It didn't even make sense. It broke literally nothing. People were using Gjallarhorn most of the time anyway. It didn't allow cheesing on any specific bosses. It wasn't a huge pain in the ass in Crucible.
Seriously, what?
It didn't even make sense. It broke literally nothing. People were using Gjallarhorn most of the time anyway. It didn't allow cheesing on any specific bosses. It wasn't a huge pain in the ass in Crucible.
Seriously, what?
It's going back to 2 in the next update
I thought it's keeping the 1 in mag and getting some kinda reload buff? did I heard wrong?
It's both of the above: they're making it 2 in the mag + reload speed bonus.
that's nice!
Well, I have learned that I am hella rusty in the old PVP grounds. That and I like all the changes other then side arms, way too much ammo and not entirely sure why they get to spawn with it in the first place
Good games everyone. Pretty fun train.
Snipe them at then spawn.
Got a god roll party favor. It feels good to use and hits hard but it runs out of ammo super fast.
It's both of the above: they're making it 2 in the mag + reload speed bonus.
thank you!
is there a reason this ship is special? I don't pay that much attention to the ships so just curious.
Not particularly, all ships are cosmetic, but collectors like to try and get everything from the game and it's been years since it was last sold so it was the last ship a lot of people needed.
OK Destiny GAF I'm back with more noob questions.
So I just beat the main TTK story quest line.
Now I beat that, and I went and talked to the 3 people on the tower to turn the quest completion in and get my gear. Then I got a couple new quests from people around the table.
Should I be doing those quests? I also have some random Petra quest The Taken War, but it acts like I should be going back to Earth to some like lvl 4 zone or something?
Should I be doing Rise of Iron shit now? Idk it was much less confusing before. I beat the OG quest and finished Dark Bellow + Wolves. Then at 25 TTK unlocked.
Now I'm sorta overwhelmed. Plus I did some PvP which helped level me up, but I don't think my gear/LL is up to par with my level? I'm LL 194.
Help me Destiny GAF. You're my only hope.
Fuck it, I' getting a PS4.
one of us! one of us!
Probably not gong to get Destiny on it cause I really don't know if I can withstand going through all that again. Depending on how I like the PS4 will determine if I chose to continue Destiny 2 (?) on it or the One, but as of right now the exclusives for the One in comparison to PS is just embarrassing.
also, just a question: The Last Word, No Land Beyond, Here After, Telesto, Thagomizers, and Frost-EE5 are all just RNG luck to get right? and The Chaperone's quest requires The Last Word to start, correct?
quoting myself on these questions. just want to know if I should do more exoctic farms.
quoting myself on these questions. just want to know if I should do more exoctic farms.
yeah, sadly XBO dropped the ball time on this gen. wonder if you can transfer account across preform if you ask for it lol
in any case, go to the PS4 must have games thread (there was like a few of them already I think) and start from there.
Telesto is Besto.also, just a question: The Last Word, No Land Beyond, Here After, Telesto, Thagomizers, and Frost-EE5 are all just RNG luck to get right? and The Chaperone's quest requires The Last Word to start, correct?
It's going back to 2 in the next update
OK GAF I made a fuck it Yolo decision and bout the Celestial Nighthawk helmet for my Hunter from Xur.
Stupid or not stupid?
Also I got this from PVP. Is it worth a damn?
Still wish I could get a new Scout Rifle. That's my PVE wep of choice, but my current version is only like 157 vs all my other shit being 200+. It's maddening.
Celestial Nighthawk is awesome for pve, but not as great for pvp since in pvp you want to have more than the one golden gun shot available to you. But it sure looks really cool lol
You can also infuse your 157 scout rifle with higher light level primaries to upgrade it. As long as your scout is a legendary tier weapon.
Well I mean my old helm was like 190 vs 350 so it's a PvE armor upgrade even beyond the abilities.
As for my Scout Rifle that shit green yo.
Also finishing TTK of course I could pick from like everything but a new Scout Rifle as a quest reward. FTL :/
i just throwing knife most people just to try and annoy them games everyone. Pretty fun train.
Snipe them at then spawn.
Got a god roll party favor. It feels good to use and hits hard but it runs out of ammo super fast.
I hear some people saying VoG is the best raid. What exactly makes it special?
I played through it with a bunch of randoms last night (and we managed to fail the final teleport phase, wiped, but co-incidentally the final boss died to my rocket also --> no achievement or grimoire card) and found the traversing in the darkness bits furiating and the encounters mechanically boring. I don't know if it's just me and my telly, but I have a really hard time telling where to go in this raid.
Surprisingly I found the Gorgon bit really cool![]()
You had to be there for Vault of Glass in its prime time.
You had to spend another 30 minutes waiting for the last guy to beat the jumping puzzle.
You had to be there when someone got a Mythoclast and everyone else unfriended them.
You just had to be there
Anyone know where these Taken Champions are for this Petra patrol bullshit quest?
I imagine it must've been hella coolYou had to be there for Vault of Glass in its prime time.
You just had to be there
Hmmmm then I'd try and save up legendary marks to buy one or the vendor scout rifles! They'll start at 350 and you can infuse them beyond that point too of course. Scouts are one weapon I rarely use, so another destiny GAFer will have to recommend one of them over the others. But you should be able to buy either the Vanguard one or the Crucible one fairly simply.
Thanks for this. Gonna just grab some crucible gear to augment me for questing.
CrudeDiatribe has a good point. If you can post a screenshot or the stats from Bungie's page we can tell you its Legendary counterpart.Thanks for this. Gonna just grab some crucible gear to augment me for questing.
Best (fastest) way for void ability kills for a nightstalker? (Dark Drinker Essential Elements part).
Best (fastest) way for void ability kills for a nightstalker? (Dark Drinker Essential Elements part).