A little bit of column A and a little bit of column B. There is always something going on each week right now in D1. The Raid changes weekly so you have your PVE. PVP has a weekly event and a Monthly event. So you're covered there as well. Looking forward see how they will keep players around in D2.
Destiny is one of those games where the core gameplay is incredibly good, they just fumbled the story and some PvP design. Bungie has shown that they do know how to write great character and story (like in the Taken King and Rise of Iron expansions), and despite the tendency to revisit the some locations a lot, the areas are designed so interestingly that I don't really mind that much. Destiny was one of the only games I played over the past 3 years, probably my best $ per hour of entertainment value (not including F2P games of course).
Personally I really prefer the PvE side of the game. Bungie's level and encounter design is generally pretty great, and outside of the very endgame stuff nothing is extremely stressful. I don't like the PvP as much because of the rampant connection issues (probably from a small player base) and weird balance, but there's definitely a crowd for that too.
Destiny has a bit of everything. I do love PvE when it's new to me, and can't wait for more.
The game play, combined with the community and loot, kept me playing for over 1,000 hours. It's hard to really point to ONE thing. Meeting raid groups, hopping into strikes with randoms, whatever... Just so much fun. So much less toxicity online (for the most part) than some other games, too.
Thanks for the responses. Is the loot just guns or cosmetics as well?