Any reason to keep all this alcohol?
art oddities in this game.
why does one email have a real life picture and the other doesnt?
Try a different layout? The game goes out of its way during the intro a couple times to tell you there are multiple controller layouts...Human Revolution or Standard FPS should feel more comfortable.
So the "Ghost" achievement is just for one mission? I already got it in the first and was wondering if can afford to be seen in the next mission and not have to worry about it anymore.
So the "Ghost" achievement is just for one mission?
is its at least some typical prague's alcohol like beer, absinth and similar?So far this has been Alcohol Hoarder Simulator 2029.
So far this has been Alcohol Hoarder Simulator 2029 and I'm loving it. Is there much reason to keep all these drinks around? I know they'll give me health back but I'd like to know if I should bother at all.
Question about the intro/tutorial mission:Do you save singh if you run and disable the helicopter directly, before he dies?
Question about the intro/tutorial mission:Do you save singh if you run and disable the helicopter directly, before he dies?
Question about the intro/tutorial mission:Do you save singh if you run and disable the helicopter directly, before he dies?
Why is there inventory management? Why is there augmentation management? Why do take-downs require energy?
That's right. "Ghost" is awarded for achieving that bonus in a single mission. There's no achievement for finishing the game with no "hostile" status triggered. The "Foxiest of the Hounds" is just for alarms so that leave you some room for error as you can be seen.
Yes. No real brands, of its at least some typical prague's alcohol like beer, absinth and similar?
well Absinth itself its not really that common in here , but Czech is well-known for it abroad.One of the first things I found was a skull-shaped absinthe bottle actually. Dunno if that's common in Czech Rep., but I've seen it quite often around here.
Im having a big problem, just a little bit after tutorial.When I get to pick "new" augs Im no longer able to equip then. Only that vision thingy. The others are unlocked but dont show up there. Any solution?
It took me a few headscratching minutes too - it's because the Augs you are picking are passive (eg hacking). As soon as you pick an active one, it should show up in one of the slots.
Well I did pick one that was it seems bugged. : /Forward leap, jump thing
Game just closed down on my during the end of a cutscene and it didn't save.
Have to go back and start from the last save point.
This was just after thebig explosion at the train station.
Well I did pick one that was it seems bugged. : /Forward leap, jump thing
Mbius;214804533 said:Played for a few hours last night up until I got to TF29 HQ - great so far but has anyone else noticed inconsistency issues with the audio mix / sound levels? At times the voices are clear and loud but at others they are lost in the background and can barely be heard... adjusting the volume levels in settings makes no difference to this. Nothing major but ended up just putting on my PS4 Gold headset and immediately sounded better.
how much fucking cardboard is there lying around in this game lol
Mine did the same, twice, at the same spot.
And that is a damned long cutscene.
I did a few things that might've fixed it:
There was a 3GB download going on in Steam. Not sure if it was a patch or DLC or what. I let it complete before trying a third time.
Set graphics to the Low preset
Set game to exclusive mode fullscreen (keeping standard native 1080p/60 resolution/refresh).
I worked fine after that, but I don't know which action was responsible for fixing it.
The game rocks but there's something that annoys me A LOT.
So hud is pretty configurable and sexy with its fade outs and stuff but the "highlight items" option is for movable objects and retrievable objects. This means that I either leave it on and have half of the world objects have a disgusting white radius around them or I turn it off and pass next to useful items and consumables without knowing they're retrievable.
Hope someone mods this or something because its very annoying and I'm not happy with either option. I want the white radius for items, ammo and even cabinets so I know I can open those but I don't want it for fucking frigos, boxes, etc...
Go into options and you can turn some of that off. I turned a bunch of stuff off and made the whole HUD smaller.
The game rocks but there's something that annoys me A LOT.
So hud is pretty configurable and sexy with its fade outs and stuff but the "highlight items" option is for movable objects and retrievable objects. This means that I either leave it on and have half of the world objects have a disgusting white radius around them or I turn it off and pass next to useful items and consumables without knowing they're retrievable.
Hope someone mods this or something because its very annoying and I'm not happy with either option. I want the white radius for items, ammo and even cabinets so I know I can open those but I don't want it for fucking frigos, boxes, etc...
Heads up for others in the UK awaiting their Simply Games delivery - mine didn't arrive with the post today either. They've lost a customer as far as i'm concerned.
Damn. Somebody else in this thread had theirs arrive today. They lost me as a customer yesterday lol. Thankfully the PC port is not terrible and I manage to play that last night instead.