which one?
Relic stuck in a gate. Will not reopen.
which one?
Relic stuck in a gate. Will not reopen.
I am doing a normal raid at 8 est with my roommates. I think a few others gafers might join.
PSN = agrim
Sorry for the repost, looking for a quick response.Does the Xbox 360 retail disc standard edition of Destiny come with an Xbox LIVE Gold trial/1 month?
On a flawless run, do you have to go through it all in one sitting? If you grab a checkpoint and continue later does it count? I assume not so people can't just do Atheon?
On a flawless run, do you have to go through it all in one sitting? If you grab a checkpoint and continue later does it count? I assume not so people can't just do Atheon?
Relic stuck in a gate. Will not reopen.
Hand Cannon is the one weapon type I've never even tried a single time in the ungodly amount of hours I've put into this game. Rahool hasn't seen fit to ever give me a good one. Now it doesn't even matter because VoC is GOAT. I suppose I'd test out TLW or Hawkmoon in PvP though. I tested VoC in there for the first time last night and it's pretty good, much better than expected if you're good at head shots but I get a TON of kills stolen from me by teammates when using it...That last shot just doesn't get out before a teammate can enter the room and spray with an AR![]()
I have a few handcannons, and I can confirm that, generally speaking, the VoC is superior in PvE (let's ignore PvP for now). That said, hand cannons are definitely more fun than VoC.
I got my first exotic for my hunter! It's the one that allows your teammates to get their super early. It took forever and wouldn't be possible without PS Plus.
But let's fix people cheesing Atheon first, though.
But let's fix people cheesing Atheon first, though.
Swapping armor to my alt. Sending invite now.
Thanks for that! I got a purple heavy engram too!
One sitting. Returning to a checkpoint counts as a death for everyone.On a flawless run, do you have to go through it all in one sitting? If you grab a checkpoint and continue later does it count? I assume not so people can't just do Atheon?
One sitting. Returning to a checkpoint counts as a death for everyone.
Hey, Bungie got something right.that is kinda bullshit if something comes up. hardcore.
Someone dropped out so need 1 more for hard raid. We're at the beginning of the templar section. Level 29 or above please. PSN: SaneManPritch.
One sitting. Returning to a checkpoint counts as a death for everyone.
Lol @ getting a rare class item shader while you get that. Nice.So I cleared the daily heroic with two of my buddies a couple of hours ago and the game was smooth as ever. Then we decided to enter the Crucible for some Skirmish action and holy hell what a lag! That shit was nearly unplayable and after two rounds we checked if the lag was just as bad in Control. Well of course it was but somehow we just kept playing and I'm glad as hell we did because...
...motherfucking Gjallarhorn! The justice has been served! That is all for now, carry on =D
Is VoG possible for a 28 warlock (sunsinger or voidwalker) with a fully upgraded atheon's epilogue and a not fully upgraded Ice Breaker?
I have The Last Word and Fatebringer in my inventory but I don't use them, handcannons are just not my thing. I can't trade them for other shit so the only option I have is to dismantle them, but if I dismantle them then if trading is ever added I'll regret dismantling them, but if trading is never added than I would have kept them for nothing when I could have dismantled them for energy.
So basically, I'm fucked either way.
Normal raid I would say yes. I beat it at 27 with worse weapons.
Fatebringer is nearly identical statwise to TDYK, it's only really unique perk is Firefly, which is kinda meh. A well rolled TDYK or LHF is just as good for pve.
The Chance from FWC has the same stats, but an inexplicable 6 round chamber that makes it pretty pointless.
Yeah I meant hard mode sorry
kk, online in Destiny now.
Flawless raid party is go. Mr Lik and Mr Gap and Figs our royal highness pls
Fatebringer is nearly identical statwise to TDYK, it's only really unique perk is Firefly, which is kinda meh. A well rolled TDYK or LHF is just as good for pve.
The Chance from FWC has the same stats, but an inexplicable 6 round chamber that makes it pretty pointless.
I switched from the countless auto rifles and scout rifles I used to use to the Fatebringer.... I dont think I can ever go back. Its just so fun and satisfying to use.Hand Cannon is the one weapon type I've never even tried a single time in the ungodly amount of hours I've put into this game. Rahool hasn't seen fit to ever give me a good one. Now it doesn't even matter because VoC is GOAT. I suppose I'd test out TLW or Hawkmoon in PvP though. I tested VoC in there for the first time last night and it's pretty good, much better than expected if you're good at head shots but I get a TON of kills stolen from me by teammates when using it...That last shot just doesn't get out before a teammate can enter the room and spray with an AR![]()