OMG! Wow
I think I got mine in October2014
Still haven't ever gotten God of War. I'm not salty...
OMG! Wow
I think I got mine in October2014
Oh you mean 3 of coins.OK back with another noob question Destiny GAF.
What do I do with 3 strange coins? Use them while I'm matchmaking? Then I get a better chance at better gear post match? Do I need to use one before every match or does it last for like 30 mins or what? Does it only work if my team wins?
Willing to do the older raids. I lost my original character and did some raids on that one but zero with this new Titan.
I'm level 358. Help DGAF!
Oh you mean 3 of coins.
Use one at the beginning of a strike or crucible match. It gives you the chance of getting an exotic engrams. If you don't get one, use another at the beginning of the next match. Only use 1 at a time.
Willing to do the older raids. I lost my original character and did some raids on that one but zero with this new Titan.
I'm level 358. Help DGAF!
I'm in if you find more.
If you can get a group I'd be happy to help with some older raids
Willing to do the older raids. I lost my original character and did some raids on that one but zero with this new Titan.
I'm level 358. Help DGAF!
Holy shat you get mad exp from Crucible.
You all interested in running Vault of Glass? My son's never done it and needs it for the No Time to Explain questline.
You all interested in running Vault of Glass? My son's never done it and needs it for the No Time to Explain questline.
For levelling up subclasses? It used to be miles quicker before it was nerfed - the biggest boost you can get for your subclass are the weekly shiro bounties
Anyone interested in a NM vault of glass? Trying to help my son finish the no time to explain quest. Maybe start in 90 mins?
Never mind, no interest from anyone else.sign me up
GD/LD - Army of One - Zen Moment - High Caliber Rounds/Fitted Stock/Oiled Frame
SC/SD - Crowd Control - RangeFinder - Snapshot/Fitted Stock/Oiled Frame
GB/LC - Danger Close - Spray and Play - Single Point Sling/Hand Loaded/Injection Mold
That second Lyudmila looks pretty decent. Is it a bad gun and that's why no one talks about it?
I have a god roll Lyudmila.That second Lyudmila looks pretty decent. Is it a bad gun and that's why no one talks about it?
How do I discord?
Never mind, no interest from anyone else.
I only have Vanilla Destiny, no DLC no nothing. Is it possible to still get the platinum? I'm reading conflicting information regarding something about exotics and raids and clans and levels...I've been solo this whole time, not even sure why the games online only. Haven't done a thing that would require an internet connection.
Thanks, that would be excellent.If I'm online on my playstation when you guys are looking to set something up shoot me a message, I'm game to help and try to get others to help
So I'm a bit confused about what's being buffed on Tuesday. Slower ROF auto rifles?
If so, I'm pretty glad about that. I have an old An Answering Chord in my box that was one of my favorite guns in the game for a while. Might infuse it up to a better ATK and pull it out for some use then.
So I'm a bit confused about what's being buffed on Tuesday. Slower ROF auto rifles?
If so, I'm pretty glad about that. I have an old An Answering Chord in my box that was one of my favorite guns in the game for a while. Might infuse it up to a better ATK and pull it out for some use then.
Platinum is for the base game, so yes you can get it without owning any dlc.
However, there are trophies that require you to be part of a clan and complete strikes and raids with clan members, and the hardest of them all - flawless raid. These are not possible solo.
Your characters are stored on the server so it is always online, and activities like patrol are set in social space where you can find and interact with other players. It's a social game after all![]()
I have my thing set to public and I completed the first raid alone, took forever to kill level 8 enemies for some reason even though I was level 12 at the time.
I havent seen anything social about it, I mean I see other players in the shop places but other than that it's always empty. This actually feels exactly like borderlands but the loot is dumbed down which I like a lot, no tons of stats and it's simply whats a higher number that I keep.
I have my thing set to public and I completed the first raid alone, took forever to kill level 8 enemies for some reason even though I was level 12 at the time.
I know whats DLC and whats not but I read you can't get to level 40 or something or theres only 1 vanilla exotic left for the trophy.
It's generally been considered an unfeasible archetype but it's getting a boost tomorrow with a slightly faster (1 frame) firing rate so who knows? The mid-impact pulses are not getting touched, I don't believe.That second Lyudmila looks pretty decent. Is it a bad gun and that's why no one talks about it?
Rescue Mag Documentary
So after maybe 20 hours I got a Eyesluna: Best set up with what I got?
Truesight IS-Fastdraw IS-Quickdraw IS
Snapshot-Renforced Barrel-Oiled Frame
So Truesight has a hell of a kick to the side.or maybe it was reinforced that was causing it to kick so hard.
Help, Maybe the roll is not a good one.
I just tested my rescue mag PC+1 on inside and outside spawn on burning Shrine and it's possible to have ammo within 10 seconds of a round :d
Edit someone went back through the stream and found this special dropped when he killed the guy
can I discord?
Don't go to Discord, stay here and talk with us.
Besides, I heard everyone in Discord likes things that any normal person would hate. Such as microtransactions in video games, pineapple on pizza, and Justin Beiber.
Don't go to Discord, stay here and talk with us.
Besides, I heard everyone in Discord likes things that any normal person would hate. Such as microtransactions in video games, pineapple on pizza, and Justin Beiber.