How do you tag enemies?
Scope/zoon in on them for a moment. They get auto tagged.
How do you tag enemies?
My god, the intro story hooks did not grab me at all. Jensen is now with an anti-terrorism organization because guilt? The walk-and-talk with Alex after the credits feels like an information dump of things I have no reason to care about yet. The scene with the dead mom feels forced and hollow. And then all ties to characters from HR get the barest of nods in the call with Sarif? It all feels very disjointed from the ending of HR. I stopped for the night right before leaving the apartment; does it get better in terms of getting invested in this game's narrative?
He's hunting down the Illuminati. He has intel from Alex's organisation that they have infiltrated the Task Force so that's why he joined. He is essentially undercover.
It's pretty much exactly what I would have expected of Adam after HR- I figured that he would be investigating the Illuminati and that's exactly what this is.
He has basically become Paul Denton
Are any of the day one weapon attachments OP for the beginning of the game? I don't want to have a Super Jensen right off the bat.
Cheers, Gaf.
That's the only time he ever does it, once you got to TF29 headquarters for the first time he stops doing that.I love the game so far.
My only complaint is about how that miller guy is constantly riding my ass to move on with the mainstory mission. Damnit, this is deus ex, I want to explore and do side missions at my leisure.
If I somehow fail the mission because I took too much time to get to it imma be pissed.
I think it's the consumables like the Praxis kits that are 1 time use only. It says so when you take it from storage to your inventory, for the weapons it says you can use them over multiple saves.
Preorder stuff might be "one save only", but I just started a new game and "Elite Edition Tranquilizer Rifle" from my season pass was in "storage" even though I am actively using it in my current game that is 4h+ in.
I don't know if they changed something, but PC season pass DLC at least carries over multiple saves. So I guess that "one save only" -issue is console-only?
It was in DE: The FallWas the Juggernaut Collective and Janus every referenced in HR? I know it was in the HR tie-in novel but I don't recall it being in HR proper. If that's the case I can see why some people may have a bit of a WTF about their introduction into MD.
Was the Juggernaut Collective and Janus every referenced in HR? I know it was in the HR tie-in novel but I don't recall it being in HR proper. If that's the case I can see why some people may have a bit of a WTF about their introduction into MD.
Yes that one is story related.So I spent quite a bit of time in thebuilding in the same area of the city as the TF29 HQs. I've explored most of the building but need a certain keycard to get to the last area I haven't been to. Does anyone know where thebankis located? I'm also thinking maybe this is story related and I can't actually go down there yet.Versalife Vault Access Card
It was in DE: The Fall
That's one thing that bothered me in this game as well as Halo. Ok fine you can say that these stories were officially released for the public to follow but at the same time less people played The Fall or read the Halo novels than people who played Human Revolution or Halo 3.
I get that you have to cater a bit to the fans who spend time on other extra stuff but you also don't have to do it so much that you confuse the people who didn't. Because at the end of the day this game isn't a sequel to The Fall and Halo 4 wasn't a sequel to the books but rather a follow-up of the previous mainline console entry.
Also The Fall was pretty shit.
Yes, during the Missing Link mission.
It was in DE: The Fall
That's one thing that bothered me in this game as well as Halo. Ok fine you can say that these stories were officially released for the public to follow but at the same time less people played The Fall or read the Halo novels than people who played Human Revolution or Halo 3.
I get that you have to cater a bit to the fans who spend time on other extra stuff but you also don't have to do it so much that you confuse the people who didn't. Because at the end of the day this game isn't a sequel to The Fall and Halo 4 wasn't a sequel to the books but rather a follow-up of the previous mainline console entry.
Also The Fall was pretty shit.
Edit: It was in Missing Link. Strange I forgot.
The Juggernaut Collective was also in the Icarus Effect book. But the book wasn't particularly great, and who reads video game novelizations anyway?
Ah, I only just started playing TML for the first time after I replayed HR last week. Didn't finish before MD released though so I missed the reference.
There's a vendor on top floor of the building you live in, check with him. You might also find it in TF29 headquarters lying around.Anyone know where you can buy/get a tranq rifle? I chose stun gun at the start but would love a tranq rifle as well.
Another little thing that I wish they'd put more effort into is 'presence'. Switching between cover and first person still feels abrupt and not consistent where my mind thinks Jensen is.
Also still no physical hands when interacting with doors or items on the ground or touchpads or anything. Hovering stuff was fine when half life 2 came out. not so much now imo.
Definitely didn't help that i was playing Wolfenstein New Order recently. MachineGames/StarBreeze folks are masters getting the 'feel' right for fps.
Can you imagine how annoying it would be to see a pick up and open animation for everything in a long game like this? Wolfenstein didn't let you pick up random things and open stuff it didn't do pick up animations for weapons, armour and health packs either, so it had little stuff to animate in the first place.
Can you imagine how annoying it would be to see a pick up and open animation for everything in a long game like this? Wolfenstein didn't let you pick up random things and open stuff it didn't do pick up animations for weapons, armour and health packs either, so it had little stuff to animate in the first place.Another little thing that I wish they'd put more effort into is 'presence'. Switching between cover and first person still feels abrupt and not consistent where my mind thinks Jensen is.
Also still no physical hands when interacting with doors or items on the ground or touchpads or anything. Hovering stuff was fine when half life 2 came out. not so much now imo.
Definitely didn't help that i was playing Wolfenstein New Order recently. MachineGames/StarBreeze folks are masters getting the 'feel' right for fps.
breach mode is still straight up broken for me on PS4
every time he puts on the VR helmet it always locks the game up
Anyone know where you can buy/get a tranq rifle? I chose stun gun at the start but would love a tranq rifle as well.
Hey guys, a couple of early game, first hub world, questions:
I just flew from Praha to the next city, I believe it was called Golem City. Did I just totally miss out on going to investigate the David Seriff side quest? Or will I be able to travel back to Praha and do that later?
There's a vendor on top floor of the building you live in, check with him. You might also find it in TF29 headquarters lying around.
If you talked to him already he calls you with new info once you get back to Prag.
He's hunting down the Illuminati. He has intel from Alex's organisation that they have infiltrated the Task Force so that's why he joined. He is essentially undercover.
It's pretty much exactly what I would have expected of Adam after HR- I figured that he would be investigating the Illuminati and that's exactly what this is.
He has basically become Paul Denton
I did share your misgivings during the Dubai mission but the first moments of Prague cleared all of that for me.
Uh that information dump would of explained why Jensen is with TF29. lol
Put him to sleep and steal his shit from locker.Man, that vendor got pissed at me when I took all his beer. Kicked me out and now I'm no longer welcome.![]()
It's not that Jensen's situation is not explained, it's that there's no buy-in to make me care about any of this stuff. The Jensen of HR was a corporate lapdog who forged grudging bonds with his colleagues. To be told that, after the aftermath of the first game's events, he basically dropped contact with all of them to go play hero elsewhere in the world is somewhat jarring. He doesn't have a personal vendetta against the Illuminati--even the ex he thought was dead is fine--so to uproot himself in the name of global altruism doesn't really follow.
Silly question, on the PS4 and am having sound issues. I can't hear when somebody speaks to Jensen, any ideas?
It's not that Jensen's situation is not explained, it's that there's no buy-in to make me care about any of this stuff. The Jensen of HR was a corporate lapdog who forged grudging bonds with his colleagues. To be told that, after the aftermath of the first game's events, he basically dropped contact with all of them to go play hero elsewhere in the world is somewhat jarring. He doesn't have a personal vendetta against the Illuminati--even the ex he thought was dead is fine--so to uproot himself in the name of global altruism doesn't really follow.
There's also the fact that if you go speak to Sarif at the end of HR you can see Jensen doesn't give much of a fuck about him, but he does give a fuck when it comes to the illuminati. Which is why his reaction to Sarif at start of MD is in line with his character.The only colleagues in HR that he would be on reasonably good terms with is Pritchert. Maybe Sarif but that's stretching it. And both are well accounted for in MD.
Well there's Malik to but that's obviously a different situation.
And of course he has a vendetta- the attack that nearly killed him was linked to their schemes.
The voices come through the speaker on the dual shock controller. Is there a setting you've turned off for that, maybe?
Kurva ! A BH847 ?If you're not using subtitles I recommend turning them on. It'll translate what people say in Czech.
You can also choose to have it come out of your TV speakers instead.Thanks! I have my sound on zero by default! All sorted now
Thanks! I have my sound on zero by default! All sorted now
There's also the fact that if you go speak to Sarif at the end of HR you can see Jensen doesn't give much of a fuck about him, but he does give a fuck when it comes to the illuminati. Which is why his reaction to Sarif at start of MD is in line with his character.
He also would have had a fall out with Megan, after their conversation in the white room. Malik, I guess is dead canonically unless she shows up later in DLC sequel. Plus Jensen also spends a yesr unconscious and wakes up with an amnesia.
You'll find out stuff in the game that will explain a lot of things.
The only colleagues in HR that he would be on reasonably good terms with is Pritchert. Maybe Sarif but that's stretching it. And both are well accounted for in MD.
Well there's Malik to but that's obviously a different situation.
And of course he has a vendetta- the attack that nearly killed him was linked to their schemes.
Keep playing. There's more to the story that explains that and what happened to Jensen in the 2 years between games and why he joined the Collective.
This guyThe Juggernaut Collective was also in the Icarus Effect book. But the book wasn't particularly great, and who reads video game novelizations anyway?
She's alive. Jensen reminisces about her and toys with the idea of trying to find her in the new Black Light novel and in your apartment in the bedroom, there's a floor panel that can be opened with a care package and e-books from Pritchard and also one for Malek where it says the Collective is getting her passes in order so she can come to Europe to join Jensen.
Did you not have the conversation with Sarif at the end of HR? Also the fact that he involved in an experiment without his consent (not the augmentations as thatbwas in his clause).Why would he be estranged from Sarif? Jensen was doing his bidding for 90% of the first game, out of a combination of loyalty and gratitude for saving his life. Nothing about the ending changed that relationship; why would it be strained now?
The other big question mark is Megan--he learned his ex wasn't actually dead for the past few months, and he doesn't speak to her again after jetting off to the arctic to save the world?
I'm not saying he has no motivation to "do the right thing", but nothing about the Illuminati's schemes were personal in a way that would cause him to drop everything else.
Thanks, this is what I was looking for.
This guy![]()
To the left of the book store very early on in the game is a wall you can punch through. There's a tranq rifle and battle rifle in there.
There's a vendor on top floor of the building you live in, check with him. You might also find it in TF29 headquarters lying around.