Yes.I'm wondering a couple things, first, can I just hop in to Destiny 2?
No.Second, if I play on PC can I partner with my friends on PS4?
It's fun. There's some loot. There's some missions. PvP has a real love hate factor. Raids are amazing especially Day 1.Third, what is Destiny actually like?
Almost as everything you'll be fine with playing at your own pace. One notable exception off the top of my head is Day 2 raiding. You'll probably want to grind the hell out of some encounters to increase your light level and give your group a better chance of reaching the end.How many hours a week of playtime would you say is necessary?
There are small daily bonuses, but most of the major bonuses are weekly affairs. At least with Destiny 1. Destiny 2 looks to increase the number of daily bonuses, but it doesn't sound like a requirement.Do I have to play daily for bonuses and stuff or can I play it more casually?
Anyone help with this one?
Played Destiny on ps4 up to Crota and had to take a break. Only just got back to the game recently with the complete collection. No problems until this morning when I started getting a message without a code:
You have lost connection to the Destiny servers.
Your permissions to access online multiplayer
gameplay may have change or your profile
may have been signed in elsewhere.
For more information, visit
I found a tweet suggesting I restore licenses, did that earlier and got in straight away, thought it was fixed. But come back to sign in again and getting the same message. Restoring licenses once more hasn't helped.
Any clues?
EDIT: I should add, it gets me to the menu each time, but when I choose my character, then I get the message.
I hope we get another luke smith 100 questions interview like the one for taken king. that was cool.
How do you think Bungie will handle the beginning of Destiny 2?
I mean, Ghaul takes the length of the Homecoming mission to capture the Traveler and strip the light from Guardians, but, how are we going to play that mission? I know that mission will likely change in the final product here and there.
What if the TTK classes are present and we will have them for that mission, then we need to re-earn them after the story? I know that is a very optimistic scenario, but if they want to handle it in a logical way, they would need to think how to accomodate for that beginning for old and new players, no?
Here's hoping there's something cool on that beginning.
It's fun. There's some loot. There's some missions. PvP has a real love hate factor. Raids are amazing especially Day 1.
Almost as everything you'll be fine with playing at your own pace. One notable exception off the top of my head is Day 2 raiding. You'll probably want to grind the hell out of some encounters to increase your light level and give your group a better chance of reaching the end.
There are small daily bonuses, but most of the major bonuses are weekly affairs. At least with Destiny 1. Destiny 2 looks to increase the number of daily bonuses, but it doesn't sound like a requirement.
As for videos. Lots of yelling and strong language on this one, but look for Day 1 Raid videos.
Spoilers: This is after a few hours of trying (turn down your volume for victory cheers) Final Boss Defeated
OK, I can't take it anymore. If I have to listen to Despacito one more fucking time I am going to lose my shit. I will be leaving this planet and unable to use my Destiny 2 beta code.
So here's a contest for the code. Quote to read all the rules. Draw the spirit of joy having an existential crisis in a Cinnabon that's one of the last remaining businesses in a dilapidated coal town.
Back at the end of the month. Do the right thing Bungie and re-open the beta for the last weekend of July.
Does anyone know if I can order Destiny 2 from Amazon UK and get a beta code? I have already bought the game from CDKeys so I'd cancel it after getting the code. I wasn't going to play the beta but the hype train got me.
OK, I can't take it anymore. If I have to listen to Despacito one more fucking time I am going to lose my shit.
I bet the guy who posted this thinks the strike is a story mission.Instagram ad going around is showing we will play the first 2 story missions apparently.
Honestly wouldn't surprise me. Not getting my hopes up.I bet the guy who posted this thinks the strike is a story mission.
Amazon UK let you preorder without taking money. So just preorder then cancel when you have the code. However, that's what I've done and they haven't sent any codes out yet.
Can we code beg for early access?
TIL I won't be getting my old characters or D1 progress rewards to D2 because I'm going to play on PC instead of PS4.
If you have two controllers on or plugged in, unplug one.
I bet the guy who posted this thinks the strike is a story mission.
I hope we get another luke smith 100 questions interview like the one for taken king. that was cool.
Game Informer does that, not IGN.I hope we get another luke smith 100 questions interview like the one for taken king. that was cool.
Game Informer does that, not IGN.
Luke said they might look into a potential solution of that.
When will the beta client be up for download?
10 AM pacific
1 PM eastern
Has anyone (game journalist, preview player, etc) asked Bungie whether or not the other classes/subclasses will offer multiple super abilities at the same time as the Sentinel Titan will? I'm a bit surprised this isn't getting more discussion as it represents a huge change and seemingly an imbalance if the other classes don't get the same treatment. I mean, otherwise it would seem they are funneling everyone towards favoring playing as a Titan which would go against all the balance improvements they were seemingly designing and striving towards with the next iteration of Destiny.
Hunter for life...
Titan in my second life...
So Bungie is not going to send out emails for a proper download link? I have 2 pre-orders and the seperate beta codes locked into the corresponding Bungie accounts for them.
Do I simply pre-load the beta from the link and it'll unlock for those of us who tied it into our accounts on PS4?
No comments on it yet. It's definitely imbalanced, but I can't wait to play Sentinel.
You can keep an eye on a few of the devs social media activity here:
If you preordered from Playstation you can just start downloading the beta client today. It's automatic.
If you entered a beta code on, you'll have to wait until the code generation goes live. That will be under the codes tab of your profile on You'll pick a platform and get a code to download the client. They aren't going to announce when that goes live (see comment here) but I assume it'll be all over Twitter/here/wherever once it's live.
I did have 2 charging at the same time and hadn't before, with only 1 on charge again it's working fine. Not sure if it was that but it works and I'm happy so won't be doing it again - cheers!
You can download the beta now.
12596 MB on PS4