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Deku Tree

Rating the destiny raids

VoG > WotM >>> Kings Fall >>>>>>>>> "Try Strikes " >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> watching paint dry >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Crota
My normal raid group and I set up the time that we'd first run Crota yesterday this past Saturday so there'd be no confusion when AoT launched. When I go to hop in the PS4 party last night, I'm told that they'd found somebody else. Like seriously?

You should tell them you're bothered by this.

I don't suppose you or they were affected by daylight savings time changes on Sunday morning so you were late without realizing it?


Had a great run last night. Ended up with 2 adept weapons, helmet, and arms. I wish the Titan armor didn't look so ridiculous. I basically hate all of the updated Titan sets...
Rating the destiny raids

VoG > WotM >>> Kings Fall >>>>>>>>> "Try Strikes " >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> watching paint dry >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Crota

My rankings for each version/expansion of the game's end-game main event would be...

1 - King's Fall (easily the most complete Raid experience)
2 - Prison of Elders and Skolas (the Skolas fight elevates it due to probably being my favorite encounter in the game)
3 - Vault of Glass (cool setting, no real complaints especially considering the "newness" of the experience)
4 - Wrath of the Machine (loved the setting/atmosphere but way too short with only two rehashed bosses)
5 - Crota's End (neat ideas, light on true boss encounters, and bugs/cheese during almost every run)
Hmm did no one really spot this? Or are we too cool to give a shout out :)

Actually I should go and turn this into a reddit thread "Bungie director recommends perfect story mission for grinding wizard kills!" :)

Must be hard to post when you're one misplaced comment away from controversy all the time. :(
Was too busy grinding these damn wizards, I smiled when I saw the reply though.

Mostly because I think of Dinklebot when I hear it because that's the first time I heard it.

I miss that non enthusiastic tin can
I'm currently in a great clan of chilled out UK players, my only gripe is I want to go to the lighthouse (again, not been since Year 2) and i think I'm good enough, but my crew is more of the chill older crowd, are they any UK Xbox Gaffers who need/want a lighthouse player? Also i am considering swapping to PS4 for Destiny 2. I just want to see what the exclusive content is for PS4 and what rewards (if any) Bungie is going to give legacy players...
You should tell them you're bothered by this.

I don't suppose you or they were affected by daylight savings time changes on Sunday morning so you were late without realizing it?

We all live in the same time zone, so it has nothing to do with being late. Myself and two other friends started the clan we are in at launch. Now two of us have children, and despite this never being an issue with being interrupted, crying, etc. they still act like it is a hassle to play with us at times. And as for bringing it up, I did and was told to look on r/fireteams for randoms.


We all live in the same time zone, so it has nothing to do with being late. Myself and two other friends started the clan we are in at launch. Now two of us have children, and despite this never being an issue with being interrupted, crying, etc. they still act like it is a hassle to play with us at times. And as for bringing it up, I did and was told to look on r/fireteams for randoms.
Time to find new friends, because this is the response an asshole makes.
The new Grimiore that came with AoT definitely gives it seems some insight into Destiny 2.

The Fallen are leaving the cosmodrome. Burning their house flags.
Eris is leaving the tower to find a way to end the Hive forever. Senses a large storm is coming.
The Queens brother is working with the House of Kings now. Might be why the Fallen are leaving. New Kell of Kells?
Mara possibly alive in some way? Reaching here.

There's a massive unknown object out there thats changing orbits.

Also the reason the Cabal was able to go straight to Earth in the trailer is the loss of the Reefs main force of ships in their battle with Oyrx. There's no longer a barrier between Earth and dark space.

The Last City should've heeded the words of Dead Orbit. And started building a fleet. Now everyone on Earth has no where to run.


The new Grimiore that came with AoT definitely gives it seems some insight into Destiny 2.

The Fallen are leaving the cosmodrome. Burning their house flags.
Eris is leaving the tower to find a way to end the Hive forever. Senses a large storm is coming.
The Queens brother is working with the House of Kings now. Might be why the Fallen are leaving. New Kell of Kells?
Mara possibly alive in some way? Reaching here.

There's a massive unknown object out there thats changing orbits.

Also the reason the Cabal was able to go straight to Earth in the trailer is the loss of the Reefs main force of ships in their battle with Oyrx. There's no longer a barrier between Earth and dark space.

The Last City should've heeded the words of Dead Orbit. And started building a fleet. Now everyone on Earth has no where to run.

Hmm he's still alive, thanks for clarifying that.
The new Grimiore that came with AoT definitely gives it seems some insight into Destiny 2.

The Fallen are leaving the cosmodrome. Burning their house flags.
Eris is leaving the tower to find a way to end the Hive forever. Senses a large storm is coming.
The Queens brother is working with the House of Kings now. Might be why the Fallen are leaving. New Kell of Kells?
Mara possibly alive in some way? Reaching here.

There's a massive unknown object out there thats changing orbits.

Also the reason the Cabal was able to go straight to Earth in the trailer is the loss of the Reefs main force of ships in their battle with Oyrx. There's no longer a barrier between Earth and dark space.

The Last City should've heeded the words of Dead Orbit. And started building a fleet. Now everyone on Earth has no where to run.

Always listen to Jalaal. Always.


Anyone else's book glitching out last night? Kept getting notifications for nodes I had already filled in, then I go look and stuff I filled in earlier wasn't filled in anymore. Between that and not getting to raid, I said fuck it and logged off.


Reading the Gaming side destiny thread and seeing people say Destiny has a shitty story after only playing the game for a month has me like.

I mean if you just take a look at vanilla and don't include the grimoire entires then they have a point. The games story telling doesn't get better until House of Wolves.
Question for all the destiny vets here. I played a lot of destiny in the previous expansions, but in RoI I never got that into it after I did the story stuff, just wasn't feeling the grind to max light so I have been on hiatus.

That being said, with the new update I'm interested to get back into the swing of it, but I'm only like LL 340. What is the best way to get my LL up these days? Is it still just running strikes and using coins? Are there any new gearing mechanics I should look into?


Question for all the destiny vets here. I played a lot of destiny in the previous expansions, but in RoI I never got that into it after I did the story stuff, just wasn't feeling the grind to max light so I have been on hiatus.

That being said, with the new update I'm interested to get back into the swing of it, but I'm only like LL 340. What is the best way to get my LL up these days? Is it still just running strikes and using coins? Are there any new gearing mechanics I should look into?

Everything I got yesterday from strikes decrytped at a higher light level than usual after the update.
Anyone else's book glitching out last night? Kept getting notifications for nodes I had already filled in, then I go look and stuff I filled in earlier wasn't filled in anymore. Between that and not getting to raid, I said fuck it and logged off.

Yeah mine is really bugged out. I get repeated notifications for things I've already unlocked and I'm definitely missing some nodes that should be filled in.

Hmm he's still alive, thanks for clarifying that.
I'm wondering if we'll see one of the cutscenes involving the Queen's Brother that was removed from D1 get reworked and used in D2.

Linked image:



Yeah mine is really bugged out. I get repeated notifications for things I've already unlocked and I'm definitely missing some nodes that should be filled in.

Ishtar commander or any of the other apps will cause this. Any website that uses your account will also trigger it.
True but how many people complaining even made it past the dark below. It's not like it's just Gaf either seems like a lot of the press don't like Destiny either.
My point is don't come screaming at us that the story is shit, when everything's changed 3 years later. It's not Destinys fault that you haven't kept up.


Yup, 1600hrs in this game and already feeling the hooks sinking back in with just a few hours last night. Screw it, Imma get my Tshirt!

I love the new remix of Crotas End. That said they didn't bother to fix the litany of issues that have been around since it launched. Guess Mini Crota is the true Crota, glitch free. Oh well, once every 4 weeks isn't a big deal, and the challenge should make some people step up and learn swords.

Question: Are the new raid shaders random drops? Kiosk says complete the Weekly Raid, but none of us got it with free slots open and doing the challenge.
Yup, 1600hrs in this game and already feeling the hooks sinking back in with just a few hours last night. Screw it, Imma get my Tshirt!

I love the new remix of Crotas End. That said they didn't bother to fox the litany of issues that have been around since it launched. Guess Mini Crota is the true Crota, glitch free. Oh well, once every 4 weeks isn't a big deal, and he challenge should make some people step up and learn swords.
Time for Hawkins school of sword to come back


Oh that's extremely interesting.

What strikes did you do might I ask?

I had engrams on my character from strikes I did on Monday. Had a power outage and never got a chance to hit the Cryptarch that night. Also leveled up the Vanguard on Monday and just went for my reward yesterday. My character jumped two light levels after i did both of those via enfusion from the new items
Yup, 1600hrs in this game and already feeling the hooks sinking back in with just a few hours last night. Screw it, Imma get my Tshirt!

I love the new remix of Crotas End. That said they didn't bother to fix the litany of issues that have been around since it launched. Guess Mini Crota is the true Crota, glitch free. Oh well, once every 4 weeks isn't a big deal, and he challenge should make some people step up and learn swords.

Question: Are the new raid shaders random drops? Kiosk says complete the Weekly Raid, but none of us got it with free slots open and doing the challenge.
None of our group got the shader to unlock in the kiosk, nor did it drop from Crota himself. Bugged? Super rare?
Now two of us have children, and despite this never being an issue with being interrupted, crying, etc. they still act like it is a hassle to play with us at times. And as for bringing it up, I did and was told to look on r/fireteams for randoms.

What a bunch of assholes :(

If I'm light level 348 am I basically SOL on upping my light level beyond a couple points unless I raid?

You can hit 400 without raiding.


If I'm light level 348 am I basically SOL on upping my light level beyond a couple points unless I raid?

Question for all the destiny vets here. I played a lot of destiny in the previous expansions, but in RoI I never got that into it after I did the story stuff, just wasn't feeling the grind to max light so I have been on hiatus.

That being said, with the new update I'm interested to get back into the swing of it, but I'm only like LL 340. What is the best way to get my LL up these days? Is it still just running strikes and using coins? Are there any new gearing mechanics I should look into?

Honestly, just playing the game, doing strikes and picking up faction packages are all pretty much the way to go. I'm not sure what the cap is for regular strikes, but you'll be getting higher gear capped off to at least 365. The heroic strikes drop blues up to 390. Faction packages seem to now go up to 400 and then there's always exotic engrams as well. You're pretty much guaranteed to reach a higher light level by playing just about anything at this point.
My normal raid group has shrunk down to 3 or 4. We tried with randoms last night and it went horribly. Kids being idiots. Quite frustrating. We were trying to do the challenge mode stuff and we were telling people to
stop attacking the witch so we could kill adds
. Guy goes ahead and does the opposite and when we asked him why, he just said "well I got a chest piece out of it".

I'm not one for rage quitting. But that was my first time where I was legit okay with doing it. So I did. Now I have the Crota checkpoint on my hunter. Going to try and do challenge mode on my other chars this weekend.
My normal raid group has shrunk down to 3 or 4. We tried with randoms last night and it went horribly. Kids being idiots. Quite frustrating. We were trying to do the challenge mode stuff and we were telling people to
stop attacking the witch so we could kill adds
. Guy goes ahead and does the opposite and when we asked him why, he just said "well I got a chest piece out of it".

I'm not one for rage quitting. But that was my first time where I was legit okay with doing it. So I did. Now I have the Croat checkpoint on my hunter. Going to try and do challenge mode on my other chars this weekend.

And this is the reason why I won't go anywhere near LFG or r/fireteams. A bunch of incompetent people who don't know how to listen/don't know the raid mechanics or are unwilling to learn them.
If you don't want to get into specifics, I think we can understand. But forget those dudes. I'd say check here and the Discord for groups. Or if you're worried about schedules and all that, there's https://dadsofdestiny.net/ which is a pretty big group I believe.

It's nothing like that. I just meant that there are years of memories with those guys. Hard to just walk away from that. As for schedules, my kid is in bed by 7:30 CT each night and I have a wife who is perfectly fine with me playing games so this has wasn't an issue until recently with them.
Rating the destiny raids

VoG > WotM >>> Kings Fall >>>>>>>>> "Try Strikes " >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> watching paint dry >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Crota

Crota is okay when you have a group of people who know what to do. It's like a 6-man Strike.

It only gets rough when LFGesus decides to smite you with idiots.
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