Oh, people want in!
Quote that post and add yourself. Soon as we get five for sure I'll start inviting and hunting for the 6th.
And I meant "gorgons"... ;_;
PSN cyborg1 I'm part of bogues group
Just inv whenever
Oh, people want in!
Quote that post and add yourself. Soon as we get five for sure I'll start inviting and hunting for the 6th.
And I meant "gorgons"... ;_;
I'm up for it
Ok, quick question:
I'd like to join. I don't have a mic, but if that's not a problem then I'm ready whenever you are.Oh, people want in!
Haha cyborg, I have to show you guys the video of the glitch that killed me right at the end there, it's pretty hilarious. Hopefully we can do it now but I'll still help the group tonight regardless. I seriously want to finish up this damn platinum.
I mean... Templar can be cheesed even easier than Atheon. I don't have the hard checkpoint since I finished it on all three characters this week but let me know if you want to join in for some flawless raider attempts here (also can do clan raid/strike trophies easily). If you get the checkpoint I can help cheese though.
Pikes will also show up randomly on Earth, in the Forgotten Shores. I think they might also spawn in the Steppes and Mothyards. I chased them down once just to see what people thought about seeing a pike on Earth. PEACE.
.What's your time zone? How long are you on for today?
I have the entire morning and afternoon (gmt) Would definitely go if we could get a group.
On that note:
I'd like to try a flawless raider run. Please be level 29-30 with maxed gear, confidence, and a great track record with the jumping puzzle and gorgons.
I'm gmt, currently 9am here. I have until around 3pm.
If you're up for giving it a shot then add me, and quote this post and add your name.
(Probably won't find the people at this time but it's worth a shot!).
Psn: astropoff
1. Zakalwe (astropoff) - Lvl 30 Defender
3.Steroyd - lvl 30 Defender
Yeah, as mentioned above this wouldn't work. You can't have anyone leave the fire team, even by disconnection, or else it counts as a death. You have to either finish the raid or switch to another character who has the checkpoint back at the beginning. It's pretty annoying.
Yes, because using the checkpoint itself counts as a death. Tried it with cheesing normal Atheon on the first try.
PS4 Flawless Raider
1. Zakalwe (astropoff) - Lvl 30 Defender
2. Kartik21 - Level 30 Hunter
3. Boguester - PSN: DrDrizzay101 Lv30 Titan
4 Kopyasu
5. Steroyd
Looks like we have a full team...? Is this accurate?
Clan to join for trophy:
Yo I have the Atheon checkpoint if you guys need it.I mean... Templar can be cheesed even easier than Atheon. I don't have the hard checkpoint since I finished it on all three characters this week but let me know if you want to join in for some flawless raider attempts here (also can do clan raid/strike trophies easily). If you get the checkpoint I can help cheese though.
Yo I have the Atheon checkpoint if you guys need it.
Yep, send me a fr, PSN: iRAWRasaurusOgh, i would love to have that one...ps4?
Sent. I'll be on in 3 mins.Can you guys please send me friend reqs if you're not on my list. Just grabbing a coffee before we begin.
Will add stragglers when I'm back.
I'm ambivalent to RNG/Jesus.
On one hand, I've done the raid 3 times (twice on normal, once on hard) with the same character and received the helmet, arms, chest, and boots for the correct character class, none for the other two classes.
I've also received the Aetheon's Epilogue, Vex Mythoclast, the legendary scooter and the legendary ship.
So, I haven't exactly been scorned....
...but the game refuses to give me the guns I actually WANT, lol.
For those who have received the Vision of Confluence, the Multitool and the Last Word, did they drop on Normal or Hard for you? And at what point? Chest? Templar? Gatekeeper? Aetheon?
What's your time zone? How long are you on for today?
I have the entire morning and afternoon (gmt) Would definitely go if we could get a group.
On that note:
I'd like to try a flawless raider run. Please be level 29-30 with maxed gear, confidence, and a great track record with the jumping puzzle and gorgons.
I'm gmt, currently 9am here. I have until around 3pm.
If you're up for giving it a shot then add me, and quote this post and add your name.
(Probably won't find the people at this time but it's worth a shot!).
Psn: astropoff
1. Zakalwe (astropoff) - Lvl 30 Defender
Yep, send me a fr, PSN: iRAWRasaurus
I have that bounty, twice, and i´m stuck in the void damage stage, i guess that i could try it someday, but all that "get 5 points per kill, lose 2 per death" sounds like a pain in the ass, and i don´t really like the pvp so much to be playing the amount of time that it will require.
Is Thorn really worth it? looks cool and that, but i don´t know if i have the patience to endure all those Suros and shotguns shooting me in the face.
I'm ambivalent to RNG/Jesus.
For those who have received the Vision of Confluence, the Multitool and the Last Word, did they drop on Normal or Hard for you? And at what point? Chest? Templar? Gatekeeper? Aetheon?
I will say, I refuse to even entertain the bullshit Clan-related achievements/trophies..
Can you guys please send me friend reqs if you're not on my list. Just grabbing a coffee before we begin..
Ahh okay no biggie, you can always grab it later today. Send me a fr and I should be on after 1pm EST.I will, i am currently at work, i have my vita, so i could get in and out remoteplaying in a breeze
It's a random thing that happens sometimes in the Ember Caves, just a couple of Dregs on pikes. Like the Hive and Fallen going to war on Earth at the Skywatch.
Ahh okay no biggie, you can always grab it later today. Send me a fr and I should be on after 1pm EST.
I remember in beta, or at least alpha they would go HAM in the rocketyards every once in a while.... I miss that.
up until lvl.29, then it's RNG required![]()
Truth. Once you get to that lvl 29 plateau, there's not a whole lot you can do other than wait for another Tuesday to roll around.
I'm ambivalent to RNG/Jesus.
On one hand, I've done the raid 3 times (twice on normal, once on hard) with the same character and received the helmet, arms, chest, and boots for the correct character class, none for the other two classes.
I've also received the Aetheon's Epilogue, Vex Mythoclast, the legendary scooter and the legendary ship.
So, I haven't exactly been scorned....
...but the game refuses to give me the guns I actually WANT, lol.
For those who have received the Vision of Confluence, the Multitool and the Last Word, did they drop on Normal or Hard for you? And at what point? Chest? Templar? Gatekeeper? Aetheon?
I have that bounty, twice, and i´m stuck in the void damage stage, i guess that i could try it someday, but all that "get 5 points per kill, lose 2 per death" sounds like a pain in the ass, and i don´t really like the pvp so much to be playing the amount of time that it will require.
Is Thorn really worth it? looks cool and that, but i don´t know if i have the patience to endure all those Suros and shotguns shooting me in the face.
It can still happen.
Keep the faith, in the bungie update they said when the next round of Iron Banner hits you can buy raid equivalent armour.This is the thing that I really hate about this game. I've done the complete normal raid 4 times and was invited to help do the Gatekeeper and Atheon sections on hard 2 times. For all this the grand total amount of raid armor pieces I got was an astounding 0.
After 3 weeks at level 29 with my only character, having fully upgraded 4 exotic and 3 legendary armor pieces, and having another exotic and 2 legendary armor pieces almost fully upgraded as well, I've almost resigned myself to the fact that I'll never get to level 30.
I'm ambivalent to RNG/Jesus.
On one hand, I've done the raid 3 times (twice on normal, once on hard) with the same character and received the helmet, arms, chest, and boots for the correct character class, none for the other two classes.
I've also received the Aetheon's Epilogue, Vex Mythoclast, the legendary scooter and the legendary ship.
So, I haven't exactly been scorned....
...but the game refuses to give me the guns I actually WANT, lol.
For those who have received the Vision of Confluence, the Multitool and the Last Word, did they drop on Normal or Hard for you? And at what point? Chest? Templar? Gatekeeper? Aetheon?
Pikes will also show up randomly on Earth, in the Forgotten Shores. I think they might also spawn in the Steppes and Mothyards. I chased them down once just to see what people thought about seeing a pike on Earth. PEACE.
I have a clan everybody could join in order to get those trophies. I made the clan just to get those trophies before but it wouldn't be an issue for everyone to join it if we actually got a group for flawless. We had 2-3 raid finishes already just from running it, a normal raid run takes like 45 minutes with a good group. Of course a strike would take 10 minutes afterwards, so no worries there. Flawless is all I have left for the platinum...
For those who have received the Vision of Confluence, the Multitool and the Last Word, did they drop on Normal or Hard for you? And at what point? Chest? Templar? Gatekeeper? Aetheon?
Keep the faith, in the bungie update they said when the next round of Iron Banner hits you can buy raid equivalent armour.
still havent pulled off a kill on hard-mode gatekeepers ;_;
didn't help that last time I was in there we had a primadonna who just up and left.
2 people go in the left portal, they will be the ones who have experience with the relic and can deal a lot of damage with a weapon like fully leveled Icebreaker or a rocket launcher. Other 4 will defend. The 2 quickly take out the gatekeeper, then one person leaves to provide support to the outside team (staying close to the portal) while the other grabs the relic comes out and cleanses both himself and the other person who went in.
Then everyone goes to the right portal while two people go to the central conflux to defend it. The relic holder and the other person go in again inside. The relic holder uses their super on the gatekeeper to knock off about half off the bosses health while the other guy finishes him off, grabs the relic and they both get out and defend the central conflux until the encounter ends.
That actually takes the place of the Public Event that sometimes spawns there. "A roving band of pikes is headed this way." There is also a section on Venus that does the same thing. Instead of the public event spawning in the area, that happens.Pikes will also show up randomly on Earth, in the Forgotten Shores. I think they might also spawn in the Steppes and Mothyards. I chased them down once just to see what people thought about seeing a pike on Earth. PEACE.
Best place to find Cabal majors/ultras?
To answer the above question: I got the Last Word drop during my first raid on Normal, after beating Atheon.
Only two pieces, though. I still need boots, so if they had those this time I'd definitely be interested. But if they lock them behind an Iron Banner - Level 2 requirement (which they will), then I'm just gonna cry.