So which HUD elements should I turn off?
I'm thinking:
- cover to cover line
- objective locators
- pickup outline
Any others?
I play basically HUD less but cover-to-cover aiming and cover input pop-up are two that i leave on...
I turned those off in DXHR where cover was often very... grid-like... it always lined up. but in DXMD, there is so much cover angled differently that it would be near impossible to effectively switch cover without the aiming lines... there can multiple pieces of cover close to one another, or 2 different sides of the same box, and by 'eyeballing' it you could end up switch to the wrong side of a box or something.
otherwise, i turn off everything except for the Energy and HP bars, which I have scaled down to just 5% of original size and set to Fade...
I considered hiding them too but since you cannot truly go HUDl-ess because you cannot hide the stance indicator (stand or crouch)... which is annoying... i decided to leave those on.
but otherwise, most of the HUD is off for me... all highlights (use Smart Vision). aiming reticle (just use laser sight or eyeball it). no mini-map. etc. ends up looking like this: (just the start of mission 1)
i also purposefully don't use the Marking aug (a la DXHR or MGS V) so that I don't get triangles everywhere, and I also hate how Smart Hacking puts that annoying pop-up in front of every single TV, car, etc. So even tho it's a super useful aug I decided not to use it

the pop-up is too annoying.