you playing hard raid? i need the loot for that
Up for running whichever we can get people for first. I still need hard on my main, but I'll run a normal if we get people for that faster.
you playing hard raid? i need the loot for that
you playing hard raid? i need the loot for that
No TLW, no reason for me to log in this week again. Such a frustrating experience.
oh I wanna see interstellar
I just found this post on reddit, i swear to GOD I had seen none of it before: basically comes to all the same conclusions I did
Notes from it that I missed out on:
goddamn this is some good shit. Now I need to see if there's anything in any lore about Panahin anywhere, the first Hunter killed by Yor that made him reviled. Anyone seen the name anywhere?
Still don't have a vex mytho?
Up for running whichever we can get people for first. I still need hard on my main, but I'll run a normal if we get people for that faster.
fffuuuuuAll youre missing is that you get Thorn by killing the hive wizard Xyor the Unwed, which, we all know is just Yor with an X in front of it
Ward/Yor visited the Summoning Pits long before we did... pronounced aloud Xyor's second syllable is merely yor... Thorn's dot effect is just like the wizard poison clouds... maybe the influence extended beyond the gun into his new identity[u.2:1.0] Been to Luna?
[u.1:1.4] Excuse me?
[u.2:1.1] The Moon. You been?
[u.1:1.5] Nobody's been.
[u.2:1.2] That a truth?
[u.1:1.6] That's a fact.
There is no noob raid tonight. We all thought you were a no-show last night and gave the spot awayHey man, I think I might have to bail on the 9 noob raid tonight. You can call in one of the replacements if it's not too much trouble. I didn't consider it much before but I don't think the wife is too keen on me spending our entire evening doing a raid. If I'm gonna get some raid in today I need to do it as soon as possible. Good luck showing some of new folks the ropes! Hopefully something else can work out in the near future!
On that note, if anyone is looking to run a fresh normal raid very soon, i've done it 3 times now. Level 28 warlock with 300 gjallorhorn,vision of confluence and plenty of ammo packs..the7thAssassin" on ps4. In orbit right now.
already got that. i want Fatebringer
already got that. i want Fatebringer
i'll jump in, we can finally enjoy it lol
This is next on my list.
I got the Fatebringer on Monday. It's fun. Takes forever to level up though. I gotta get good at PvP I guess.
I want to try the praetorian foil.
i leveled it in a day but i went pretty ham on it
i leveled it in a day but i went pretty ham on it
Well you play a lot more than me I think. What did you do to level it so fast?
I pass my items between alts and spam bounties. Can level raid gear really fast.
ahhh damn from the reddit thread
back in the interrogation (Yor's answers in bold)
Ward/Yor visited the Summoning Pits long before we did... pronounced aloud Xyor's second syllable is merely yor... Thorn's dot effect is just like the wizard poison clouds... maybe the influence extended beyond the gun into his new identity
fucking great. like I really needed to start giving a crap about the lore in this game. haaaaaalp
There is no noob raid tonight. We all thought you were a no-show last night and gave the spot awaySorry dude. It'll be on Thursdays, every week.
ahhh damn from the reddit thread
back in the interrogation (Yor's answers in bold)
Ward/Yor visited the Summoning Pits long before we did... pronounced aloud Xyor's second syllable is merely yor... Thorn's dot effect is just like the wizard poison clouds... maybe the influence extended beyond the gun into his new identity
fucking great. like I really needed to start giving a crap about the lore in this game. haaaaaalp
There is no noob raid tonight. We all thought you were a no-show last night and gave the spot awaySorry dude. It'll be on Thursdays, every week.
Any inexperienced players want to run the raid? First timers welcome, no pressure and can teach all strats.
Level 26+ (if 26 please have good gear).
Or if not could run a hard mode with level 29+
1. Zakalwe (astropoff)
Can leave whenever. Ps4.
no. Wizards are only female. Just that Xyor is the source of Thorn's power and gave Ward his new nameCømet;137841157 said:Wait wait, are you suggesting that Xyor might be Dredgen Yor?
Hey I'm sorry too! gave you 12 mins before we started hunting altsSerious? Holy crap man I'm so sorry :/ I thought for sure that it was tonight. Last night would have worked out perfect too :[ Apologies for that! I would never no show on purpose! I was wondering why I saw an invite from you this morning from last night. I feel horrible about that. Ahhhh well, was looking forward to running with some gaffers for once.
no. Wizards are only female. Just that Xyor is the source of Thorn's power and gave Ward his new name
Level 28 Titan. Still haven't completed the raid. What time are you doing it?
You wanna carry me through some story missions for my alt? I'm on.
haha exactly.Cømet;137841634 said:Ah. I guess someone's gotta turn you to the dark side, right?
goddamn this is some good shit. Now I need to see if there's anything in any lore about Panahin anywhere, the first Hunter killed by Yor that made him reviled. Anyone seen the name anywhere?
I would be back on the Xur train if he sold materials. Say, 1 coin for 25 of your material of choosing...
Flawless Raider Trophy is done and done!!!
Time to collect all ghosts and get a platinum on this game!
Currently sitting on 98% completion.
Hard Raid starting in about 45 minutes or so, so far we have 4 level 30's:
If the above are still committed, we will need 2 more. Fresh run.
Enjoy everybody here hating your guts!So I just finished the VoG for the first time.
Kabr's Branzen Grips
Kabr's Forceful Greaves
Vision of Confluence
I already had Kabr's Wrath from a uncompleted run a while back.
Pretty happy with my results
Grats. I hope loads of people get it before they patch just to spite the damn glitches.
Confirmed. I'll be online in a few.Hard Raid starting in about 45 minutes or so, so far we have 4 level 30's:
If the above are still committed, we will need 2 more. Fresh run.
You're not going to play until you get one specific gun? The gun isn't going to suddenly make it fun for you.
Confirmed. I'll be online in a few.
I'll be on for a few more hours, depends whether or not we can get the people together quickly.
I'm helping my friend level his alt soon so may not have time now, was hoping we could find people super quick.
If not now, could arrange one for tomorrow.