> Enter Prague
> Get new Samzdat mission
> Go to South Prague, evade police
> Go to North Prague, evade police, finish mission
> Walk towards TF29 side entrance
> Get new Harvester mission. Daria sounds like she's in urgent need of help.
> Go to South Prague, evade police
> Go back to North Prague, evade police
> Go back to South Prague, evade police, finish mission
> Go back to North Prague, evade police, enter TF29
> Sarif calls as I go down the elevator. Says he wants to talk to me. Insists I go back to the apartment.
> Go back to South Prague. Again. Evade police. Again.
> "These augs truly are a mystery ¯\_(ツ

_/¯" - Sarif
ffffuuuuccckkkkk offf
I was enjoying pretty much every moment of this game, until I got back from the G.A.R.M. facility. I don't have any problem jumping between North and South Prague normally, but martial law makes the entire experience a huge pain in the ass and it feels like a waste of time.