Wagon. Minivan is too good for it to be called that.
That wagon is still too nice. I'm thinking more of Ewok wagon. Slow as dirt and would take five hours to get around the map.
You even have one ework as a nightstalker and one as an arcstrider. And you have the other team trying to team shoot in the background with matching oufits, emblems and shader.
Ring pull codes also unlock in-game engram content (on random basis!) Max 3 engrams/person
This weekend I hit Level 40 and now I'm grinding for gear. There are still a few story missions I haven't completed, but the game says I need a higher gear level for them. Should I just be running crucible and strikes or is there a better use of my time?
I tried Prison of the Elders because I want to complete the House of Wolves content and it put me in a match alone. Do I need a fireteam pre-made for that or is the mode just dead from no one playing it?
It looks like there will be a marketing promo with Rockstar energy drinks for D2.
"Score Loot with Cans" 🤔
Prison of Elders has matchmaking (if anyone is playing), Challenge of Elders doesn't (latter is the one you need a ticket from Variks for).
I could help at some point if you still need?
The top tier PoE (Skolas, etc) doesn't have matchmaking, does it?
Both the strike playlist and crucible will get you gear to level you up. Always have your highest level stuff equipped when getting loot (from walking over decrypted stuff, post-game drops, decrypting engrams, etc). If you want to further speed it along, hoard your engrams and decrypt them when they're for your lowest light level slot equip new gear and repeat. Use legendary marks to get 350 LL equipment from tower vendors.
The last story missions are probably the Rise of Iron ones.
Prison of Elders has matchmaking (if anyone is playing), Challenge of Elders doesn't (latter is the one you need a ticket from Variks for).
Good stuff, thank you for the answer. I'm also getting stuck on a mission in the Vault of Glass (can't look up the name right now) that is Hard difficulty only and is several waves of Fallen. Should I try to find a group or just come back when I have better gear?
I really want to finish the story missions so I can get all the Faction bounties going.
The top tier PoE (Skolas, etc) doesn't have matchmaking, does it?
Maybe is the Wolfs Gambit mission? If I remember correctly, you can climb the stone pillar to the left near the black door to the left and take shots from there after the oracles phase.
It looks like there will be a marketing promo with Rockstar energy drinks for D2.
"Score Loot with Cans" 🤔
Base level and level 42 Prison of Elders both have Matchmaking. Everything else does not.
Saw this on reddit, seems to be Samurai themed IB armor.
Saw this on reddit, seems to be Samurai themed IB armor.
Any word on the file size for Destiny 2 yet?
68 GB hard drive storage space required as of 09.17
Evening All!
I left Destiny shortly after The Taken King had come out after completing the story and (partly) completing the raid.
However playing the new beta left me wanting to return to the tower, so I picked up the Rise of Iron dlc and on first look, it seems like quite a lot has changed,
it looks like they bought the old raids back with a new difficulty and new rewards?
My opinion on the rise of iron dlc was that it was quite a nice expansion and it was pretty neat to explore more of the past lore of destiny in regards to Saladin and the iron lords.
The new social area is nice and I really liked the medieval flair of the armor.
I'm glad to once again be back in this community and I look forward to experiencing Destiny 2 with you all.
I stayed up until 3 AM grinding out ghost fragments and siva clusters for the 5000 grimoire emblem in Destiny 2 😪
Is Destiny 2 going to get early access / head-start for preordered copies?
And are you going to be looking at how you can rework those larger crucible games like Rumble and Clash which were 6v6, or are they gone complet...
Lars Bakken: Its gone.
Right, so it's not something you guys might revisit or rework in the future? Like could we see 6v6 return, but maybe on a larger map?
Lars Bakken: I think at this point it would be very difficult to go back to those types of experiences and the reason I say that is because the entire game was created around this 4v4 focus.
I wouldnt even know where to start. Like do you know double the team size or like create bigger maps.
Its not like we couldnt do it, its just there are so many things that are fundamentally reliant on how the systems connect, it would be pretty difficult to do.
Sorry I have to break fans hearts. I believe the experience is so good that I want them to play it and see it for themselves.
Lars Bakken said:Sorry I have to break fans hearts. I believe the experience is so good that I want them to play it and see it for themselves.