is it confirmed that nothing from the Age of Triumph booklet or any sort of reward is carrying over to Destiny 2? I haven't played the game since the update went live (logged on to get the god roll Palindrome) but I'll do the challenges if it means getting a goodie for D2.
Only thing transferable from D1 is your characters face/race.
Okay, good to know. Speaking of, have they specified how many of your characters can be brought over? Considering the three class archetypes are the same I'd hope all three of my Exo dudes can make the journey.
That said, my point was that both sides tend to make sweeping generalizations about the other and it just adds gasoline to the fire. I'm not saying the people in this thread should stop having community discussions in community specific places, I'm saying it'd be nice if the "Look what Tiffany said over on Facebook earlier LOL she's so lost" posts stopped because they aren't helpful or even accurate. It's just shitty and condescending.
It's not really pointless if they're primarily testing server stress/performance, rather than testing the actual content so much.
And PC Beta isn't until late August. While it will surely be datamined... that will be super close to console launch, which makes the leaks a bit less damaging.
We have a Discord server for that.
If you are concerned about something like that don't go into community threads for fgc, sports, etc. Regs are doing the same there. Destiny community is not exclusive. People in here are actually tame compared to.
Eh it lets people know how the new areas and public content work so kinda important. Can't see them not including that in the beta.
Like the saying goes you fight fire with fire.
Halo gets way more love than Destiny on twitch. Ditto for elder scrolls. I can't think of any game or franchise that gets more hate.
"Look what Tiffany said over on Facebook earlier LOL she's so lost" posts stopped because they aren't helpful or even accurate. It's just shitty and condescending.
I wonder when D-GAFs daily post complaining about Destiny gaming side threa-