Just picked this up today and confirmed there is a Dual Screen mode embedded in natively with PS3 version of Human Revolution
I'm still testing it right now but it looks like this is effectively the Wii U setup ported to Vita!
More impressions to follow and let me know if you want pics...
Why this wasn't advertised AT ALL is beyond me.
So basically as stated before, this is an implementation of the Wii U pad, with more or less everything intact, sans things like Gyro aiming.
Posted the controller mapping below, so you can see how that works. There are no alternate control schemes. You actually launch remote play by starting it on the Vita, waiting for it to sync and then hitting start at the initial game splash screen, NOT the actual menu. In order to switch back to the DualShock3, you have to quit the game entirely, so no hot swapping.
The display on the Vita is obviously smaller so you sort of have to squint more, but the it looks like more or less the same as the Wii U's. Now during gameplay, the off-screen display ratio is stretched (Keypads, map, etc.), which is definitely a bummer because obviously it fits on the Wii U's, so they didn't bother to redo the art.
Response time between stick movement to reaction seems nearly 1:1, which is impressive all things considered.
All the pitch and zoom stuff is intact.
Now some technical observations from the port itself:
- Weapon sounds are now compressed, WTF!?
- Not a fan of the new lighting
- SSAO seems dialed back
- Framerate feels slightly worse, but I think this is when you're utilizing DualScreen mode
Hoping the developers read GAF and at least have a patch to fix the sound. Other than that, I'm pretty pumped to experience the game this way. The now default addition of two energy nodes changes the gameplay pretty quickly (less down time, more options) and actual in-game dev commentary ala Riddick or Half Life series is fucking awesome
I'm still testing it right now but it looks like this is effectively the Wii U setup ported to Vita!
More impressions to follow and let me know if you want pics...
Why this wasn't advertised AT ALL is beyond me.
So basically as stated before, this is an implementation of the Wii U pad, with more or less everything intact, sans things like Gyro aiming.
Posted the controller mapping below, so you can see how that works. There are no alternate control schemes. You actually launch remote play by starting it on the Vita, waiting for it to sync and then hitting start at the initial game splash screen, NOT the actual menu. In order to switch back to the DualShock3, you have to quit the game entirely, so no hot swapping.
The display on the Vita is obviously smaller so you sort of have to squint more, but the it looks like more or less the same as the Wii U's. Now during gameplay, the off-screen display ratio is stretched (Keypads, map, etc.), which is definitely a bummer because obviously it fits on the Wii U's, so they didn't bother to redo the art.
Response time between stick movement to reaction seems nearly 1:1, which is impressive all things considered.
All the pitch and zoom stuff is intact.

Now some technical observations from the port itself:
- Weapon sounds are now compressed, WTF!?
- Not a fan of the new lighting
- SSAO seems dialed back
- Framerate feels slightly worse, but I think this is when you're utilizing DualScreen mode
Hoping the developers read GAF and at least have a patch to fix the sound. Other than that, I'm pretty pumped to experience the game this way. The now default addition of two energy nodes changes the gameplay pretty quickly (less down time, more options) and actual in-game dev commentary ala Riddick or Half Life series is fucking awesome