How does one get in on some of this discord action?
How does one get in on some of this discord action?
I get that it's a sequel, and it'll get the push on that.
You gotta think of it more in MMO terms though. It's more a platform vs one big drop like a CoD game. Better to look at how Blizzard markets WoW than say how EA markets Titanfall.
PSN: GibbShift
I plan on filling that card out in order to "beat" the game, so I'm down for games. You should probably get acquainted with the Destiny Discord, too, if you haven't already. We may get lucky and have a pretty big increase of posts here once everything goes up next week. But thanks to the drought of activity, everybody has gotten mad cliquey.
Check your PM
Just curious, have they ever said why they chose to do Crota's End first considering Vault of Glass came before it. It seems like a really weird thing to do.
Technically you can go infinite hammers or arc blade in new VOG. Going to try both.
That will be patched out according to bungie next week.
Patch Notes Preview
These next three modules belong to your Community Manager. Check out the details, the people, and the media hes been tracking.
Cozmo: The Patch Notes for update 2.6.0 are locked, loaded, and ready to go. As always, we will post them along with the update on March 28 around 10:00 AM Pacific. Here is a little preview of a few changes you can expect to see next Tuesday.
Updated Crucible Daily Bounties to be more inclusive, no longer requiring specific Subclasses or Fireteams
Fixed an issue where a player on the surviving team could use Fireborn to cause the round to continue even when all enemies were dead
Fixed an issue that allowed Supers to stay activated longer than intended
Thats just a taste. The rest of the notes will appear on the blog, like they always do when you need something to pass the time while the download wheel turns.
After playing a certain other game...
PvE in Destiny will always be tied down by PvP and vice versa and that sucks. The Destiny classes are all mostly just variations on Grenade, Melle, and Super. Trying to get too inventive with that formula leads problems in PvP. Same goes with the weapons.
Sick work! Love what you did with the lettering of Destiny.Made a thing.
Sick work! Love what you did with the lettering of Destiny.
How does one get in on some of this discord action?
Check your PM
whats the best fusion rifle i can get from a vendor?
From a vender you'd probably want to go with 'The Vacancy' from FWC.
'Saladin's Vigil' is obtainable from the Archon Forge, but it's RNG and it can take a bit of time to have one drop, let alone one with the perks you require.
Some of the Crucible FRs are considered good, but extreme RNG for those.
Susanoo is one I enjoy using for Warlock, and is easy to get from Gunsmith. But stat and perk wise it's objectively worse than my favorite.Thesan FR4
As someone who uses only Fusions in crucible, I'd say 'Thesan FR4' is my personal favorite. It's from the Gunsmith. So you may have to wait a few weeks to get that one with rolls you like.
Ultimately, I look for Rangefinder on any Fusion I want to use. You can one shot 'snipe' with that perk. People put down Fusion Rifles a lot. And objectively, it makes sense. But I personally have more fun using FRs than SGs and I'm awful with Snipers. Really it just comes down to SGs being far easier to use. The key to using a FR effectively is proper use of your radar. If you time your charge correctly, you will have a one up on any shotgun user as long as your positioning is set up properly. I.E. you are out of their range with a partially charged FR shot ready to go as soon as you make visual contact.
I want oneMade a thing.
whats the best fusion rifle i can get from a vendor?
Help a dad out here.
My boy wants to play Destiny on his 360. I see the base game everywhere for cheap, and I've seen some Taken King versions as well, but they are all marked with a "no dlc included" sticker.
Is all of the Legacy content free and available to anyone that plays the game on 360/PS3? Or do I need to find a Taken King version of the game?
From a vender you'd probably want to go with 'The Vacancy' from FWC.
'Saladin's Vigil' is obtainable from the Archon Forge, but it's RNG and it can take a bit of time to have one drop, let alone one with the perks you require.
Some of the Crucible FRs are considered good, but extreme RNG for those.
Susanoo is one I enjoy using for Warlock, and is easy to get from Gunsmith. But stat and perk wise it's objectively worse than my favorite.Thesan FR4
As someone who uses only Fusions in crucible, I'd say 'Thesan FR4' is my personal favorite. It's from the Gunsmith. So you may have to wait a few weeks to get that one with rolls you like.
Ultimately, I look for Rangefinder on any Fusion I want to use. You can one shot 'snipe' with that perk. People put down Fusion Rifles a lot. And objectively, it makes sense. But I personally have more fun using FRs than SGs and I'm awful with Snipers. Really it just comes down to SGs being far easier to use. The key to using a FR effectively is proper use of your radar. If you time your charge correctly, you will have a one up on any shotgun user as long as your positioning is set up properly. I.E. you are out of their range with a partially charged FR shot ready to go as soon as you make visual contact.
Dem 10 tick rate serversWatching Halo tourney and when shots look like they hit regardless of anything, it hits. Not the case in Destiny.
Help a dad out here.
My boy wants to play Destiny on his 360. I see the base game everywhere for cheap, and I've seen some Taken King versions as well, but they are all marked with a "no dlc included" sticker.
Is all of the Legacy content free and available to anyone that plays the game on 360/PS3? Or do I need to find a Taken King version of the game?
Halo multiplayer has dedicated servers doesn't it?
I'm not afraid of that. I mean, Destiny vanilla was pretty poorly received, and objectively a worse game than what Destiny has evolved into. So it's hard for me to make any kind of correlation between CoD4 and D1. And to be completely honest, I don't think D2 could launch much worse off than D1 did.
Dem 10 tick rate servers
Ah, unless Bungie confirmed it after this thread on Reddit, but I don't see any updates on it. is 30 tick. One check for every frame. It was confirmed in a TWAB not too long ago.
Ah, unless Bungie confirmed it after this thread on Reddit, but I don't see any updates on it.
I disagree completely.
Although they did make great strides in terms of story and structure, the actually playable content of vanilla Destiny was the best it's been.
There was a quality in the encounters of those first bach of strikes and in VoG that nothing since has matched.
I'd be willing to bet money that you are in a very tiny minority.
Strikes: TTK strikes had variety. Vanilla strikes are heavily criticized for bullet sponge bosses and wave defense.
Raids: All are pretty good but the first raids are highly cheesed. And the newer ones reward systems are far better. Encounters for all are great.
Story missions: Here's where I'm confused. How are TTK missions not better than vanilla? Stealth misson, black spindle secret, variety. Vanilla = go to a thing, scan, wave defense, repeat.
And talk about playable content. How much fun was it going around Mars in circles to collect 160 relic iron to fully upgrade your armor set, only to do it all over again once you got your raid gear? Vanilla had a lot of problems.
Sorry but I just don't see it.